BYLAW - Define Office of Treasurer - 19861117 - 288186. ~--' ,, _,( .. 1_/ BY-LAW NUMBER 2881-86 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora to establish the office and define, limit and determine the duties and responsibilities of the Treasurer. WHEREAS Section 79 of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 302 authorizes the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora, by by-law, to appoint a Treasurer and whose duty it is to carry out certain statutory duties; AND WHEREAS Section 87 of the Municipal Act R.S.O., Chapter 302 requires The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora, by by-1 aw, to appoint a Co 11 ector and whose duty it is to carry out certain statutory duties; AND WHEREAS it is the desire of Council to assign other duties to the Treasurer; THEREFORE the Council of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: 1. The Counci 1 of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora does hereby establish the office of Treasurer and the incumbent of the office shall also be the Tax Collector and be responsible to the Council and the Chief Administrative Officer. 2. The duties and res pons i bi 1 i ties of the said office sha 11 be as set forth in Schedule "A" hereto attached. 3. The Council is hereby authorized and empowered to appoint, by by-law, such person as it may deem most suitable for the purpose of the carrying out of said duties and responsibilities. 4. The Treasurer shall not be dismissed except by by-law passed by Council duly called after written notice has been given at a previous meeting. ',, .·· - 2 - 5. When the office of Treasurer is vacant, or is unable to carry out the duties through illness or otherwise, Council may appoint an acting Treasurer "pro tempore" who shall have all the powers and duties of the Treasurer. 6. That, hereby Kelly Cerswell, Chartered Accountant, appointed Treasurer and Collector of be and is the Town of Aurora effective the date of final passing hereof. 7. That By-law 2755-85 is hereby repealed. READ A FIRST AND SECDND TIME THis.SuiDAY DF ~!uv , 1986. FINAL TIME AND FINALL v PASSED THIS / f!doAv OF ---1---..P.'--"'-~-"-"'"'--""--"---' 1986 • MAYOR '' 1_, ,. SCHEDULE "A" SUBJECT to the provisions of the Municipal Act and any other statutes, the duties and responsibilities of the Treasurer shall be: 1. As the chief financial officer of the Corporation, advises Council and the Chief Administrative Officer on all matters affecting the financial affairs of the Corporation and of the financial implications of all matters presented to Council for approval. 2. Organizes, manages and administers the Department of Treasurer and its staff with respect to its statutory and other assigned functions and in accordance with the approved policies and procedures of Council. 3. Organizes, installs, maintains and audits internally a safe, efficient and unified accounting and reporting system covering the entire scope of the operations of the Corporation. The system to comprehend a 11 the revenues, expenditures, assets, 1 i abi 1 i ties, reserve and trust funds and any other accounting or financial transactions of the Corporation and be in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted for Ontario municipalities and in particular: a) establishes and promotes sound financial management practices that include proper internal financial controls and effective budget centro 1 and reporting to Co unci 1 and its Committees and Departments; b) ensures the prompt and efficient i denti fi cation, billing and collection of all levies, rates, taxes, interest, penalties, rentals, fees, charges and any other monies due to the Corporation, including grants, subsidies and contributions from government or other sources, and takes such action as is necessary to promptly recover overdue monies; c) d) manages all cash and investment operating such bank accounts with activities including the bank approved by Council as may be required and making arrangements for the safekeeping of securities, debentures and fidelity bonds; pays promptly by cheque or other instrument drawn on the Corporation's bank account all accounts due and payable by the Corporation; e) invests surplus monies of all the funds of the Corporation in accordance with policies and procedures approved by Council and any statutory investment requirements; and f) establishes a "petty cash" fund and related procedures to meet the day-to-day requirements of the departments as determined by the Treasurer. - 2 - 4. Has full authority over all Town staff carrying out accounting and fi nanci a 1 duties but only in respect to the fulfillment of those duties. 5. Coordinates the preparation of the annual estimates and five-year forecasts of capital expenditures, revenues and operating costs ,, -for presentation to Council and the Chief Administrative Officer, together with an assessment of the impact of the estimates and forecasts on the current and future finances of the Corporation. 6. Arranges for capital financing as approved by Council and assists the Clerk in making applications to the Ontario Municipal Board and any other bodies for such purposes. 7. Develops, establishes and operates an effective, efficient and economical purchasing system for the supply of goods and services for Corporation purposes. 8. Evaluates, develops and maintains the computerized information processing requirements of the Corporation. 9. Carries out such other duties and responsibilities assigned by Counci 1 or by the Chief Admi ni strati ve Officer or exercises any other power from time to time lawfully granted by Council.