BYLAW - OPA #42 - 19860407 - 284086; I I I I ~ -.--· ADOPTION BY-LAW FOR OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 42 BY-LAW NUMBER c:J~ 'fo ~ f>-6. OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora, under Section 17(6) of the Planning Act, 1983, hereby enacts as follows: 1. Official Plan Amendment No. 42 for the Town of Aurora, consisting, of the attached maps and explanatory text, is hereby adopted. 2. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing for approval of Official Plan Amendment No. 42 for the Town of Aurora. 3. This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of the final passage thereof. ----~-----DAY OF ------~----' 1986. ----------MA-Y-6R------------------1:-LE-RJK----------- READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 1986 ------------------' DAY OF --------1d~YOR----------------------CLER_K _____________ _ Certified that the above is a true copy of By-law No. -------as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora on 1986. ---------------------' . .. ----------CLERK----------------~;· ' tJ ;--~ .-~::: ·;·:c: Jnd r·~-;, · .i·_ .:,; (<-~. /lo(J&E/(. s :.::: ., -:.' :::.,: .. , _. -·-_} -~j;;.~ :~3y; qf A.)., lJ A Ccm;.a~ssi~{1er &c;. PART I -THE PREAMBLE Purpose of the bl!)endme_!l! The purpose of this amendment is to change the land use designation of the lands shown on Schedule 'A' attached, from "Rural" to "Urban Residential", "Suburban Residential" and "Major Open Space". Location The lands affected by this redesignation are located in Part of Lot 79, Concession I, WYS, Town of Aurora, as shown on Schedule 'A', attached. ~asis of the Amendment The lands affected by this amendment are presently designated "Rural" on Schedule 'A' of the Official Plan. They were part of the study area of the Aurora West Secondary Plan which evaluated land use, population, servicing, transportation and environmental aspects of Aurora West. The Aurora West Secondary Plan recommended three designations for the subject lands: 1. "Urban Residential" was recommended for the majority of the central part of the amendment area; 2. "Major Open Space" was recommended for the eastern part of the amendment area to reflect the floodplain area; and 3. "Suburban Residential" was recommended along the Bathurst Street frontage to provide an area of transition between the rural uses in King Township and the urban uses of Aurora. The Ontario Municipal Board dealt with the Aurora West Secondary Plan insofar as the issues which had been referred to the Board in connection with the Official Plan. The residual lands, which included the area which is subject of this amendment, were left designated "Rural". Although it. has always been Council's intention that these lands would eventually be developed at urban and suburban residential densities, this intent was not implemented because no development applications had been received for these lands. Subdivision applications have now been submitted to the Town on three of the subject properties, constituting approximately half of the amendment area. This amendment designates the lands similarly to what had been proposed in the Aurora West Secondary Plan except that the area of proposed suburban residential development is. somewhat narrower than what was originally prescribed. The proposed depth of the suburban designation is, however, consistent with that which was approved in the subdivision to the north of these lands in Official Plan Amendment No. 30. The appendix attached to this amendment as Part Ill, details the population allotment for the amenchlent area as it was proposed in the Aurora West Secondary Plan and shows that higher densities than originally proposed can be accorrrnodated in this area. · i i PART II -THE AMENDMENT Introductory Statement All of this part of the document entitled Part II -The Amendment, consisting of the following text and attached map de signa ted Schedule 1 A 1 (Land Use Plan) constitutes Amendment No. 42 to the Official Plan of the Town of Aurora. Details of the Amen~ent The Official Plan of the Town of Aurora is hereby amended as follows: The area indicated on the attached hereby redesignated from "Rural" Residential" and "Major Open Space". Implementation and Interpretation Schedule 'A' of the Official Plan is to "Urban Residential", "Suburban The implementation and interpretation of this Amendment shall be in accordance with the respective policies of the Aurora Official Plan • • ; . ' PART Ill -THE APPENDIX The Aurora West Secondary Plan divided Aurora West into three residential planning areas. The following table, taken from that plan, describes the three residential areas, their sizes and their planned populations. A. B. J&esidential Area TABLE 1 Approximate ( 1 ) Area in Hec. North of Wellington St. W. South of Lot 8S, Con.l, WYS. -Urban Residential -Suburban Residential Subtotal North of Lot 78, Con.l, WYS. (Golf Course) and South of Wellington St. W. -Urban Residential -Suburban Residential Subtotal 92 50 142 41 2S 66 Approximate<2 > Population 4,950 750 --- 5,700 2,200 300 --- 2,500 C. South of Aurora Highlands Golf Course and North of Henderson Street -Urban Residential -Suburban Residential Subtotal TOTAL AURORA WEST -Urban· Residential -Suburban Residential GRAND TOTAL 9 470 32 380 41 850 142 7,620 107 1,430 249 9,050 (1) Includes residential uses, local streets, collector roads; excludes institutional and comnercial uses, parks and walkways, open space lands, reservoir and arterial roads. (2) Assumes average 3.4 persons per dwelling unit. The area subject of this amendment falls within Area 'B' as it is described above. :.;•· • The following two tables give a breakdown of the developments which comprise Residential Areas 'A' and 'C' of the Aurora West Secondary Plan. Subdivision Lakeview I Lakeview II Wirnpey Lakeview Yonge-Aurora I Lakeview Yonge-Aurora II Southold I Southold II Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church Rotondo 430643 Ontario Ltd. Grover Others Total TABLE 2 Aurora West Residential Area 'A' Status registered draft approved registered registered draft approved registered draft approved draft approved received received received existing No. of Units 236 48 326 106 120 153 191 10 60 35 10 --~ 1,300 units Approximate" Population 802 163 1,108 360 408 .520 649 34 204 119 34 17 4,420 persons " Asstming an average of 3.4 persons per dwelling unit. Subdivision Corridor I Corridor II Avery & Boland Rupert Others Total TABLE 3 Aurora West Residential Area 'C' No. of Approximate* Status Units Population registered 102 347 received 120 408 received 28 9.5 existing 3 10 existing 3 _10 2.56 870 units persons * Assuming an average of 3.4 persons per dwelling unit. The development of Area 'B' has also progressed to some degree, with the two largest land holdings having draft approval. Table 4 shows the draft approved development in Residential Area 'B', and the existing, developed areas not included in this amendment. TABLE 4 Draft Approved & Existing Development Residential Area 'B' No. of Approximate* Subdivision !,!nits Population Existing lots, south of Wellington 10 34 Heron Homes 106 360 Andy Investments 16.5 .561 Total 281 9.5.5 units persons * Assuming an average of 3.4 persons per dwelling unit. ···,~ ·' Within the amendment area there are six land holdings of sufficient size to be developed at urban and suburban residential densities, in addition to two pockets of existing development. Three of the larger land owners have submitted draft plans of subdivision and one other is anticipated in the near future. Table S describes the amendment area in more detail. TABLE S Lands within Amendment Area Approximate Proposed or Approximate * Q~!!lli Area (ha) Existing Units Population Erikam Invest. Inc. 4 46 1S6 Graham, Tarkalas, DiPede 1.88 31 lOS Knole Farms 12.20S 138 469 McKay 4 (*)12 41 . Smith 4 (*)4S 1S3 Turner 4 Lots along north side (*)4S 1S3 of Kennedy east of Graham et al. 1.13 3 10 Lots on east part of Kennedy within amendment area. 3.24 --~ 17 Total 34.46 32S 1,10S * Asslming an average of 3.4 persons per dwelling unit. (*} No submissions have been received on these properties -figures are approximate based on "Suburban" density for McKay and "Urban" for Smith and Turner properties. Tables 4 and S combined give a resultant population of 2,060 persons for the entire Residential Area 'B'. Table 6 compares the planned populations of the three residential areas defined in the Aurora West Plan with the actual development which has occurred in those areas. :·: TABLE 6 Comparison of Aurora West Planned Populations With Existing and/or Proposed Populations Existing and/or Residential Area Planned Proposed ---- "A" 5,700 4,420 "B" 2,500 2,060 "C'' __ 850 _870 9,050 7,350 persons persons Both residential areas "A" and "B" have fallen considerably short of the populations originally envisioned in the Aurora West Secondary Plan. When it was realized that the planned population would not be achieved, part of the population allotment for Aurora West was transferred to permit the development of the Iona Corporation subdivision south of Henderson Drive. Iona's development consists of 379 units which will house an approximate population of 1,289 persons based on 3.4 persons per dwelling unit. Revision of the figures to include Iona Corporation in the population allotment for· Aurora West brings the existing or proposed population to· 8,639 persons (7 ,350 persons from Table 6 plus. 1,289 persons in Iona). There still remains a balance of 411 persons to complete the planned population figure of 9,050 persons proposed in the Aurora West Secondary Plan. It appears there are a number of options for filling this balance of population. One is to increase density in one of the remaining areas not yet developed. Another would be to reallocate this population yet again, to a new area and permit the development of an additional 120 -units elsewhere in the municipality. . ,. ' : ! / i < I I { ! Appendix Area North of Wellington -RESIDENTIAL AREA "A" Population Area (ha) ~nits @ 3.4 ppdn. Lakeview (High City) 43 284 966 Wimpey 43 326 1,108 Lakeview ·(Three Seasons) 20 226 768 Salpam (Southold) 36 344 1,170 Christ Evangelical 4 10 34 430643 Ontario (Kelnor) .5 3.5 119 Rotondo .5 60 204 Grover 2.3 10 34 Others existing .5 17 ------- Totals 1,300 4,420 units persons . Area North of Henderson -RESIDENTIAL AREA ·ncu Area Population (net ha) Units @ 3.4 ppdn. Corridor 29 42 7.5.5 Avery c5c Boland 9 28 9.5 Rupert 4 3 10 Others existing 10 2.56 870 units persons RESIDENTIAL AREA "B" Aurora West 2° Plan -area between golf course and Wellington West Urban Res. Suburban Totals . Areas Population 41 2.5 66 (ha) net @ 3.4 ppdn. 2,200 -300 2,,00 persons ·.: • Suburban Urban Parks/0.5. Roads Totals ANDY ---- Urban Parks/0.5. Roads Totals Kennedy Extension (Proposals) Erikam (Vanderburg) G raham/Tarkalas/ DiPede Knole Farms McKay Smith Turner Totals Existing Population I. 2. 3. north of Andy along Wellington east part of Kennedy south of Graham et al Totals Units II 9.5 16.5 Area (ha) 4 1.88 12.20.5 4 4 __!L __ 30.08.5 ha/gross 10 .5 2 18 units t!!!!(ha) 2.23 10 • .57 1.3 2.46 16 • .56 gross 1.5.26 net Population @ 3.4 ppdn. 37.4 323.0 ------ 360 persons Area (ha) Population @ 3.4 ppdn. 10.929 6 • .52 3.24 20.689 gross 14.169 net 46 31 138 "12 "4.5 "4.5 317 units Population 34 17 10 61 persons .561 .561 persons Population @ 3.4 ppdn. 1.56 10.5 469 *41 *1.53 *1.53 1,077 persons Area (ha) 2.48 lf.8 .!& 8.1fl hectares ... Heron & Andy = 921 persons 29.429 net ha Aurora West Secondary Plan = 2,500 persons 66 net ha Balance = 1 ,,79 persons 36.571 net ha Kennedy Ext. & E)!isting dvpt. I, 138 persons 38.49' ha -'% parkland = 36.,70 net ha difference in population = 441 persons. · CONCESSION IW COMC[SSI(----·-.--l CONC[SIION··-jj··--·-·coiici:ssioN Ill -r- ( J ! ' J I i ..... ,. ... P.1 j ~ _. ..... 10 ' " 'f!• .,.,,. l ,-![11M A/Ill Nfl. ' s ~ -~-~ ~ t ' ' i i i ·.j l -:-1· :.-! ' ·I ·,t [/ :-;,1 ' 1 :·i I , , .... ___ ..__.,._ .• ............ _.._..., ...... --~-~f!~~!SION IW CONCESSION ------ ~ ~ ' .:.!: --~------ II -----~: ,! I • " L---#== ; I • " 0 ........ . ·-··If" I• . ..• -~ -·· IE CONCESSION " .f/ f/ ' ' {:' ·I ., ' I I .. ·n··-· ··"· ' ,· 1 : II ·I \ \ ·' .. ··l \/ /•1· .. I 1 I .; ; \ I II I I' 'I ;. : f I ,.,_., ',. ' .1 ·-~ .. ,"; .......... A.~.' ,· I ., ,, ~-· ~-[ SS !0.~-__ .!_II_ " • "I =I " "I ' "I :j • I ~I .. ., I I !I •I • " o. • .. -~ " ./40MENT N! "42 c=J c::::J IHJ c:J LEGEND Ult8AN IIIESIOINTIAl SuetlltBAN RISIOINTIAI. ISTATI IU:SIOINTIAL COMMf .. CIAl ~INDUSTRIAL ['!._; 2 D INSTITUTIONAl c::J ~~~~RSPACl RURAL CJ CJ c:J lNV-NTAL PROTICTION ·, P'LANNING Altf A 80UNOAIIt't -ARIA llllftfRMO TO T.. ' ONTARtO MUMC..-.L 80MO ,: A~EO IN FORM SHOWN BY DIIOf, ..,, .. ,, DATED MAY 2•. t979 I •.. .. ... .. . .. ., . .,, . . ....... . ... . •.. . .. ' .. . . .... .... ... . ... .. . .. ;_··.·. !.~' -~·-·i ......... ·: .. ~ ~-.. : .··::: OfFtCf CONSOliDA,I(I'f SCHEOULI A LAND USE PLAN INTUtiM OHICIAL PlAN u• TMf AURORA PLANNING Afl(A 1'4f •IG~I '-'~-"'•••'• o• •••••••-o'lr'f-' . -' - t~ -------~-. - r -+----"'- f- ~ .-- ~--~" -:r-----~ CONCESSION . REFERRED OMB N~ REFERRED OMS. N~ OPA N~ 30•------/L -OPA N~:27 I Jrl-----~ -~ NOTE Tl!is mop was _compiled !rOm corrected oenal IW IE ~ C.ONCESSI-o'N II -·----:: __ -_ -. .l_~~_---___ , __ .:.:. __ ~--~_. --·---~--~ __ -_-_.--_ -__ -__ --•. _ ~_:_•------~-• _-__ -.. . : . -. . ' . £(-~ . ·+·-:-r::~'" . ---~·. ' ':"> -~ ·. ._--,.-: ·::_ -..... C 0 NCESS ION ~ f{ OPA N~ 29-_ Ai:li:J:"I"TI:-n BY T/:1($ AMENDMENT. ·~---·····--j.f-----. ·-· -·- OPA N~ 14 '"-,"-. " ' L_ 1---··----'~ .. ·""· ·caNcE:ssiON . . I I · ·. I I ----~~_...:.:.,' -~-- I I I \ .I I I. I I I I I I I I I I CD ·I f. N "'· N .... N "' N N N ~ r.· 0 N "' ., ... "' "' ... "' N, _, _: d ·z, AME-NDMENT N! 43 LEGEND I' : r:J. uRaP,iN RESIDENTIAL ~~~~~j¥71 ,SUBLJRBAN RESIDENTIAL, .. ~---.. ·ESTATE RESIDENTIAL. . --CO~MERCIAL -~-INDLJSTRIAL I ©•Wlfffi'Jij !INSTITUTIONAL ::., . _ ... f -~RURAL_.-. l ' I ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIO~ A ''"""""---~.PLANNING AREA aoUNDARY ---AREA' REFERRED TOTHE • .· -_-· • .. -•.. _· . ONTARIO MLJNICIPA.L. BOARD APPRQVED IN FORM SHOWN BY QROEI . NOTES .. DATED MAY 24, 1~79 . ·_.I ;HI:S MAP. MUST BE -~E_AO IN Go.Njl;NCTro'N wi_iH-:- .'THE TEXT OF THE INTERIM OF,FICIAL-PLAN .. 2 ARE,II.S AND l-OCATIONS OF -i.JAJ0_R· iNSH"ftJ)'lONAL · AND OP,EN SP~CE DESIGNATIONS W1.THJN UNDEVE-LOPED. AflfAS .:ARE-SYMBOLIC ONLY 'AND WfLL-'BE QE.TERMfNED ~NE:el~~~~ PRECISE MANNER W,HEN-. T.t!E ARE_AS AR~ "OFFICE CONSOLIDAiiON" SCHEDUlE A LAND .. USE PLAN -INTERIM OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE _AURORA PLANNING AREA ,~~-·. ·.u, ··oo~ ; ~~c . >oc·~