BYLAW - Stop up and Close Part of St.Johns Sdrd - 19850306 - 274585BY-LAW NO. 2745-85 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA Being a By-law to stop up and close a portion of St. Jolm Sideroad. WHEREAS notice of this by-law has been published and the pruvisions of the Municipal Act relating to the stopping up of highways have been complied with. Now, therefore , the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Au=ra HEREBY ENACTS as follows: 1. The lands described in Schedule "A", hereto attached, are hereby stopped up and closed as a public highway. 2 • The sale of the lands described in Schedules "A" and ,. "B", hereto attached, to the abutting owner thereof for other good and valuable consideration and the sum of $2.00 is hereby authorized. 3. The said Schedules "A" and "B" , hereto attached, shall form part of this By-law. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME 'IBIS (o1H DNI OF n?ftf,Cf/ READ A 'IHIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED 'IBIS 0 Jlf DAY OF /11/t/{ tH MAYOR 1985. 1985. rt///r;_...--...... , I, Colleen E. Gowan, Deputy Clerk for the Corporation of the Town II , n c.: _,. ·--, . /· .:t-'!1 \jl J· .. _f/r'-·-~ of Aurora, do hereby certify the foregoing to be a _True Copy ~f 1 1_c)~',: ... •···-.,·i.-)'~ Bylaw 2745-85 duly passed by the Council of the sa~d Corporat~on 11 ,; ... ,.' , .· ', -{! 'c h 6 h 1985. \ •· · · · ' " • -, , 1 on Marc t , ~;9 ~{t!i~~~(\'::l>~' rc ~ j ' ;:;·· .. · .. //•:' ; ~· Date: March 12th, 1985 S:tgned: ·--~ ,~ @ 9 ~\~.· t --: ... -1-~"I> ,v 1: ~~-'.;_/.1.. VL:~J:..ftl . ......,...__.._,//// . SCHEDULE "A" Lands in the Town of Aurora in The Regional Municipality of York, formerly in the Township of Whitchurch in the County of York, being composed of those parts of the allowance for road, commonly known as St. John Sideroad, between Lots 85 and 86 in Concession l, East of Yonge Street of the said Town designated as Parts l and 2 on a plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of York Region as Number 65R-64l9 (L-202-4). SCHEDULE "B" Lands in the Town of Aurora in The Regional Municipality of York, formerly in the Township of Whitchurch in the County of York, being composed of that part of Lot 86 in Concession l, East of Yonge Street of the said Town designated as Part 4 on a plan deposit~d in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of York Region as Number 65R-64l9 (L-202-4). I I ' 364:364 Nb. Registry Oivis\o!"' o1 York Region (65) I CS"Iif'V tnat tnis instrument is registered S9 of .M. IcY \'"' \ ~ ' I'· QC: ·~,41, ,:\r'u.\ ; J: /-\ 1 \ • · j tn tti9 Land negistl':i ~~ omi:e at Nawmsr~-<~t 7 . . _ ontario. 1_2nd Reg•st""< · DATED 6th March, .1985 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BY-LAW NO. 2745-85 Pt. of the allowance for road between Lots 85 and 86 in Con. 1, EYS, Town of Aurora formerly Whitchurch, Parts 1 and 2, Plan 65R-6419 Pt. Lot 86, Con. 1, EYS, Town of Aurora formerly Whitchurch, Part 4, Plan 65R-6419 Edward Oakes, Esq.· Barrister and Solicitor Box 147 Newmarket, Ontario L3Y 4W9 bu t~·GO 0~~) ·' ;::· • .l