BYLAW - Amend 2213 78 (Beacon Hall) - 19870204 - 287386/ ') ., ' *.~. ~ "<(" • "'I ' J BY-LAW NUMBER 2873-86 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A ZONING BY-LAW WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to amend By-law Number 2213-78. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: 1. Section 31 is hereby amended by adding the following as Section 2. 31.3.3. "That lands shown zoned "0-3 -Major Open Space Exception" may be used for a golf course with accessory uses and buildings including a club house and parking for the club house provided that no buildings or structures are located within 60 metres of the northerly or southerly property boundaries as shown on Schedule 'F'. Section 9 is hereby amended by adding the following as Section 9.6.3 "Special Estate Residential -ER-2". i) USES PERMITTED The lands shown zoned "ER-2-Special Estate Residential" may be used for not more than 80 dwelling units comprising the following: Row House -60 dwelling units Apartment -20 dwelling units ii) Building Specifications Floor area (minimum) Each unit Row House -185 square metres Apartment -130 square metres Height (maximum) -10 metres iii) Siting Specifications 1: · No dwelling unit may be located on the subject property except within the areas shown on Schedule 'F' zoned ER-2 and defined by measurements between the "ER-2" area shown on Schedule 'F' and the property lines. - 2 - 3. That Schedule 'A' is hereby amended by changing the zoning categories applying to the lands shown in hatching on Schedule 'A' attached hereto and fermi ng part of the By-1 aw from "RU -Rura 1 Genera 1" to ''0-3 -Major Open Space Exception" and "ER-2 -Special Estate Residential" and ''I -Institutional'' as shown on Schedule 'F' attached hereto and forming part of this By-law. 4. That Schedule 'F' is hereby added to By-law 2213-78. 5. No part of this By-law shall come into force until the provisions of the Planning Act have been complied with but subject to such provisions the By-law will take effect from the day of passing thereof. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS _G__ DAY OF 0 CTO 6~«::. , 1986. READ A THIRD AND FINAL TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS~ DAY OF FE f.I.J.. L) A-fL {' ' 1987. Ontario Municipal Board '87 Commission des affaires municipales de !'Ontario JUN l9 1110:16 BEFORE P. M. BROOKS Vice-Chairman -and - R. D. M. OWEN Member IN THE MATTER OF Section 34 of the 'Planning Act, 1983 AND IN THE MATTER OF appeals by The Aurora Cemetery Company and G. Brian Coutts against Zoning By-law 2873-86 of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Tuesday, the 26th day of May, 1987 THESE APPEALS having been withdrawn; THE BOARD ORDERS that the appeals against By-law 2873-86 are hereby dismissed. SECRETARY /-3 ~ )--f )'+ u: :rOw IN! orr ~ u ~ o~ ffi\ THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK LOCATION I LOT 73, PT. LOTS 74,75 CONCESSION I EYS - ---·----~-------------··--·----~----------- THIS IS SCHEDULE ".it• TO BY-LAW N9 :Hf7?-JYp PASSED THIS __5/:1:{. DAY OF cz;r:t~ "'" 1~M MAYOR SCHEDULE II A II TO BY· LAW N~ 2873-86 II OW IN! (Q) f ~ lUJ ~ 6tr\(~ THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK LOCATION : LOT 73, PT LOTS 74,7-5 CONCESSION I EYS ±480ml 0-3 ~~ ±. 655m o4,..J..i 0-3 , VANDORF SIDE ROAD +B2om 158m J. C- .i THIS IS SCHEDULE "_{_" TO BY-LAW N9 :;ZI(Z:J-~ , PASSED THIS l.(JL' DA~' 'of: • rc:f?.Jtu N-1 19 P(_ , ~ !300m •I 0-3 I J-4 • :t 1950m-----------------------------...t l {-,, ~ J 'SCHEDULE ·~E_" TO BY-LAW N~ 2:673-:-86