BYLAW - Repeal 2534 82 - 19861217 - 288787BY-LAW NUMBER 2887-86 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF tE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW to repeal By-law No. 2534-82, a By-law to designate! a certain area as an improvem'ent are~ and to establish a Board of Management therefore. I WHEREAS the Muni ci pa 1 Co unci 1 of the Town of '!Aurora enacted By-1 aw 2534-82 on the 7th day of February, 1983, said By-law: having received the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board on the 7th day of January 1983; ' AND WHEREAS the provisions of By-law No. 253~-82 designated an area as an improvement area and established a Board of M~nagement for the area for the purposes set out in the said By-law; · AND WHEREAS the Co unci 1 of the Town of Aurora now deems it expedient to repeal By-law No. 2534-82; ' ' AND WHEREAS the provisions of Section 217(32)! of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 302, as amended, provides that a By-law designating an improvement area may be repealed to take e!ffect upon the 31st day of December in the year in which it is passed; ' NOW, THEREFORE, THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT Town of Aurora By-law No. 2534-$2 enacted the 7th day of February, 1983 be and is hereby repealed; !and 2. THAT the provisions of this By-1 aw sh~ 11 come into force and be effective upon the 31st day of December, 1986. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS /7 DAY OF ~car;pc:ff:_ , 1986. READ A THIRD AND FINAL TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS !7 DAY OFD8'<"4ftf~1986. M YOR