BYLAW - Amend 2213 78 - 19861020 - 284286.. BY-LAW NUMBER 2842-86 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A ZONING BY-LAW WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to amend By-law Number 2213-78. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: 1. That Schedule "A" to by-law 2213-78 is hereby amended by changing the zoning category from "C3 -Service Commercial Zone (Urban)" and "O - Major Open Space" to "RA3-2 Third Density Apartment Residential Exception Zone" and "0-2 Major Open Space Exception Zone" as shown. on Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this By-law. 2. That Section 18 is amended by adding the following as Section 18-4 - Third Density Apartment Residential (RA3-2) Exception Zone: 18.4.1 The lands zoned RA3-2 on Schedule "A", Map 4 may be used for no other use than two apartment buildings in accordance with the following standards: 18.4.2 Density i. 150 units maximum Site 1 and Site 2 18;4.3 Siting Specifications Site 1 -Golf Links Drive Front Yard (minimum) Main Building Wall -12 metres Parking Garage Wall - 6 metres Side Yard (east) (minimum) -12 metres Side Yard (west) (minimum) Main Building Wall -44·me::r.es Parking Garage Wall -37 metres Rear Yard (minimum) \ Main Building Wall '"· . -proposed north property line~-10 metres · -existing north property ' line -65 metres ' < _________ __,_.:_...;.,_,;_,~-·--------··-'--•-•~: __ ·;.:._~•·-~~~·''""'"'"~""-"""~"'•6bO:~-'>eo=>-".7~>"ll'>=-O<"k>0:<"-'6>''=·c-.;.•;.,,,_,_.,o~~·Y-<,~---~'--·~:._,~,. 18.4.4 - 2 - Parking Garage Wall -proposed north property line - 6 metres -existing north property line -60 metres Site 2 -Yonge Street Front Yard (minimum) Side Yard (north) Side Yard (south) Rear Yard (minimum) -proposed west property line existing west property line Building Specifications Floor Area (minimum) In accordance with Section 18.2.3 Lot coverage (maximum) 35% Height maximum Site 1 Site 2 7 storeys 6 storeys 15 metres 20 metres 19 metres 6 metres 65 metres 3. Landscaped Open Space Notwithstanding the requirement of Section 6.27.5, a continuous landscaped strip of not less than 3 metres in width shall be provided along the northerly property line of the site. This area shall be planted with suitable trees not less than 3 metres in height which shall be planted so as to screen the parking areas from adjoining residential land. The landscaped area adjacent to the westerly property line of the site shall be not less than 25 metres in width, 4. That Section 31 is amended by adding the following as Section 31.3.2: "That lands shown zoned '0-2 Major Open Space Exception' may be used for a parking lot which is accessory to the main golf course use of the lands provided that a continuous landscaped strip of not less than 3 metres in width shall be provided along the northerly property line of the site. This area shall be planted with suitable trees of not_less than 3 metres in height so as to screen the parking areas from the adjoining residential land." , .. • ·---~ - 3 - READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS ~AY OF ~pL , 1986. READ A THIRD AND FINAL TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS~0~DAY OF ~ • 1986. Ck I; """'\ !. v'll ""' ~~ ----"~~-----------~---'-'-~-· -~---· -·--·~-'--·--------. -·-'--~-------------~--•..o-..1~ .. -"-'~--r'>"-•·~~-----~--~ -··.TQWrN1 Of ~U[R{O~~ THIS IS SCHEDULE "L' THE· REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK LOCATION • PART Of BLOCKS 58 a 59 REGISTERED PLAN M-2034 r-~/ I -'"/ !]J'flilifl C2 '--I-- L 0001£ ST. r~ r----1. I I fl· I I -I 0 I I o r_,_ ;-,r-· -~ ST Iff~;;~~ RS ·4 R5·2 R5·3 ~1/.i From '0' to'RA3 2' C3,....._-----Htr C3 0 fltiy . OR IV E ,.........,,----, I -,__ EW M g ~ ~ z ~ . 0 ~~r.~ ~ ; ~-----. ---·-----·· SCHEDULE "_"TO BY· LAW N~ ----- PREPARED FOR THE TOWN OF AURORA BY THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK-PLANNING DEPARTMENT " ''·-·'-'·-··"''"''·'····"~--·---·-· · ----"---·----·-·· --:·~-":"'' ·-.,.-~~-~-·"-~"''"""''-""'"""'"'~"i~P.'-""'"-~~;i;.;:>.~;:;1;;;c;.;;<W;<.i:i;~Z"'~0'={:.~>:,-,•,.,_,,""."x'e'•~·7'~-, ---~·--:------'--~------· ·-·-·-· ---0··--·--· ------------··· • ----~ ~··--·---~~----····----·---•~-~-----~-····-,_:_ .. -'.~ .... :~:.: .. ~--------~..,~~~--~~~~~"="-"=m~---=~"-"'="'"--~•-"•~-~~--'::.::..~ ------·····-------··'···-~ .. •->-"""""-'~.::,._,;..,,-~,~-·~-"'"•--·~•-._:··-···-··--- i./ / AFFIDAVIT UNDER SECTION 34(20) OF THE PLANNING ACT (1983) I, Colleen E. Gowan, hereby certify that the notice for By-law 2842-86 of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora, passed by the Counci 1 of the Corporation on the 20th day of October , 19 86 was given in the manner and form and to the persons prescribed by Ontario Regulation 404/83, made by the Lieutenant Governor-in-Council under subsection 17 of section 34 of The Planning Act (1983). I also certify that the 35 day objection period expired on November 24, 1986 and to this date no notice of objection to the by-law has been filed by any person in the office of the Clerk. Dated this 26th day of November , 19~. c:;:;tQ~ #A CLERK 0---uJ~ •· '-""•·;'-'-'" • ·"-~--· ···-·--....._,--~ .. ~. ---~ .. ~-, ~ -:-;~••-~•"'h'"-"'""·'·"'-"'>'\O<X.,:,~,;,i;Vi.ii.i&7-~''-''·'-' ·' %'"•Y'<Y'~Uii£J6'C,"j{Vb';.;>'J.·h'"·'·'•-··'·'·-·-~-:~.-------------~----· -----· -·-.. ,..,.,.,....~---------------- ::: .. -. ---·-~-----·-• -· ~---·~···-~---· -·--·-· . .:. .. ~-------,..__.;_. -· -"'-T.T-<=",,.~,-·.~=--~=.Y~·"~··~,~~---~_,, __ _, •--·---~-~~---~-· j ·~-"'"' ·-··'"''<' ' . AMENDMENT NO. 43 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE TOWN OF AURORA 19 OP 0025 D~ ~-~ ~ ~ ~ ----------. ~--·~-~"''"·'~~-·'·"•c'"'""""'""''-""">'A\',;'.0~~,(,~~;-~,:_.;_'"'q,s;;;\~~'4''-•;'U&•,:;;,·;.o:.<<·A·!"-'•'-'--'~··~~-------;-:-;--- OP-15-r Nl}f-_ 043 -0 P· '-/Y . ,, :17' Amendment No. 43 to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora This amendment to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora which has been adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora is hereby approved in accordance with Section 21 of the Planning Act as Amendment No. 43 to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora. Date • ~.;:_, l~it, ..... . h;6~_ ·r·-~ --------L.J. Fincham Director Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest --~-"-'~-. '><o• *-'''-~"-'-''·''''~~w•~•·-·~4~c:-:-- •. ,.