BYLAW - Historical Designation 'Keepers House, Aurora Cemetery) - 19870304 - 289287/ ,, BY-LAW NUMBER 2892-87 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW TO DESIGNATE THE PROPERTY KNOWN MUNICIPALLY AS THE "KEEPER'S HOUSE, AURORA CEMETERY, R. R. # 2, AURORA AS BEING OF ARCHITECTURAL AND HISTORICAL VALUE OR INTEREST. WHEREAS Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, 1980 authorizes the Council of a muni ci pa 1 ity to enact by-1 aws to designate rea 1 property, including all buildings and structures thereon, to be of architectural or historic value or interest; and WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora has caused to be served on the owners of the 1 ands and premises known as the Keeper's House at the Aurora Cemetery, R. R. # 2, Aurora and upon the Ontario Heritage Foundation, notice of intention to so designate the aforesaid real property and has caused such notice of intention to be pub 1 i shed in a newspaper having general circulation in the municipality once for each of three consecutive weeks; WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: 1. There is designated as being of architectural and historical value or interest the rea 1 property known as the Keeper's House, Aurora Cemetery, R. R. #2, Aurora more particularly described in Schedule 'A' hereto; 2. The reasons for designation of the Keeper's House at Aurora Cemetery, R. R. #2, Aurora are described in Schedule 'B' hereto; 3. The municipal solicitor is hereby authorized to cause a copy of this by-1 aw to be registered against the property described in Schedule 'A' hereto in the proper land registry office; and 4. The Clerk is hereby authorized to cause a copy of this by-1 aw to be served on the owner of the aforesaid property and on the Ontario Heritage Foundation and to cause notice of the passing of this by-law to be published in a newspaper having general circulation in the municipality once for each of three consecutive weeks. T1+ ~ READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS (i? DAY OF (El!.r?ult/1-'( ' 1987. READ A THIRD AND FINAL TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS ;jt/( DAY ~ ~ ~ 1987. •, SCHEDULE "A" BY-LAW 2892-87 THE KEEPER'S HOUSE, AURORA CEMETERY, R.R. #2, AURORA All and Singular that certain parcel of land and premises situate lying and being in the Town of Aurora, in the Regional Municipality of York (formerly in the County of York), and being composed of Part of Lot 74 and 75, Concession 1, Whitchurch Township as registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of York. •, SCHEDULE "B" BY-LAW 2892-87 THE KEEPER'S HOUSE, AURORA CEMETERY, R. R. #2, AURORA REASONS FOR DESIGNATION The property known as the Keeper's House at the Aurora Cemetery is worthy of designation for architectural and historical reasons. The house was constructed in 1879 for the Aurora Cemetery Company to the designs of local builder Henry Harris. It stands at the entrance to a picturesque garden cemetery of the late Victorian period. The building is the only example of the picturesque Second Empire style elaborated to this extent in Aurora. The main body of the building is protected by a mansard roof with two cornices, one embellished with brackets and the other by dentils, marking the levels. Its bell-cast slope is pierced by three dormers, the central one elaborated with a wish bone gable with vergeboard and king post. The smaller dormers display applied wooden medallions and consoles. The principal entry is sheltered by a latticed porch. Surviving architectural drawings indicate that the two tails were part of the structure as built and part of the original trim (on the dentilled cornice and entry porch) has been removed. , . IJ Province of Ontano Document General Form 4 -Land Registration Reform Act, 1984 (1) Registry KJ Land Tilles 0 (2) Page 1 of 4 DYE & DURHAM CO LIMITE~, Form NO 985 D pages (3) Property Block Property 48321.9 ldentlfler(s) Nurnber Additional: See 0 Schedule CERTfFfCAITOFR£'GiSTRATflY (4) Nature of Document J/1 BY-LAW NO. 2892-87 · rqsa SEP 23 p 2: 3ffic'<1s):rc:;;;on=•,;;;;.de;;;;railitio;;;n:--------------------l YORK REGION~ No. 65 Dollarn $ NEWMARKET L (S' Description and Registrar ., New Property Identifiers Executions J I (8) This Document provides as follows: Additional: See 0 Schedule Additional: See Schedule 0 Parte. of Lot 7 4, Concession 1, Town of Aurora (formerly Whitchurch Township) Regional Municipality of York registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of York Region See Schedule "A" of By-law containing description of lands (7) This Document Contains: (a) Redescription New Easement Plan/Sketch 0 (b) Schedule for: Additional Description KJ Parties 0 Other [] !(·.=· Copy of By-law No. 2892-87 designating the property as being of architectural and historical value or interest under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, 1980, Chapter 337 is attached. I 1-··· (9) This Document relates to instrument number(s) (10) Party(ies) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) numerous THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA Continued on Schedule 0 Signature(s) Date of Signature Y M 0 : : ... by. ·1 i:s· .soi.i.c:i"tc:irs > ·s·TRATHY; . A.R..cli:i:il.Aio . & . sE:A:G~ ~;1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 1 ... ! ... ............................................. ~~J;:;~~············· ·····:···l··· .:•:.......................................... . ...... S!:ephen. R,. ClaJCke ...... 1.987. :12 .i<? ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ~--=-~-------------------------------------------L--~0 ' ,. ' ' (11) Address forService 50 Wellington Street West, Aurora, Ontario. (12) Party(ies) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) Signature(s) .... ' ............. ' ..................... ' .... . ,,,.,., (13) Address for Service (14) Municipal Address of Property The Keeper's House R.R. #2 (15) Document Prepared by: S R l k . . C ar e STRATHY,ARCHIBALD & SEAGRAM Barristers & Solicitors L4G 3L8 Date of Signature Y M 0 I~ FeesandTax -' 5 Registration Fee UJ (j) l AURORA, Ontario. Box 438,Commerce Court West TORONTO, Ontario. MSL 1J3 ~~~--------~-----------4 UJ {) ~lf------------~-------------4 ~IF========9==========~ f2 Total 50160 I ····.~ '' 1 ,_/ ~ <i- (1) .. "' "'· '§ (!) "' .. , ' BY-LAW NUMBER 2892-87 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW TO DESIGNATE THE PROPERTY KNOWN MUNICIPALLY AS THE II KEEPER Is HOUSE • AURORA CEMETERY • R. R. # 2, AURORA AS BEING OF ARCHITECTURAL AND HISTORICAL VALUE OR INTEREST. WHEREAS Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, 1980 authorizes the Council of a municipality to enact by-laws to designate real property, including all buildings and structures thereon, to be of architectural or historic value or interest; and WHEREAS the Counci 1 of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora has caused to be served on the owners of the 1 ands and premises known as the Keeper's House at the Aurora Cemetery, R. R. # 2, Aurora and upon the Ontario Heritage Foundation, notice of intention to so designate the aforesaid real property and has caused such notice of intention to be published in a newspaper having general circulation in the municipality once for each of three consecutive weeks; WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: 1. There is designated as being of architectural and historical value or interest the rea 1 property known as the Keeper's House, Aurora Cemetery, R. R. #2, Aurora more particularly described in Schedule 'A' hereto; 2. The reasons for designation of the Keeper's House at Aurora Cemetery, R. R. #2, Aurora are described in Schedule 'B' hereto; 3. The municipal solicitor is hereby authorized to cause a copy of this by-law to be registered against the property described in Schedule 'A' hereto in the proper land registry office; and 4. The Clerk is hereby authorized to cause a copy of this by-law to be served on the owner of the aforesaid property and on the Ontario Heritage Foundation and to cause notice of the passing of this by-law to be published in a newspaper having general circulation in the municipality once for each of three consecutive weeks. Tli READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS /'?J DAY OF fi;-73rtutt-;1.-'( '1987. ' READ A THIRD AND FINAL TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS .tjij{ DAY ~~A; cS-"'-eA': 1987. · .... SCHEDULE "A" BY-LAW 2892-87 THE KEEPER'S HOUSE, AURORA CEMETERY, R.R. #2, AURORA All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Aurora, in the Regional Municipality of York (formerly being in the Township of Whitchurch, County of York) containing by admeasurement four and one-fifth acres of land, more or less, being composed of a part of a part of the westerly part of Lot 74 in Concession 1, on the East side of Yonge Street, which said parcel of land is described as follows: Commencing at a point on the Easterly limit of Yonge Street at the distance of 1,618.32 feet Southerly from the Northwest angle of Lot 75; Thence Easterly at right angle to Yonge Street 462 feet; Thence Southerly parallel with Yonge Street 396 feet; Thence Westerly at right angle to Yonge Street 462 feet; Thence Northerly parallel along Yonge Street 396 feet to the place of beginning. Being all of the lands described in Instrument No. 252 Whitchurch. SCHEDULE "B" BY-LAW 2892-87 THE KEEPER'S HOUSE, AURORA CEMETERY, R. R. #2, AURORA REASONS FOR DESIGNATION The property known as the Keeper's House at the Aurora Cemetery is worthy of designation for architectural and historical reasons. The house was constructed in 1879 for the Aurora Cemetery Company to the designs of local builder Henry Harris. It stands at the entrance to a picturesque garden cemetery of the late Victorian period. The building is the only example of the picturesque Second Empire style elaborated to this extent in Aurora. The main body of the building is protected by a mansard roof with two cornices, one embe 11 i shed with brackets and the other by den til s, marking the levels. Its bell-cast slope is pierced by three dormers, the central one elaborated with a wish bone gable with vergeboard and king post. The smaller dormers display applied wooden medallions and consoles. The principal entry is sheltered by a latticed porch. Surviving architectural drawings indicate that the two tails were part of the structure as built and part of the original trim (on the dentilled cornice and entry porch) has been removed.