BYLAW - Amend 2213 78 (General) - 19880302 - 297288• ~.-. BY-LAW NUMBER 2972-88 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to amend By-law number 2213-78. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: 1) That Section 3.16 is hereby deleted and replaced by the following: .3.16 Building: means any structure, regardless of size, whether temporary or permanent, used or intended to be used for the shelter, accommodation or enclosure of persons, animals or chattels. 2) That Section 6.21.12 is hereby deleted and replaced by the following: 6.,1.12 Such home occupation uses may include but are not limited to ~ an artist's studio, dressmaking, lawyer, engineer, architect, accountant, real estate or insurance agent, and teaching and musical instruction studio when limited to a single pupil at a time. 3) That the heading "Type of Building" in Section 6.26.1 be changed to "Type of Use". 4) That Section 3.42.3 is hereby deleted and replaced by the following: 3.42.3 Dwelling, Converted means a dwelling existing at the time of the passing of this By-law altered to contain not more than four dwelling units, each being a self-contained dwelling unit none of which is located in a cellar or basement. 5) That Section 7.1 is hereby deleted and replaced by the following: 7.1 ATTACHED GARAGE SIDE YARD The following provisions shall apply in any Residential Zone, where a private garage having no rooms above, is attached to a single family detached dwelling, a duplex dwelling or a triplex dwelling. I 7 .1.1 7 .1. 2 7 .1.3 7 .1.4 - 2 - On the side where the garage is located, the minimum side yard between the wall of the garage and the side lot line shall be one (1) metre, and on the other side, the minimum side yard shall be the required side yard setbacks of the applicable zone for the particular use. In the case where a zone has less than a 1 metre side yard requirement, · the garage s ha 11 be situated in accordance with the prescribed side yard of that zone. In the case of the Rural Residential and Estate Residential Zone, the garage shall be situated in accordance with the prescribed side yard requirements of that zone. In no case will an attached garage be permitted to encroach on an exterior side yard of a corner lot. 6) That Section 6.2.2 be deleted and replaced by the following: 6.2.2 Location Except as otherwise provided herein, any accessory bui 1 ding or structure which is not part of the main building shall be erected to the rear of the required front yard and shall comply with the yard requirements of the zone in which such building or structure is situated with the exception of the rear yard which shall be minimum of one (1) metre. In the case of the Rural Residential Zone and the Estate Residential Zone an accessory building or structure shall not be located closer to a rear lot line than 4.5 metres. 7) That Section 21 is hereby amended by adding the following subsection: 21.2.4 Parking Location All parking areas are to be located in the rear yard of the lot. 8) That Section 6.26 be deleted and replaced by the following: 6.26 Parking Space Requirements The parking space requirements of this By-law shall apply in all cases wherever a lot or building is used or is converted for any use and unless stipulated elsewhere in this by-law, one ( 1) space having dimensions of 2. 7 metres by 5.3 metres except in the case of parallel parking spaces where the dimensions shall be 2.7 metres by 6.5 metres. 9) That - 3 - All spaces shall have adequate provisions for manoeuvring space or driveway purposes as follows: 90 degree spaces 7.4 metres 50 degree spaces 5.2 metres 45 degree spaces 4.2 metres Less than 45 degree spaces 3.6 metres. Section 22.1 is hereby amended by adding "automotive rental establishments" to the list of permitted uses. 10) That Section 3.68 be deleted and replaced by the following: 3.68 Loading Space 3.68.1 means an area whether interior or exterior to a building which is provided and maintained upon the same lot or lots upon which the principal use is located and which area; Is suitable for the temporary parking of one (1) commercial motor vehicle while merchandise or materials are being loaded or unloaded from such vehicle, and such parking shall not be for the purpose of sale or display; 3.68.2 Is not upon or partly upon any street, lane or alley, driveway or aisle; and 3.68.3 Has adequate access to permit ingress and egress of a commercial motor vehicle from a street by means of driveways, aisles, manoeuvring areas or similar areas. 3.68.4 All interior loading spaces are to have complimentary exterior spaces for vehicles awaiting entry to the interior space. 11) That Section 24.2.7 be deleted and replaced by the following: 24.2.7 Location All loading spaces and loading doors shall be located such that they do not face a public street except in the case of a corner lot. - 4 - 12) That Section 19.2 be deleted and replaced by the following: 19.2 Loading Space The owner or occupant of a lot, building or structure in a Commercial (C) Zone, including buildings or parts of buildings used for office commercial use, which involves the receiving, shipping, loading or unloading of goods, wares or merchandise, shall provide and maintain in a location suitable to the Municipality loading or unloading spaces nine (9) metres long, three decimal five (3.5) metres wide, and having a vertical clearance of at least four (4) metres in accordance with the following standards: 19.2.1 Total Commercial Floor Area of Building or Unit Contained Therein -300 square metres or less -300 square metres or more but less than 1,000 square metres -1,000 square metres or more but less than 2,500 square metres -2,500 square metres or more but less than 7,500 square metres -7,500 square metres or more 19.2.2. Total Office Floor Area of Building or Structure -1,000 square metres or less -1,000 square metres or more but less than 2,500 square metres -2,500 square metres or more but but less than 7,500 square metres -7,500 square metres or more 13) That Section 6.27.5 be deleted. Number of Loading Spaces Required 0 1 2 3 1 additional space for every 7,500 square metres or fractional part thereof. Number of Loading Spaces Required 0 1 2 1 additional space for every 7,500 square metres or fractional part thereof. - 5 - 14) That Section 6.31 be deleted and replaced by the following: 6.31 Buffer Strip 6.31.1 Wherever a lot is used for Commercial, Industrial, Institutional or Multiple Residential (more than 4 dwelling units per lot) and is adjacent to any Residential Zone, Holding Zone or residential use, a buffer strip in accordance with the following regulations is required. 6.31.2 Location The buffer strip be located adjacent to the entire length of the property line which abuts the zones or uses stated in Section 6.31 provided that: i) there be a 3 metre grassed strip containing an earth berm having a maximu~ slope of 3:1 where upon there is a 1.5 metre wide planting strip consisting of suitable trees and shrubs which are no less than 1.5 metres in height; or i i) there be a 1. 5 metre grassed strip containing a 1. 5 metre high solid wood fence; iii) in all cases where ingress and egress driveways or walkways extend through a planting strip, it shall be permissible to interrupt the strip within 1.5 metres of the edge of such walkway; iv) notwithstanding the provisions of Subsections i), ii) and iii), the Town may require the provision of such walls, fences, hedges, trees, shrubs or other suitable ground cover to provide for adequate landscaping of the 1 and or protection to adjoining 1 ands where a development agreement is entered into. 15) That Section 3 be amended by adding Section 3.108(i) as follows: 3.108(i) Retail, Ancilliary means an area of manufacturing or warehousing use which is devoted to the sale of goods to the general public which are either manufactured or warehoused on the site, provided that such area be no greater than 20% of the gross floor area of the building or unit in which the manufacturing use or warehouse is located. - 6 - 16) That Section 3.132 be deleted and replaced with the following: 3.132 Warehouse means a building where wares or goods are stored. 17) That "Ancilliary Retail Uses" be added as a permitted use to Section 25.1 and 26 .1. 18) That Section 25.4.1 be deleted and replaced by the following: 25.4.1 USES PERMITTED -business and profession a 1 offices, excluding medica 1 offices, -banks, restaurants and recreational facilities including arenas, curling rinks and private clubs, bowling alleys, swimming pools, banquet facilities, roller skating rink -ancilliary retail uses -any use permitted in Section 25.1 hereof. 19) That Section 21.2.3 be deleted and replaced by the following: 21.2.3 Building Specifications Gross Floor Area (maximum all buildings) Height of Building 1.5 times the lot area 28 metres 20) That Schedule 'A' is hereby amended by changing the zoning from Semi-Detached and Duplex Dwelling Third Density Residential (R3) Zone to Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential (R2) Zone as shown in hatching on Map 1 of Schedule 'A' attached hereto forming part of this By-law. 21) That Schedule 'A' is hereby amended by changing the zoning category from Major Open Space (0) Zone to Estate Residential (ER) Zone as shown in hatching on Map 2 of Schedule 'A' attached hereto forming part of this By-law. 22) That Schedule 'A' is hereby amended by changing the zoning from Estate Residential (ER) Zone to Rural General (RU) Zone as shown in hatching on Map 3 of Schedule 'A' attached hereto and forming part of this By-law. 23) That Section 29.4 .8 is hereby amended by changing the reference to "Map 1'' to "Map 5''. - 7 - 24) That Section 31.3.4 is hereby deleted and replaced with the following: 31.3.4 The lands shown zoned 0-4 Major Open Space Exception Zone (2902-87) may be used for a tennis club comprising the following: an indoor tennis and squash court building and clubhouse consisting of an area no greater than 5,500 square metres; 13 outdoor illuminated tennis courts; 4 outdoor non-illuminated tennis courts and swimming pool. Siting Specifications Front Yard 48 metres East Side Yard 57 metres West Side Yard 53 metres East Rear Yard 78 metres West Rear Yard 210 metres Lot Coverage 10 percent Height 10 metres Parking: The minimum number of parking spaces shall be 127. 25) That Section 3 be amended by adding the following as Section 3.145 Automotive Rental Establishment means a building or part of a building which may also include outside storage provided in accordance with Section 19.3 herein in which cars, trucks, and accessories are available for rent or lease. 26) That Section 3.92 is hereby amended by deleting the title Office Building and adding the title Business Office in its place. 27) No part of this By-law will come into force until the provisions of the Planning Act have been complied with, but subject to such provisions the By-law will take effect from the day of passing thereof. CLERK TOWN OF AURORA :THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK LOCATION: Lot 280 Registered Plan 475 t1AP 1 THIS IS SCHEDULE •~. 11 • TO BY-LAW N! - ~4~·. PAllED THIS DAY ~~==· "'" ~~LLsC MAYOR I 0 SCHEDULE '"A'"TO BY-LAWN~ ?-.0'\t}ll.-~~ TOWN OF AURORA THIS IS SCHEDULE "~' • . . . .THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK LOCATION: Lot 63 Registered Plan M-1582 -- k .• "' ·•"' I . . I I'[ ., . ,.., I J ~ -~:<:: .. · ·'·.'• --~:, ·en < ;: >' .. ~ '- ' r'· . '-- tJ_ I Rl~ . ~~ /Y\1\/ I 2~' ~~71 -li /II~ 'I l ..I I ., -{~0 1 '--.... _ f-/'~::> I ,...... t"' ·,... 1~ ~ L I I I • MAP 2 SCHEDULE .. A .. TO BY-LAW N~ ?.S'J'd..-SS --·------------ TOWINJ Or AlUIROIRA THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK LOCATION I ' .... · ' TO IY-LAW Nt ....._.........,~,.,..~ PASSED THIS ?ss:~;:?r<JAY OF ·~~. MAYOR ' 8t::OOMiNGTON ROAD M~~~ SCHEDULE ".Ar-'' TO BY· LAW N~ ~'12-5?2? PREPARED FOR THE TOWN OF AURORA BY THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK-PLANNING DEPARTMENT ! ... BEFORE A.B. BALL Member -and - S.R. COLE Member til ... _,.. Ontario Ontario Municipal Board Commission des affaires municipales de !'Ontario IN T~E MATTER OF.,,~~Ft.~.QO ,3,4,.9f,, the Planmng Act, 198j o~HJ ur 'i U.;';i i\ f\ ~!_'-~ "~' p·-~, :··..-.1 ~ .:: r· ····· AND IN THE MATTER OF ah\ta~~eH 6)Jcalwood Limited against Zoning By-1 aw 2972-!)8 of the Corporation of ~ T~tl~ 2f ~fio:o1 R 880222 Thursday, the 19th day of May, 1988 THE APPEAL having been withdrawn; THE BOARD ORDERS that the appea 1 against Zoning By-1 aw 2972-88 is hereby dismissed. ENTERED 0. B. No ...... .R.8.2..:::-... ! ...... , Folio No ............. ?..T. ............ . JUN 1 5 1988 )--:J_'(, ""' 11)-E~ · 0() 1 G I N A L 4~-h.,.,~, 'j;'t>"' {":, 0u € SECRETARY, ONT. MUNICIPAL BOARD