BYLAW - Amend 1614 64 (OMERS) - 19860616 - 285186• BY-LAW NUMBER 2851-86 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEI.NG A BY-LAW to amend By-1 aw 1614-64, as amended, authorizing participation by The Corporation of the Town of Aurora in the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System WHEREAS pursuant to the prov1 s 1ons of By-1 aw No. 1614-64 enacted the 21st day of December, 1964, The Corporation of the Town of Aurora elected to participate in the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System as of the 1st day of January 1965; AND WHEREAS By-1 aw 1614-64 was amended by By-1 aw 1790-68 to provide for participation by the Aurora Public Library Board with the Town of Aurora as a single employer; AND WHEREAS said By-1 aw 1790-68 was repea 1 ed by By-1 aw No. 2290-79 enacted September 4th, 1979; AND WHEREAS it is now deemed expedient to amend By-law 1614-64 to again include the Aurora Public Library Board as a participant in the said system, together with the said Corporation; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That there shall be a new section 7 added to By-law 1614-64. The said section to read as follows: 7. The Employer hereby elects to participate together with the Aurora Public Library Board, effective from the 1st day of January 1986, as a single Employer under The Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System Act, 1961-62, and the regulations thereunder . 2. That the provisions of this By-law shall come into force and effect upon final passage thereof. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS~J DAY OF~ , 1986. READ A THIRD AND FINAL TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS/& DAY OF ~ 1986. MAYOR CLER