BYLAW - Dedicate Lands as Highway - 19860203 - 282986. l'\~'· -:: : .. : BILL NO. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BY-LAW NO. 2829:...86 To dedicate certain lands on Bayview Avenue for the purposes of a public highway WHEREAS the lands hereinafter described were acquired by The Corporation of the Town of Aurora for highway purposes; Now, therefore, the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora HEREBY ENACTS as follows: 1. The lands described in Schedule "A", hereto attached, are hereby dedicated as a public highway and declared to form part of Bayview Avenue (YR 34). 2. The said Schedule "A", hereto attached, shall form part of this by-law. ENACTED AND PASSED this~ day of A.D. 1986. Mayor February A.7' 8G. ::t-· I, COLLEEN E. {:;f\WAN Dl':PUTY CLERK, OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA 'u0 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE FOREGOING IS A TRUE COPY OF BY LAW # 2829-86 PASSED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE SAID CORPORATION ON FEBRUARY 3RD~l986. /1~ Fe~:uary 5,1986 ( J]h__ (:21-'/)('LOJJJo----. DEPUTY CLERK ' i ~ J~ d~-s~ ~~~ I(~~--. ! n -;:} JJ_ 1\j'S \a 4f <JCi o.j '(S 3 ----·-··--~~"-~-.~·-·~·<-w•~~~-~-~~Y·"-"'-"'P.">--.=<~=>==>~=~"~"<">=~NpN~ --~-~~~ --~-- " . . ' SCHEDULE "A" Lands in the Town of Aurora in The Regional Municipality of York formerly in the Township of Whitchurch in the County of York and being composed of that part of Lot 86 '•j in Concession 1, East of Yonge Street of the said Town designated as Part 5 on a plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of York Region as No. 65R-6419. 8 riON PLAN 325 784 E N2 L -202-3 l I~ .INE • , s. 00 SIBIWiU 11042 I I• ...,,, ' VJ e 0 .,; "' I j J ~ I ~ .. --..:t (") £/:" "' • ·~ 0 ~ ~ . m; "· ..; "' ~·~-~ ~ ;: u ....,...,1 ~~ '-co V)f"'' 0 ...; "o . '"' o.,. -u, ~"· lUk 0::::_, -. m ,. ... -' o- ('I Q 4! .;( - (/) 4! 0 -(/) (/) IJJ (.) 4! 0 (.) ,--,../--!!.N73'45' 20"E Q 10.05 PART 2 3 4 LOT CONCESSION ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN LOTS 85 AND 86.CONCESSION 1 E.Y.S. 86 1 E. Y. S. I 5 I I 6 86 1 E.Y.S. 7 H.Q.T. 0+000 1St JOHN SIOEROAO) ll-202-21 ,. .. ·\. .. ~ .... 23.09, f;_ ill: !"' • I ~ 1? ... "'"' lU 1,. 0 • /' &"' I~ z _::) ,g: :z /" lU . fijjfli I ::::.. :, "~ .,., ~f",: ..!!..BCJo,a·o • 9. 9 9 0 E Pi 6•212.79 ll-202-21 'X~~ 7.21 :, :: 1.1;1.!882) <( 0.45 North 0.45 East z IJJ IJJ =:: 1- IJ./ co r.s: .. 3: lU -::::.. >- r~ " 0 -~ ,_ u-. " $? (t',..., ,._, & Vl IV =<!So '-'" ' ... _. o_ w IJJ (.) 4! ~ 0 -1 -1 .;( Q .;( !PART 6] 2 J. oe ~Rrs] U.7S ST. JOHN SIDE ROAD • '• •' ! I :I :-,:, ._, .. ":ll!' :mr! \,Jhrrt. l.un1l•·d r .. ;:n 1'1':1 made in duplicate the 26th. day of October, one thousand nine hundred and eighty-one. ]n t:Junmanrr of tl)r §-l)ort 1J!orms of Q!onuryunrra Art: illPtlUPPlt I I \-,_I RONALD WHITE CHISHOLM, one of Her Majesty's Counsel, of the City of Toronto, in the Municipality of Metropolitan Tox011tu, in Trust hereinafter called the Grantor of the First Pa~t; -AND - THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA hereinafter called the Grantee of the Second Part. litfltltP!l!lPiq that in consideration of other good and valuable consideration and the sum of ( $2.00) --------------------dollars of lawful money of Canada now paid by the said grantee · to the said grantor whereof is hereby by him acknowledged) he the said grantor GRANT unto the said grantee in fee simple (th.e receipt DOES ALL and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land anct premises, situate, lying and being in the Town of Aurora, in the Regional Municipality of York, and being composed of that part of Lot 86, Concession l of the said Town, designated as Part 2 on a Reference Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office ~&:.~:"::.:;;:.-;-.:::.:;,' ;i~;;4::.:r::a!r 43 , jl -- i j'{t. {. ( ,,}/ r;,~ ·c·s·"' , \._?/tj' I _ 1 t -~-"l-- ' . .•;, ... ,., ,. · ._,! ( ,jJ\,•·n. 1 "'·II• ·' I ·q!, !II its ilnd thc·ir sole and (J\1]~-U;-:t~ forever, ·1 l <>!1•.1'11! l 1."11'!' 1 ..•• , 3 SCBJECT 1\EVERTHELESS to the reserYations, limitations, proYisoes and conditions expressed in the original grant thereof f~om the Crown. The said grantor COVENAKT S with the sairl grantee THAT he has the right to convey the said lands to the said grantee notwithstanding any act of the said grantor Al\D that the said grantee shall have quiet possession of the said lands free from all encumbrances. AND the said grantor COVEl\ Al\T S with the said grantee that he will execute such further assurances of the said lands as may be requisite. AND the said grantor COVE!\AC\'T S with the said grantee that he has done no act to encumber the said lands. AI\D the said grantor RELEASES to the said grantee ALL the oaid lands. his claims upon IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals. §igmll, §fUlfll anll lMiuenll IN THE PRESENCE OF ' . .. i ; I! ~ : -• : : .\::, !:1\ I~ 'J'~.o-!"\:.· •,•q• :\< 1' : .. , ·\· '. I ·o-<! • 1.h II': TliE ~JATTEI\ OF TliE !'LANJ\l;\1; ACT las amc!Hl<·cl) ANDINTHEMATTEROFTHETITLETO Part 2, Reference Plan 65R-4343, Town of Aurora, Regional Municipality of York, being part of lot 86, Concession l ll«d. Mo"''"'· AND IN THE MATTER OF A DEED Agrrement of Sale, Lt-ase, etc. Deletl" if not applicable State other reason if e.ny THEREOF, FROM RONALD WHITE CHISHOLM, in Trust TO THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA DATED October 26, 19 81. !, RONALD WHITE CHILSHOLM of the City of Toronto in the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto MAKE OATH AND SAY AS FOLLOWS: 1. I am the Grantor named in the above mentioned Instrument, and have knowledge of the matters hereinafter sworn. 2. The said Instrument, and the conveyance or other dealing with land affected thereby, do not contravene the provisions of The Planning Act, as amended, because (b) 'i.kouox:~ttXd::xro>i.-'Xm:R1l.X:'Xffil1}0(§i:'RW}f1{W:l1kU1){1..~kocrfW.cit:mof;.xO!kKIZIM:R>X MKJl.l'c~ " j;(N!«)tn.:.:2tltP/I:t.'M<!fi'O)l1\X!X~~xroxiX!X'xcisclllipmoo::XJfr.R~11W.kldtk)ffi"J:t<ffi<t11.xl1t!t ~)l~~~»~~~~~R~~x~ The grantee named in the above-mentioned instrument is a municipality, and pursuant to Section 29 (3) (c) of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 379, can acquire the lands therein described without compliance with said statute. SWORN before me at the in the this City of Toronto Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto 26th day of October, (>9' \ ~-"-r~ ;;( ,'Y__r-' c ( RONALD WHITE CHISHOLM, in T 19 8L • ""-,~ "-~--·~•--•0..--<·'~--~------~------·'--'--;-w..,_•-•'-" ""''~~'\•='=-<'''''"'""-~='"'""~·~'--'-'•~--~-••: __________ ,,_._~------~:_·~·~.:.:.__.-~----·----"" T' i! 1./d~D Ti:. :~~FEf:: 1 ".\ 1\L; 1 i'·i4 ,-,1 ;·;or\'IT OF nu;tr•r:r~cE r.; •r: OF V/d.u::: OF.,, :E co:-•stDr:ru.ltr>r 1 n.l· •:•,/-11t·rr,> lr!L'-ONVEY/-:~rX(lf !:rJscrt-l·nl·l.· cnpt•onr'' ·'ll.. . ... rarL 2 Ecf,_:l ·nee Pl: :1 GSR--1:~.13, 'J'o· ... 'n nf /'.tlJ (~~--.-_~~- ..... ::R9~d-:<?D~~--N.u!!ic:)-p,q~~-~_y -~!{::Y:c?T~~,::)?:q.J..~~9 .. P.0~~-(,-! JoL _(:~-:,_ IJY lpnnt namos at f/b'UK'ttJD't/1\~'lfiE CHISHOLN; .. it1. Tr\ist·. TO (see instruction 1 and print names of all transferees in full) .. , ...................... . C·::H.·c~;~~.i THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA t, '~~~~ -i~·s·t~~~~,:~~ ·; ~-;~ ·;;;~~ -~~~~;~)-;~ ·,~·,;)·::::::::::: >:~:·-::> :;~,-(/!: :.~: .: <::::': ~.:-:< -'/ :;-:: <::::: >< r:.:~: ;.:::.>. (. ,, .... MAKE OATH AND SAY THAT: 1. I am (place a clear mark within the square opposite that one of the following paragraphs that describes the capacity of the deponenl(s}): (sec instruction 2) 0 (a) A person in trust for whom the land conV"eyed in the above-described conveyance is being conveyed; 0 (b) A trustee named in the above-described conveyance to whom the land is being corweyed; 0 (G) El (d) 0 (e) 0 (f) A transferee named in the above-described conveyance; ~ ·.•·· t c /J .· / ·" .• ~ ;~ Th th . d 1· · ' . h' t' t -I .,._ c.J ,_; C I /'i ,./' (I\ ' ' e au onze agent or so ICIIOr actmg 1n t 1s transac 10n or .............. c : .................................. ·.· ·.· ... . (insert name(s) of prmc1pal{s)) ....................................................... · .............................................................. . described in paragrd~h(s) (b), (G) above; (strike out references to inapplicable paragraphs) The President, Vice-President, Manager, Secretary, Director, or Treasurer authorized to act for ........................ , . (insen name(s) of corporal•on{s)) described in paragraph(s) (a), (b), (c) above; (strike out references to inapplicable paragraphs) A transferee described in paragraph ( ) (insert only one of paragraph (a), (b) or (c) above. as applicable) and am making this affidavit on my own behalf and on behalf of ...................... ············-····· ····················1;n·scr1·na'rriiOfSPciu'sCJ who is my spouse described in paragraph ( ); (insert only one of paragraph (a), (b) or (c) above. as applicable) and as such, I have personal knowledge of the facts herein deposed to. 2. 1 have read and considered the definitions ot'''non-resident corporation" and "non-resident person" set out respectively in clauses f and g of subsection 1 of section 1 of the Act. (see instruction 3) 3. The following persons to whom or in trust for who'm the land conveyed in the above-described conveyance is being conveyed are non-resident persons within the meaning of the Act. (see instruction 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . 4. THE TOTAL CONSIDERATION FOR THIS TRANSACTION IS ALLOCATED AS FOLLOWS: (a) Monies paid or to be paid in cash $ ........ N:,r:L (b) Mortgages {i) Assumed (show principal and interest to be credited NIL against purchase price) $ (ii) Given back to vendor $ ........ NIL. (c) Property transferred in exchange (detail below) $ ........ NIL ..... . (d) Securities transferred to the value of {detail below) $ .NIL ..... . (e) Liens. legacies. annuities and maintenance charges to which transfer NIL is subject $ (I) (g) Other valuable consideration subject to land transfer tax (detail below) $ ___ _,N~IL""--- VALUE OF LAND. BUILDING, FIXTURES AND GOODWILL SUBJECT TO LAND TRANSFER TAX (total of (a) to (f)) (h) VALUE OF ALL CHATTELS-items of tangible personal property (Retail Sales Tax is payable on the value ol all chattels unless e>:empl under the provisions of NIL $ ................. .. The Retail Sales Tat Act. R.S.O. 1970. c. 415, as amended)------------------ (i) Other consideration for transaction not included in (g) or (h) above -------- (j) TOTAL CONSIDERATION NIL $ .................. . NIL $ ........ , .......... $ NIL ---T::Nni"rL'----- $===== ALL BLANKS MUST BE FILLED IN. INSERT "NIL" WHERE APPLICABLE. 5. If consideration is nominal, describe relationship between transferor and transferee and state purpose of conveyance. (see instruction 5) ............. , , , . _N_o_. ;r:e_la_t_i()J!-. s_h iP. _._,, ............. , .. ,,,,,,, .......................................................... . 6. Olher remarks and explanations. it necessary , 9:he, l<mds .. de~.ribed .. ill, the. above:-des=ibed . .conveyance. an conveyed to the grantee ill implerrentation of a condition imposed by York P.egional A. B. c. D. E. Land Division Committee and are to be held by grantee for possible future road widenillg. No actual consideration is to be paid to grantor and there is no :indirect consideration that could be construed as a benefit to grantor. 1 SWORN before me at the Ci of Tor'?nto } j// ~ :~i:he/>runicJ~ity pol~ 1981. ······-'·-~--~-~{;~.': ................ . A Commissioner for taki PROPERTY INFORMATION RECORD Describe nature of instrument .... .I?~ .. ,., ................................................................................... . (i) Address of property being conveyed (if available) ... , , , , .. , . , ..... , .............. , .... , ... , , , , , , , , .. , . , , , , ..... , , ............ . (ii) ~~~~-.-.-~~~-~-~;~; ~-;i,-;~;;,~~-,~; ·: :o:ii:~:..:io::io:oo:oo:o::: :<Piii::: 6r:iiYY::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.: Mailing address(es) for future Notices of Assessment under The Assessment Act for property being conveyed {see instruction 6) ...................................................................................................... , ......................... . ·································································································································. (i) Registration number for last conveyance of property being conveyed (if available) ... ~.C?"!::. ?PP~~c;?:l?;I.;~ ..................... . (ii) Legal description of property conveyed: Same as in D.(i) above. YesO NoD Not Known 0 Name(s} and address(es) of each transferee's solicitor ...................................... . ............................................... For Land Registry Office use only REGISTRATION ND. LAND REGISTRY OFfiCE NO. REGISTRATION DATE '-----------------------· '·' ·s~ footnote ·s~ footnote ,, ; . ' I .J .·,of the, I /.~··'--}· L··v~- Burou•Jh of-Etob±cc·;.:c rc.•~ f( ? /f-v& f.·.j Hunic ipal i ty of MeU:-e[?-Ol itarr--'I'oron+o '/ale in the make oath and say: I am a subscribing witness to the attached instrument and I was present and saw it executed at Ronald White Chisholm I verily believe that each person whose signature l witnessed is the party of the same name referred to in the instrument. ~'-' SWORN before me at the ~ of , ~17l.e... f._t ~I Tonmt.o in the~'-Hunicipality of 11ct¥er!lelitan '±'cJOeft4;o '(C!llt October, 19 81. ; / this ,1. ;" ·' /> ,/· -·i ./~/ / ' -· A COMMI&SION(,. I'OR TAKING Al'l'"fAV!TS, ETC. <> \\'IH'rC n party is un.ablc to read the in~tnmwnt or where a parly signs by making his mark or in foreign characters add "after the irutrumcnf had been read to him on.d he appeared fully to understand if". lVhcre executed under a power of atlomcy insert "(••orne of attorney) as atlorncv for (name of party)"; and for next douse sul1stitutc "1 verily beliet:c that the person whose signature 1 witnessed was autlwriz:cd to execute tl>e instrutllCHI as attorney for (name)". f:~?:~~)~ f-~~-::·:.·:;-~ ·;~:-~. ~~ :·~:: -r.~:~-·::~-~::;.:~::-t· ,tt ·h,·;; f.:'-' ·.~.-u;S. ~ C1 t-' !. ;~"'\,3 (.;1 ; .• -· ,{ t ~ :1J r: .. ~:.~,,i :·:: • If nttomt"Y .~t·t• Inntnnlt' .. i ! 1 ) \ '. ,\ s .,, •, 'l .. ;., !) ~ i .' 1 l '~; ·:rcLD \·:J: I i'E l': ':;I!QJ,;., of the City c~f Torunto in the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto make oath and say: When I executed the attached instrument, I was at least eighteen years old. And within the rreaning of section l (f) of The Family Law Reform Act, 1978, I was a soouse .. ' rike out npplicnhle .\llSl'S. The subject lands have not been occupied by my spouse and me as our matrimonial home or otherwise. R.esident of Cnnnda, etc. I am not a non-resident of Canada as defined by the Income Tax Act of Canada (Section 116). .... ro C> .... ....., L.l.:l 1.0 :D N N~ CX)Q) N.g .jJ 0 0 (SEVERALLY) SWORN before me at the City of Toronto in the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto this 26th:lay of October, 19 81. >.r\< ,(·';1·/,~·...s.Q A cot•!~'fi~N\;\if~i ~-,';)" &~;~~:;~~:~;· f:t t:::.-:-:J '·-: ... .,,.... Ju•'·i•l "'~~·r•·t t' "c~· "1:_ ..• ,..,. '' f n .......... 1.... ........ .. ~,~ .... '" . 1 ; ... 1;.; •........ ~.:.o~ \'.'. CHlSHOll.t. Q.C .• t:rr\stcr &. Sc'::l~r .. ~~rts tl~y ~9, \$34. a2~--~--~~---4: • \\'here affidadt made by attomcy substitute; "\Vhen 1 ~:recut~/". nttachcd instrument fiS attorney far (name), lw/she was (marital status, and if married, name of spat~e), and when he/s/1 executed the power af attorney, hejshe had attained the age of 11Ulioritv". ... N 1.0 . -~ H 0 :r: [}) H· :r: u r.4 8 H :r:: :s:.j.J 0 '"' r.4 :r: 8 I"< 0 z 8;;1 80 ~g; 0.0: 3 01 ~ .Tj j ~ ~ ~ ~ Q )0 ~ cw a).j.J ~ . .jJ cUM ~---;--. s P<;;'; 0: U}o:;j< o: .jJ m 1 oi- 1--IP::o 0:!::>-1 ~ m 'dlfl li a:.-< m o.. aJ"' ~ o; ~ ~ 4-J ~ • M. 0 o -m. f}o ·.-! ,;( ~0 .5 N .jJ b'~tJ12: ~ I·~ QJ0·.-1;: I.DcU ~~:><til~~ .-<p.. Q)rd (0 ....--1-< •'H 'd.-< -~ 0 i=>mo P<~ 1--! ~ E .. ~ 0 ~r--1 Q) .J 0 ~ 1-!4-JU8 Zo:: :::::1 ·r-1 ~~ ~ -J ~ .0:.-<0QJ "''-Iii o rd ·M~ 6 ~ a: o:: 4--1 P-1 Ul Q) ~ 1-n. 0·..-1004-l~ z " 0 LLJLLJ :r:u 1--u_ 1-L 1-L oo 1?::6.: 0:::1- LLJ (/) o_-oc:J o:::LLJ o_O:::: ~~- .-::, 1.{*:, q> r---t.;, '-~cv ~ I.!J :t~ v, ..., -<: :t"J ~I,) • rc 'tl "" ·~ til Cl ::; H ~ .0:8 z 0~ ~·.-! P< ~I"< 00 u [.4~ :r:o 88 " "' ~ '0 '0 ~ UQ)Q)0 w ~ ·.-! 0~ ~ :;: ~ ~ ~ 0::; 0~ ~ "' "' w ~ 0 0 « 3 (1\ ~ " ~ 8~U "' < , - g 0 " :2 ;; e 0, " ' il - ---.9 = ~ \0 .s C::. ...,...,..- -.ta - ~ LO 00 -"'0 ~ -~ .. ~ c!l! -· _g- " c c.. X 0 " <{ ~ c:e w 1- "' 2 w 0: L'") -- u. w 0 .. ~ c.o >-.s z u. -N c::.._ 0 Ul C'l 0 .• f= z " <{ en c - <{ C· -~ 0: ~ 2 0: 1- C'l >-t' 1- a,. ~ "J Ul 0 1.!.._.! ~r;-~ 6 Cl z t-"" w <{ -. ~ 8 ~ -~ -:-~ c: 0: ..l ... C• ..J ·~ ~ ~ t;=Qc: ~O=o < tJ01J.';fMJ.SI~3M .::10 3J.V:H.::It.LM3~ MO.::I 03/\M353M 38 OJ. 3:JVdS StH.l ~-... • \· Edward Oakes, Solicitor Bruce Allen, Assistant Solicitor Files Nos. 34-13.10B 2-12.28 The Corporation of the Town of Aurora Administrative Centre 50 Wellington Street West Aurora, Ontario L4G 3L8 Attention~ K.B. Rodger, Esq. Clerk Dear Sirs: 3rd January, 1986 /~' ()/ ;..:,):. r-:. \::~ Re: Dedication of Lands on Bayview Avenue (YR 34), Part Lot 86, Concession 1, E.Y.S. 62 Bayview Avenue, Box 147, Newmarket, Ontario L3Y 4W9 Telephone: (416) 895-1231 • 362·2464 887-5188 • 731-0201 ·.; 1' 'l •').5 !, ) ,_, Town of Aurora formerly Whitchurch Part 5, Plan 65R-'6419 The above lands were acquired by The Corporation of the Town of Aurora for highway purposes from Ronald White Chisholm by deed dated the 26th October, 1981 and registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of York Region on the 27th October, 1981 as No. 282651, a copy of which is enclosed. The lands have never been dedicated for highway purposes. It would be appreciated if you could submit the attached by-law to your Council. If you will forward two certified copies to our office after it has been enacted we will arrange to have the same registered and will furnish you with the particulars of registration in due course. A photocopy of part of Plan 65R-6419 is also enclosed for your information. Thank you for your kind attention to this matter. EO/kb encl. cc: Engineering Yours truly, \wJ\~()~s,. Reg1onal Solicitor -.cl i~{flt~W1i#U::t·}".,.,~:~~,