BYLAW - OPA #43 - 19860421 - 284186t.Jvr-~'-r 11 ;1./o)- ADOPTION BY -LAW FOR OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 43 BY -LAW NUMBER 2841-86 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora, under Section 17(6) of the Planning Act, 1983, hereby enacts as follows: I. Official Plan Amendment No. 43 for the Town of Aurora, consisting of the attached maps and explanatory text, is hereby adopted. 2. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing for approval of Official Plan Amendment No. 43 for the Town of Aurora. 3. This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of the final passage thereof. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 7th DAY OF _______ A_p_::~l_ __________ , 1986. ~~ ------/-{~IfK READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 21st DAY OF 1986 '~""""~-----------------~~-= CI.:ERK Certified that the above is a true copy of By-law No. enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of Aurora on April Zlst 1986. ----------------------' ~-- 2841-86 as t!le--fown of ---,., • ~ '"'~-/ ' / ( /,.,: .. , This Amendment to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora, which has been adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora, is hereby approved in accordance with Section 17 of the Planning Act, 1983 as Amendment No. 43 to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora. DATE: SIGNATURE: ·:.: -~-·-~--·-.--•-'·'·-·'·'··--~~-·-•----·-·~---••· -----~~~----~~~. ~. ~--~-. -·--"~-.-·-'¥=~=="~-.•~·-~~•'nO>~-~---~~----_;• :~·· •' • .. • .... •••••---···~"'"·~.:.:...; __ --··-·~·---~------•• '·., .... - ,.v .. , /' ( AMENDMENT NO. 43 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA Index The Statement of Components PART I -THE PREAMBLE Purpose of the Amendment Location Basis of the Amendment PART II -THE AMENDMENT Introductory Statement Details of the Amendment Implementation and Interpretation Page 1 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 ' -~--~--~---·~_.._;..,.;..,.;;.~~--·-·-·-------.....:.: ... :..~· _. __ ;._ __ ., .. ~.~·""=-~..;.~,,._ .. w,,:..,,~~"'"""'~=,~-'~~"'-~~0------·-:.C...:;.~_:. ... __ _:~ --'-----·-----·-'·---·"·;;,"'~·----~-····----------" AMENDMENT NO. 43 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE AURORA PLANNING AREA --------------------------- :-: • ''·v --------·-·------~--·~-··----'----·~----~---·-· ~ _ __,_:__-~_:__:_. ____ ~~~---·___,;=·==7;"""-""'"'",;,..;-~,,,.;~~=·"'""""'"'-==-~·"=~~~'"~---·--·--:~-'~---- / '· : - 1 - ~!~!g~g~!_QE_~Q~~Q~g~!~ PART I THE PREAMBLE does not constitute part of this Amendment. PART II THE AMENDMENT, consisting of the followng text and map (designated Schedule 'A'), constitutes Amendment No. 43 to the Official Plan of the Town of Aurora • '-<..~_e,' \,.~d· _./ < - 2 - PART I -THE PREAMBLE Purpose The purpose of this amendment is to change the land use designation of the lands shown on Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this amendment from "Comnercial" to "Urban Residential" and "Major Open Space" and to provide specific policies for the development of the urban residential area. Location The lands affected by this amendment are located in Part of Lots 58 and 59, Plan M-2034 as shown on Schedule "A". Basis of the Amendment Council has enacted this Amendment on the following basis: 1. The redesignation of the major part of the amendment area from Comnercial to Urban Residential will allow the subject property to be developed for 2 apartment buildings. One building will ·front on Yonge Street and the other on Golf Links Drive. The Official Plan in Section 8.B.l (d) sets out the criteria under which apartment buildings will be permitted (see Appendix "A"). The subject lands are considered to meet these locational criteria. 2. The part of the amendment area which is being redesignated to Major Open Space will continue to be used as an overflow parking area for the golf course. It is not Council's intention that this area will be used for any other purpose in the future as it will continue to be required for the parking purpose. 3. There is a very definite need for housing forms which provide an alternative to detached residential. The proposal which is the basis of this amendment is being enacted for 150 condominium apartment units. Only one other such facility exists within the comnunity and it contains under 40 units. The Official Plan in Section 4.4(b) specifically states that it is intended that a range of residential densities will be permitted to correspond with the range of incomes and lifestyles of the Town's residents. 4. Three formal public meetings have been held respecting the proposal as well as informal meetings with a residents' comnittee to establish a suitable style of building, and an acceptable height and density. It is intended that a specific amending by-law relating to the proposal considered at the most recent public meeting will be enacted. In that way should the proposal change from the present proposal, further public consultation will be required. ------· -• ---'~-v ..... ...-,,•,_,·.··~"""";o;-"M'··'-"•"·'•'""-' ·'·'·'·"'-~"-""'-··~-----· • ·~~><"' ···--.- \_ / - 3 - PART II -THE AMENDMENT -------------- INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT --------------------- All of this part of the document entitled Part II -The Amendment, consisting of the following text and attached map designated Schedule 'A' (Land Use Plan) consitutes Amendment No. 43 to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora. Q£IAILLQE_I!:!L~~£~Q~£~I The Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area is hereby amended as follows: Item (1) The area indica ted on Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this amendment is hereby redesignated from "Commercial" to "Urban Residential" and "Major Open Space". Item (2) The following clause is hereby added to the text of the Official Plan as Section 4.4.C(ix): Those parts of Lots 58 and 59, Plan M-2034 which are designated Urban Residential may be used for 2 apartment buildings having a total of 150 units provided the following requirements are met: a. The building adjacent to Yonge Street is no higher than 6 storeys and the building adjacent to Golf Links Drive is no higher than 7 storeys; b. The buildings are designed so as to reduce their impact on the adjacent streets; c. As much separation as is possible is provided between the buildings and nearby low density residential; and d. That the boundary areas be landscaped to provide as much privacy as possible for adjoining landowners. IMPLEMENTATION AND INTERPRETATION ------------------------------ The implementation and interpretation of this Amendment shall be in accordance with the respective policies of the Aurora Official Plan. , " ---------------..:..~--------------·~---_,_ __ _:_ __ ~~~::~:;.....-.· -··-,-c...:.-,=<;.,~-,,,;,,,;.,.;;.~ ... ~~,~~-~~~~---'--'--~----·--·---···-------·--·-----"'"~,.;; ... ~,.-~~-'-----~----··--- ·' ' x!l_v(!!?1z~fyltl~ H > \ __ ADOPTION BY -LAW FOR OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 43 BY-LAW NUMBER ,.,J8t/l-fC:, OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora, under Section 17(6) of the Planning Act, 1983, hereby enacts as follows: 1. Official Plan Amendment No. 43 for the Town of Aurora, consisting of the attached maps and explanatory text, is hereby adopted. 2. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing for approval of Official Plan Amendment No. 43 for the Town of Aurora. 3. This By-Jaw shall come into force and take effect on the day of the final passage thereof. READ A THIS ----7------DAY OF AND FINALLY PASSED THIS _,;g_[J.I DAY / ' 1986 :t;f~ \j\.IJI,<:I,.t.=\----- OF Certified that the above is a true copy of By-law No. -~.JL<I!.::J.' as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora on Ltf'..tC-( k ;}.. l s r-, 1986. ---------~-ci~~~ ~-~~~-~-·-----~-~-~-----~...:_~-·-~·--'-~'~~~~=,,~~,,~~'"'-"'·""'"~.&'J.W>~=oi....-i&~, ... ~.,. . ..,,"'"'"'~~--~--'_;_.::y---~-,-~---·-----------------~~----~------------- ,. This Amendment to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora, which has been adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora, is hereby approved in accordance with Section 17 of the Planning Act, 1983 as Amendment No. 43 to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora. DATE: SIGNATURE: ·:-: --------··--------'-~'-·-··--·---------~'-·--'--.:.~.--..:..:....~--'-'·-~-"~~· ~· ~--,:~~"'~""-""'"=-or='<"•'""'~=..,,~,.=·"-~·----.. ~~:... .. ~~-.. _·; __ :: __ _____: __ ~---~---~~'---~----... ·--------~----- >', AMENDMENT NO. 43 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA Index The Statement of Components PART I -THE PREAMBLE Purpose of the Amendment Location Basis of the Amendment PART II -THE AMENDMENT Introductory Statement Details of the Amendment Implementation and Interpretation Page 1 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 ----~ --~----~--~-·-~·-~·-'· <'o\'"''"'''''''•''-''''>:~,,:"•-"'<~,-;_,_;<-•i'-.'-.',_',,,;-:,o,:,"',___,:.~!;<~h<-''"' ---~--~~'-''" ----~"'-'-'M"' ___ ._ '"'-"-'Y'-•'•~«>>;'''"-<~> 0 o -'0•0 0~" ••••~M-A MA' 0 -•--•-"'" • ' • AMENDMENT NO. 43 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE AURORA PLANNING AREA --------------------------- • ----~ _ .. -------~~-------------------------~==-~=~~""=""'-'='-~''''"'''"'''''"""'"''''''"""==~-~-·-----------------~--___________ ____,_..::_:._ _____ --------------- ' . . " ', __ _ -1 - STATEMENT OF COMPONENTS PART I THE PREAMBLE does not constitute part of this Amendment. PART II THE AMENDMENT, consisting of the followng text and map (designated Schedule 'A'), constitutes Amendment No. 43 to the Official Plan of the Town of Aurora • C---~---C•C-"~.~--cc--cc-•-·-· c~• ~~' ·»-~,~-'*'''"'"'""""'"''"'''''"""'''''""""""~~,,;;,,,,,,,,,,;,~;=,..~---~~~-,_......:______,.:__~_: __ . ·---~·~-.~-~-" ______ ____:.C.:.i - 2 - PART I -THE PREAMBLE Purpose The purpose of this amendment is to change the land use designation of the lands shown on Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this amendment from "Commercial" to "Urban Residential" and "Major Open Space" and to provide specific policies for the development of the urban residential area. Location The lands affected by this amendment are located in Part of Lots 58 and 59, Plan M-2034 as shown on Schedule "A". Basis of the Amendment Council has enacted this Amendment on the following basis: 1. The redesignation of the major part of the amendment area from Commercial to Urban Residential will allow the subject property to be developed for 2 apartment buildings. One building will front on Yonge Street and the other on Golf Links Drive. The Official Plan in Section 8.B.l(d) sets out the criteria under which apartment buildings will be permitted (see Appendix "A"). The subject lands are considered to meet these locational criteria. 2. The part of the amendment area which is being redesignated to Major Open Space will continue to be used as an overflow parking area for the golf course. It is not Council's intention that this area will be used for any other purpose in the future as it will continue to be required for the parking purpose. 3. There is a very definite need for housing forms which provide an alternative to detached residential. The proposal which is the basis of this amendment is being enacted for 150 condominium apartment units. Only one other such facility exists within the community and it contains under 40 units. The Official Plan in Section 4.4(b) specifically states that it is intended that a range of residential densities will be permitted to correspond with the range of incomes and lifestyles of the Town's residents. 4. Three formal public meetings have been held respecting the proposal as well as informal meetings with a residents' committee to establish a suitable style of building, and an acceptable height and density. It is intended that a specific amending by-law relating to the proposal considered at the most recent public meeting will be enacted. In that way should the proposal change from the present proposal, further public consultation will be required. "--.,. ' -·-·------'~:.........--·----·-·--c-·-· .. -·-·-··----~-;,....,_~,~~"'~'-"-=•~"··~~-~...:.:.: . .'~---~'-·: __ , _______ ~-----·-__;_·~·~··-·---------·-----·--. ' ' .. ' -3. - PART II -THE AMENDMENT INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT ---------------------- All of this part of the document entitled Part II -The Amendment, consisting of the following text and attached map de signa ted Schedule 'A' (Land Use Plan) consitutes Amendment No. 43 to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora. DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT ------------------------ The Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area is hereby amended as follows: Item (I) The area indicated on Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this amendment is hereby redesignated from "Corrmercial" to "Urban Residential" and "Major Open Space". I tern (2) The following clause is hereby added to the text of the Official Plan as Section 4.4.C(ix): Those parts of Lots 5& and 59, Plan M-2034 which are designated Urban Residential may be used for 2 apartment buildings having a total of 150 units provided the following requirements are met: a. The building adjacent to Yonge Street is no higher than 6 storeys and the building adjacent to Golf Links Drive is no higher than 7 storeys; b. The buildings are designed so as to reduce their impact on the adjacent streets; c. As much separation as is possible is provided between the buildings and nearby low density residential; and d. That the boundary areas be landscaped to provide as much privacy as possible for adjoining landowners. IMPLEMENTATION AND INTERPRETATION --------------------------------- The implementation and interpretation of this Amendment shall be in accordance with the respective policies of the Aurora Official Plan. --~.-__ _, ' "'~'----~~•<•»<~~--,.~-M--• -~-•-· ' -------------,--·---~· .. ~···~•"-'•A;"<";.o,<,~;o:<C>;::,;Q~">;;.;:~;,;c.;;:.:,;u~_;;.;:~,:;,;.>;~?,-,;Q,X•;'i'>'i';;;qb'hV'~•'•'--'-'"'--'·<'·~"'~--·--•-·---' '' --• '··-'"•»v.--.-.•o ,.,.,-•'-"'...,.,>'"""''-'--''<-"·<'-'·~·-~-"~··-•-•~•~·----------- :-. :-: : j REFERRED OMS N~ 3 REFERRED .'-~ ~-Ja, OMS N~ OPA N~ 30 -~--/L REFERRED OMB N~ OPA N!' 27 CONCESSION ~ # NOTE This map was complied from corrected oenol pl!o!ogrophy and should not b"' ~,.,.,,,., IW CONCESSION IE CONCESSION II r··-7 OPA N? 14 \_ -,,- OPA N~ 29 LANDS > W2S ~~~ -~--~--~---. ·-or~-- CONCESSION Ill I I --IJi-----11 I I I ,/ I I I I \ I I ~ I I I I } I I I 1/ I /I ' It;;-_::(::_; I , y .__I j I~' ,/ "' "' "' "' "' "' . "' "' 0 "' "' I ~I I .. "' "' =I i ol AMENDMENT N~ 43 llm:m ::m:':m~ ~ LEGEND URBAN RESIDENTIAL SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL ESTATE RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL \F+<·:,A.B\INSTITUTIONAL MAJOR OPEN SPACE RURAL I I \---1 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION A PLANNING AREA BOUNDARY AREA REFERRED TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD APPROVED IN FORM SHOWN BY ORDEF NOTES DATED MAY 24, 1979 I 'HIS MAP MUST BE ~fAD IN CONJUNCTION WrTH T>-lt TEXT C"·F THf INTERIM I!FFI(tAL PLAN 2 AREAS AND Lfi(AToONS OF MAJOR INSTITUTIONAL ANO OPEN SPACE DESIGNATIONS WITHIN UNDEVEt_OPEO ARfAS ARE SYMBOLIC ONLY AND WILL BE .DETERMINED 1 N A MORE "RECtSE MANNER WHEN THE AREAS ARE DE'IfLOPEO 'OFFICE CONSOLIDATION' SCHEDULE A LAND USE PLAN INTERIM OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE AURORA PLANNING AREA t ·-,~ /·c ' X • ,,~ (i ,.,.rtairs Ontario ,al 87103123 ~ 777 Bay Street 14th Floor Toronto, Ontario M5G 2E5 The Attached Off ICIIIL PLAN AMENDMENT 042 IN THE TOwN OF AI!RORA • Submitted to Plans Administcation was A P P R 0 V ED 0 N 2 0 MARCH 1 9 ~ 7 973(08/86) K B RODGER CLERK TOWN Of AURORA 50 WELLINGTON STREET WEST AURORA ONTARIO Please Refer all Correspondence Related to this Submission to: KERRI VOUMVAKIS atttJM, Ri~;;;~P. 6 6 19-0P-0025042 I 0/tt <s. tf'1'-~,1Ju?J;::_t<-4nt"-1 ~. ~· I 0/1-1 0>--vYJM 't" _ c-SEt rt e"--,.;_T" A.IJ</1/h''J.., /. 2.. 17 L4G 3L8 19 AMENDMENT NO. 42 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE OP AURORA PLANNING AREA 0025 'S'l'O 3WJ '91d t'IO'G' '10 I.W1-8 '8019 '109 '9N3 S:.tl\\ 'Sli.J. '!'tOO 311.:! [l: 11V 9-/Jd~ l9. 031\/]Jj~ 1/HOHOV JO N,~Ol 042 -/. -.-,_,_ .. , .. ,~«. -"-•--~'-····-----· -----.-.· :--~----~:::~""·'~'--"~"'""~""-'·>i·>;~,~~{:i;-t;""¥<:<.,'"9:.0""im""-">lli7,'~iM<';<•~-"-'''"'•>"•'•~«-•~-·~:-~·····-" -~-----------"· -~-·--. -----·-· :::: --~~-•-•' ~--~--·-...._,_-~~'-'-·~~~~----~--·......;_~· ... ~.--' •'"'-•·-·~~-~---·-~-"'~=··~"-~""'"""""',;,.;...,;,~.;,,'='"~~~~--v-~-·-···_. --~~:.;....:.:...:.:....:_ __ ~--------~-·----------- Amendment No. 42 to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora This amendment to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora, which has been adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora is• hereby approved in accordance with section 21 of the Planning Act as Amendment No. 42 to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora. Date·~~')/?~/ ~~ L.J. finchaa Director Plana Adminiatration Branch Central and Southweat