BYLAW - Numbering of Buildings - 19860421 - 283986.. i. BY-LAW NO. 023,3~-86 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING a by-law to provide Municipal Numbers on part of Kennedy Street West in The Town of Aurora. WHEREAS Section 210(106) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O., 1980, as amended, permits Council to pass along any highway, or any other property within the Municipality; AND WHEREAS the registration of Plan of Subdivision 65M-23?0 has resulted in the extension of Kennedy Street West; AND WHEREAS a new municipal numbering system lS required for the portion of Kennedy Street West lying west of the McDonald Drive/ Murray Drive intersection; NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That effective July 2nd ,1986 the following properties listed in Column "A" and now known as shown in Column "B" shall become properly known by the municipal number indicated in Column "C" as further shown and detailed in the attached Schedule "A" to this By-law. 2. THAT copies of this By-law shall be provided to the Owners and Tenants of all the affected properties and further, to all municipal and public authorities and to the post office. 3. THAT the provisions of this By-law shall come into force and be effective upon final passage thereof. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 7 DAY OF a;.~ , 1986. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THI~(AIDAY OF ~~ , 1986. Mayor Clerk • SCHEDULE " A " to BY-LAW NO. -86 ··-v i COLUMN "A" COLUMN II B 11 COLU~Ji! "C" ' PROP;ER:rY PKOPERTY PROPE.RTY "' '"'·"-- Roll Legal Present Municipal Municipal Number Number Description Number Effective July 2 ,19,86 067-83400 Pt. Lot 7 9 ' Con l Nil 240 067-83800 Pt. Lot 7 9 ' Con l 300 248 067-83900 Pt. Lot 7 9' Con l 302 254 067-84100 Pt. Lot 79, Con l 304 268 067-85000 Pt. Lot 7 9' Con l NIL 2 92 067-85200 Pt; Lot 19, Con 1 502 304 Being Parts 1,3 6 5 Plan 65R-4694 /' 067-85201 Pt. Lot 7 9 ' Con l 500 298 d .. \' Being Part 2 ' h\:~ ,-\ Plan 65R-4694 067-85300 Pt. Lot 7 9 ' Con l NIL 312 067-86000 Pt. Lot 7 9 ' Con l NIL 316 067-81200 Pt. Lot 7 9 ' Con 1 NIL 239 Being Part l' Plan 65R2748 067-81600 Pt. Lot 7 9 ' Con l NIL 247 068-00000 Pt. Lot 7 9 ' Con l. NIL 2 91 :.: •