BYLAW - Amend 2855 86 - 19871118 - 295187BY-LAW NUMBER 2951-87 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A BY -LAW to amend By-1 aw 2855-86, a By-law to designate a site plan control area. WHEREAS the provisions of Section 40(2) of the Planning Act S.O. 1983 Chapter One provide that Council may by By-law designate the whole or any part of an area shown in an official plan as a proposed site plan control area, as a site plan control area; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Town of Aurora has enacted By-1 aw 2855-86 on the 16th day of June 1986 pursuant to the provision of said section; AND WHEREAS it is now deemed expedient to amend the provisions of By-1 aw 2855-86; NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That there shall be a new subsection (vii) added to the· provisions of By-law 2855-86 such section to read as follows: (vii) all ER-2 Zones 2. That the provision of this By-law shall come into force and be effective upon final passage thereof. rl READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS I y DAY OF • 1987. tl READ A THIRD AND FINAL TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS If DAY OF 1987. MAYOR