BYLAW - Easements for Parkway Trunk Sewer - 19860602 - 282686I' . l ~ . j By-law No. 2826-86 of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora To authorize the application for approval to expropriate easements or rights in the nature of easements for the Parkway Trunk Sewer WHEREAS the Council of the Town of Aurora deems it necessary and in the public interest to construct a trunk sanitary sewer through part of the Town of Aurora to service the needs and requirements of the residents and businesses located in the Town of Aurora (hereinafter referred to as the "Parkway Trunk Sewer"). AND WHEREAS the Parkway Trunk Sewer is to be located upon, over, in, under, along, across, and through the lands described in Schedule "A" and as shown on the attached Plan Nos. 65R-7940 and 65R-8345. AND WHEREAS it has been decided that the Town of Aurora should acquire for the Parkway Trunk Sewer a permanent easement or rights in the nature of a permanent easement upon, over, in, under, along, across, and through the lands described in Schedule "A" for the construction, installation, operation, and maintenance of sewers for or in connection with the Parkway Trunk Sewer, with all necessary machinery and equipment together with temporary easements or rights in the nature of temporary easements expiring the 20th day of January, 1989 to enter upon, over, in, under, along, across, and through the lands described in Schedule "B" with all necessary machinery and equipment for the construction and installation of the sewers for the Parkway Trunk Sewer. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Town of Aurora hereby enacts as follows: 1. That the Parkway Trunk Sewer is required for public purposes. •' • 2. 2. That a permanent easement or rights in the nature of a permanent easement for the Parkway Trunk Sewer upon, over, in., under, along, across, and through the lands described in Schedule "A" and temporary easements or rights in the nature of temporary easements for the Parkway Trunk Sewer upon, over, in, under, along, across, and through the lands described in Schedule "B" are required for public purposes. 3. That the Town of Aurora is hereby authorized and directed to apply to the appropriate approving authority for approval to expropriate the interests in lands referred to in section 4 hereof. 4. follows: 5. The interests in lands described and designated as Permanent Easements a permanent easement or rights in the nature of a permanent easement upon, over, in, under, along, across, and through the lands described in Schedule "A" for the construction, installation, operation, and maintenance of sewers for or in connection with the Parkway Trunk Sewer, with all necessary machinery and equipment. Temporary Easements Temporary easements or rights in the nature of temporary easements expiring the 20th day of January, 1989 to enter upon, over, in, under, along, across, and through the lands described in Schedule "B" with all necessary machinery and equipment for the construction and installation of the sewers for the Parkway Trunk Sewer. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to execute all necessary applications, notices, and other papers required for the application to the appropriate ' · ' authority for 3. approval to expropriate the interests in the lands referred to in section 4 hereof. 6. Plan Nos. 65R-7940 and 65R-8345 attached hereto shall form part of this By-law. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 20th DAY OF January, 1986 READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 2nd DAY OF June, 1986 Mayor Clo~ \-..._ ,.--.. '''\ ---·~-' Schedule "A" to By-law No. 2826-86 of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora A permanent easement or rights in the nature of a permanent easement upon, over, in, under, along, across, and through the following lands for the construction, installation, operation, and maintenance of the sewers for or in connection with the Parkway Trunk Sewer, with all necessary machinery and equipment. Lands in the Town of Aurora, in the Regional Municipality of York (formerly in the Township of Whitchurch, in the County of. York), being composed of lands designated as parts on Reference Plans deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of York Region (No. 65) and in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of York Region (No. 65), all according to the following table: Part Reference Plan Lot/Street Concession/Plan 2 65R-7940 Part of 85 Concession 1 5 65R-7940 Part of 84 Concession 1 8 65R-7940 Part of 84 Concession 1 11 65R-7940 Part of 84 Concession 1 14 65R-7940 Parts of 83 and 84 Concession 1 18 65R-7940 Part of 87 Plan 246 20 65R-7940 Part of 87 Plan 246 23 65R-7940 Part of 87 Plan 246 26 65R-7940 Parts of 87 and 103 Plan 246 29 65R-7940 Part of 103 Plan 246 32 65R-7940 Part of 103 Plan 246 and Part of 82 Concession 1 35 65R-7940 Part of 82 Concession 1 38 65R-7940 Parts of 25 and 26 Plan 231 51 65R-7940 Part of Park Street Plan 231 54 65R-7940 Part of 7 Plan 231 55 65R-7940 Part of Centre Street Plan 231 59 65R-7940 Part of 105 Plan 246 60 65R-7940 Part of 105 Plan 246 1 65R-8345 Part of 81 Concession 1 4 65R-8345 Part of 81 Concession 1 7 65R-8345 Parts of Mill Street and Centre Street Plan 231 8 65R-8345 Part of 8, 23 and 24 Plan 231 Schedule "B" to By-law No. 2826-86 of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora Temporary easements or rights in the nature of temporary easements expiring the 20th day of January, 1989 to enter upon, over, in, under, along, across, and through the following lands with all necessary machinery and equipment for the construction and installation of the sewers for the Parkway Trunk Sewer. Lands in the Town of Aurora, in the Regional Municipality of York (formerly in the Township of Whitchurch, in the County of York), being composed of lands designated as parts on Reference Plans deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of York Region (No. n5) and in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of York Region (No. 65), all according to the following table: Part 1 3 4 6 7 9 10 12 13 15. 16 17 19 21 22 24 25 27 28 30 31 33 34 36 37 39 48 49 50 52 53 56 57 58 61 2 3 5 6 9 10 Reference Plan 65R-7940 65R-7940 65R-7940 65R-7940 65R-7940 65R-7940 65R-7940 65R-7940 65R-7940 65R-7940 65R-7940 65R-7940 65R-7940 65R-7940 65R-7940 65R-79.40 65R-7940 65R-7940 65R-7940 65R-7940 65R-7940 65R-7940 65R-7940 65R-7940 65R-7940 65R-7940 65R-7940 65R-7940 65R-7940 65R-7940 65R-7940 65R-7940 65R-7940 65R-7940 65R-7940 65R-8345 65R-8345 65R-8345 65R-8345 65R-8345 65R-8345 Lot/Street Part of 85 Part of 85 Part of 84 Part of 84 Part of 84 Part of 84 Part of 84 Part of 84 Parts of 83 and 84 Part of 83 Part of 87 Part of 87 Part of 87 Part of 87 Part of 87 Part of 87 Parts of 87 and 103 Parts of 87 and 103 Part of 103 Part of 103 Part of 103 Part of 82 Part of 103 Part of 82 Part of 82 Part of 82 Parts of 25,26 and 27 Part of 25 Part of Centre Street Part of 28 Part of Park Street Part of Park Street Part of 7 Part of Centre Street Part of 28 Part of 105 Part of 105 Part of 81 Part of 81 Part of 81 Part of Mill Street Part of Mill Street Parts of 8,22,23 and 24 Concession/Plan Concession 1 Concession 1 Concession 1 Concession 1 Concession 1 Concession 1 Concession 1 Concession 1 Concession 1 Concession 1 Plan 246 Plan 246 Plan 246 Plan 246 Plan 246 Plan 246 Plan 246 Plan 246 Plan 246 Plan 246 Plan 246 and Concession 1 Plan 246 and Concession 1 Concession 1 Concession 1 Plan 231 Plan 231 Plan 231 Plan 231 Plan 231 Plan 231 Plan 231 Plan 231 Plan 231 Plan 246 Plan 246 Concession 1 Concession 1 Concession 1 Plan 231 Plan 231 Plan 231