BYLAW - Amend 221378 (Hunters Phase 2) - 198870218 - 288987... BY-LAW NUMBER :2/?PI-P7 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A ZONING BY-LAW WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to amend By-law number 2213-78. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: I. That Section 9 is hereby amended by adding the fo'llowing as Section 9.6.4: ''Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 9.2.1, and 9.2.2., respecting Lot and Siting Specifications, the minimum lot area shall be 7,100 square metres, the minimum lot frontage shall be 41 metres and the minimum rear yard shall be 30 metres for the lands designated ER-3 on Schedule 'A' Map 1.'' 2. That the zoning category applying to the lands sh6wn in dark outline on Schedule 'A' attached hereto and forming part of this by-law is hereby amended from "RU -Rural General" to "ER-3 '.Estate Residential Exception". 3. No part of this By-law will come into force until the provisions of the Planning Act have been complied with, but subject to such provisions the By-law will take effect from the day of passing thereof. /~ A' READ' FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS _d:___6/(,y OFC\-,~CT< . 1987, READ A THIRD AND FINAL TIME AND FINALLy PASSED THIS I~ . DAY OF F6!s;1uA-(ly , 1987. c:;j2_q~ CLERK . ' TOWINJ OF AUJJIROIRA -THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK LocATioN, PT. LoTs 71 a 72 CONCESSION I WYS RU --. -· .. C-----------------"~--------------~---------·-··r THIS IS SCHEDUL E "!l_• I . TD BY-LAW N9 ,{f.f'l--.J.Z PASSED THIS J 'g DAY DF ct=7.1rtJArC'-f !9 n a. c?Jt~c--- "'"' 4~ MAYOR l -~ I ' ' AFFIDAVIT UNDER SECTION 34{20) OF THE PLANNING ACT t1983) I, Colleen E. Gowan, hereby certify that the notice for 8y-law 2889-87 of the Corporation . of the Town of Aurora, passed by ,the Counci 1 of the Corporation on the 18th. day of February , i 19~ was given in the manner and form and to the persons prescribed byi Ontario Regulation 404/83, made by the Lieutenant Governor-in-Council under subsection 17 of section 34 of The Planning Act {1983). I also certiry that the 35 day objection period expired on March 25, 1987 and to this date no notice of objection to the by-law has been filed by any person in the office of the Clerk. Dated this 24th day of ---=A::=p;,;:rc:i=.l _____ , 19 ~. CLERK