BYLAW - Multi stop at Multiple Intersections - 19861117 - 287686\ ·-,~ '··"···~ ~ BY-IAW NO. 2876-86 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A BY-IAW tm;designate multiple stop intersections at Mark and Spruce Streets and Odin Crescent and Spruce Street· in the Town of Aurora. WHEREAS the provisions of Section 117 of the Highway Traffic, R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 198, as amended, permit Council to erect stop signs at the inter- sections of highways under its jurisdiction; AND WHEREAS the provis.ions of Section 76(1) of the Regional Municipality of York Act R.S.O. 1980 Chapter 443, as amended, requires the approval of By-laws to regulate traffic by Regional Council; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Tbwn of Aurora deems if expedient to designate multiple stop intersections at certain intersections within the Town of Aurora; NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: l. THAT the following intersection shall have stop signs erected in accordance with the prescribed regulations: INTERSECTION Mark Street and Spruce Street Mark Street and Spruce Street Mark Street and Spruce Street Mark Street and Spruce Street FACING TRAFFIC Southbound on Spr>uce Street Northbound on Spruce Street Eastbound on Mark Street Westbound on Mark Street 2. THAT the following intersection shall have stop signs erected in accordance with the prescribed regulations: INTERSECTION FACING TRAFFIC Spruce Street and Southbound on Spruce Odin ~escent Street Spruce Street and Northbound on Spruce Odin Crescent Street Spruce Street and Westbound on Odin Odin~Crescent ~escent :·, 3 . THAT the provisions of this By-law shall not become effective until final passage thereof, until same are approved by the Regional Municipality of York and until proper signs have been erected and are on display. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS ~ READ A 'IHIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 1986. MAYOR DAY OF }~1986. I 7 ~ DAY oF 1f ~ftu -• .. '·.-~ . BY-IAW NO. 2876-86 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A BY-IAW to .. designate multiple stop intersections at Mark and Spruce Streets and Odin Crescent and Spruce Street in the Town of Aurora. WHEREAS the provisions of Section 117 of the Highway Traffic R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 198, as amended, .permit Council to erect stop signs at the inter- sections of highways under its jurisdiction; AND WHEREAS the provisions of Section 76(1) of the Regional Municipality of York Act R.S.O. 1980 Chapter 443, as amended, requires the approval of By-laws to regulate traffic by Regional Council; AND WHEREAS the Council of the 1bwn of Aurora deems if expedient to designate multiple stop intersections at certain intersections within the Town of Aurora; NOW 'IHEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: l. THAT the following intersection shall have stop signs erected in accordance with the prescribed regulations : INTERSECTION FACING TRAFFIC Mark Street and Southbound on Spruce Spruce Street Street Mark Street and Northbound on Spruce Spruce Street Street Mark Street and Eastbound on Mark Spruce Street Street M3rk Street and Westbound on Mark Spruce Street Street 2 . THAT the following intersection shall have stop signs erected in accordance with the prescribed regulations: INTERSECTION Spruce Street and Odin Cr>escent Spruce Street and Odin Crescent Spruce Street and Odin·Crescent FACING TRAFFIC Southbound on Spruce Street Northbound on Spruce Street Westbound on Odin Cr>escerrt . ~- ,· ·~ . 3. THAT the provisions of this By-law shall not become effective until final passage thereof, until same are approved by the Regional Mtmicipality of York and until proper signs have been erected and are on display. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS ~ READ A THIRD TIME . AND. FINALLY PASSED THIS 1986. MAYOR \ I, Lawrence Allison, Deputy Clerk for the Corporation of the Town of Aurora certifies this to be a true copy of By-law 2876-86 duly passed by the Council of the said Corporation on November 17th, 1986. Date: November 20th, 1986 "'"''' -~ -~~~ Auttlofllac! by Re!)C'!ft No. . I (_I ) of the Engineering Committee adopted by the Council of The Regional Municipality of York on the /5 +h day of '.