BYLAW - OPA #45 - 19870617 - 291087, ·~·v:. /---:- ·' Original ADOPTION BY-LAW FOR OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 45 BY-LAW NUMBER 2910-87 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora, under Section 17 (6) of the Planning Act, 1983, hereby enacts as follows: 1. Official Plan Amendment No. 45 for the Town of Aurora, consisting of the attached maps and explanatory text, is hereby adopted. 2. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of Official Plan Amendment No. 45 for the Town of Aurora. 3. This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of the final passage thereof. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS h ti DAY OF Cz'!27 · , 1987. 4ii?: ~vt~; CLERK READ A THIRD ANO FINAL TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS /7---z;£ DAY OF ~ '1987. c;!iYt:~~' Certified that the above enacted and/7passed by the on !o.L.LJ. /7 ~ is a true copy of By-law No. :l.tf;o-f/ as Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora ' 1987. AMENDMENT NO. 45 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE AURORA PLANNING AREA ------~---~·-'"-........ ~~~--------~·-·-···--'-·'--<....:,'-"'-<·-"'-•'•=='-~~"""-;,..=~~ ...... ,,,,,,,~,~-'''"'''<=""~"""""""~-b==·~'-'-;___.:_;__ . ..:_:_..___:_:_._,_, ____ ~ _____ .:..;:_:_,;..:__, _____ ~,·--·--- t <"•c•: Amendment Numbe~ 45 to the Official Plan fa~ the Town of Au~o~a This amendment to the Official Plan fa~ the Town of Au~o~a which has been adopted by the Council of the Co~po~ation of the Town of Au~o~a, is he~eby app~oved pu~suant to Sections 17 and 21 of the Planning Act, S.O. 1983, as Amendment No. 45 to the Official Plan fa~ the Town of Au~ora. Date: ~./.y./.tQ.. • ~-;;? L.J. Flncham Di~ecto~ Plans Administ~ation B~anch Central and Southwest Index AMENDMENT NO. 45 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA The Statement of Components PART I -THE PREAMBLE Purpose of the Amendment Location Basis of the Amendment PART II -THE AMENDMENT Introductory Statement Details of the Amendment Implementation and Interpretation Page 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 -1 - STATEMENT OF COMPONENTS PART I -THE PREAMBLE does not constitute part of this Amendment. PART II -THE AMENDMENT, consisting of the following text and maps (designated Schedule 'A') constitutes Amendment No. 45 to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora. - 2 - PART I -THE PREAMBLE Purpose of the Amendment The purpose of this amendment is to change the land use designation of the lands shown on Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this amendment from "Rural" to "Urban Separator" and "Suburban Residential". Location The 1 ands affected by this amendment are located in Part of Lot 85, Concession 1 W.Y.S. as shown on Schedule 'A' attached. Basis of the Amendment Council has enacted this amendment in response to the following: 1. The site is directly abutting to the south and east an existing or designated serviced area of the Town of Aurora which is bounded by St. John's Sideroad to the north and Bathurst Street to the west. 2. The proposed designations would complement the existing or designated densities of the lands abutting Bathurst Street in King Township and the north side of St. John's Sideroad. 3. The Ministry of Agriculture and Food would not object to the redesignation of the lands for serviced urban development based on the cone 1 us ions of a 1 and demand study prepared for the subje.ct 1 ands and their compliance to Foodland Guidelines. 4. A number of factors led the Ministry of Agriculture and Food to approve the proposed density of the site including: the proximity of the subject lands to the south and east, the proximity to the Rural designation of King Township to the west, the desire for large lots along St. John's Sideroad, and the desire to lessen the impact of the development on the woodlot on the site. 5. The development of the lands would ensure a continuous pattern of development and traffic flow with the lands to the east which are currently the subject of a plan of subdivision application. - 3 - PART II -THE AMENDMENT Introductory Statement All of this part of the document entitled PART 11· -The Amendment, consisting of the following text and attached map designated Schedule 'A' (Land Use Plan) constitutes amendment No. 45 to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora. Details of the Amendment "· The Official Plan of the Town of Aurora is hereby amended as follows: Item (1): The area indicated on Schedule 'A' attached hereto and forming part of this amendment is hereby redesignated from "Rural" to "Urban Separator" and "Suburban Residential". Item (2): Section 4.12 is hereby amended by deleting the last clause and adding the following: "The area along the south side of St. John's Sideroad designated Urban Separator may only be used for no more than 15 residential lots." Implementation and Interpretation The implementation and interpretation of this Amendment shall be in accordance with the respective policies of the Aurora Official Plan. . ' / REFERRED OMS N':' OPA N° REFERRED OMS NC:O 6 OPA N~ 27 / I I CONCESSION lrf-------- I YOTE T/115 mup ..,a,· .·omp1/8d ~rom ,;;rrected ;.;r 'JI ahotography md ~llauld not ae KOiea IW I LOT NUMBERING DIFFERS CONCESSION 'Ill ---+---~---------·-----+-11 --i'r-------·,1 ' lCD I"' i ---+--i I ! ., I !Ni I I I I I • ________ , I ,!] I I I --------+----~ I ' ' i rt) ! I INI I I I ----r-·-~ I Ni I I "'I ' ------: "' T" o' "'' I m! - "' -.. .... ., \ ... , I I I I "' I I I "' I I I I f\ ' ~...::;:;; f 'Y -......'I I/' 0 t' z I; 1- .. -------------jL-------~-----+------------------ IW CONCESSION IE CONCESSION -o; CONCESSION II CONCESSION Ill . ..J I AMENDMENT No. 45 LEGEND URBAN RESIDENTIAL SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL ESTATE RESIDENTIAL -COMMERCIAL ~ INDUSTRIAL I b?\IE4ihS I INSTITUTIONAL MAJOR OPEN SPACE RURAL t";~l 1---1 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ARE PLANNING AREA BOUNDARY AREA REFERRED TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD APPROVED IN FORM SHOWN BY ORDER NOTES' DATED MAY 24' 1979 I. THIS MAP MUST BE READ IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE TEXT OF THE INTERIM OFFICIAL PLAN 2. AREAS AND LOCATIONS OF MAJOR INSTITUTIONAL AND OPEN SPACE DESIGNATIONS WITHIN UNDEVELOPED AREAS ARE SYMBOLIC ONLY AND WILL BE DETERMINED IN A MORE PRECISE MANNER WHEN THE AREAS ARE DEVELOPED. URBAN SEPARATOR "OFFICE CONSOLIDATION" SCHEDULE A LAND USE PLAN INTERIM OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE AURORA PLANNING AREA SCALE " FH:T ,, 0 THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK PLANNING OEPARTMENl . ' ; ~ /OWN DF fl Ctf<oRA