BYLAW - OPA #31 - 19850204 - 272985'!; ' ADOPTION BY -LAW FOR OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 31 BY -LAW NUMBER 2729-&5 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora, under Section 17(6) of the Planning Act, 19&3, hereby enacts as follows: 1. Official Plan Amendment No. 31 for the Town of Aurora, consisting of the attached maps and explanatory text, is hereby adopted. 2. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing for approval of Official Plan Amendment No. 31 for the Town of Aurora. 3. This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of the final pasing thereof. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS _S~tld~-~-----' £_{~L DAY OF ~t~ ~ ~ ~A~~__--::::-------~~-h_/ -1-r}A ~1 o~---/-L'{[ERK A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS -iLL-DAY OF ___ ::~;-r-a____ --~-/Y?--q~~--- MAYOR -f"'~ CLER~~-7y · Certified that the above is a true copy of By-law No. 2729-&5 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora on ~lY-!:='::1.!." ---~_t:t_ __ , 19&5. ~~~~ ~C2:..Q, ~~--r-----,_ CLE~ t);:;purv I i ~--""'- This Amendment to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurar has been adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Town oJ is hereby approved in accordance with Section 17 of the Planning 1 as Amendment No. 31 to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora. DATE: ·::-:;-. co•-'"- ----·---;-:-----· -------~---·----·-----~----·----·-·-~-~---.. -·-·--·'----------- AMENDMENT NO. 31 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA Index The Statement of Components PART I -THE PREAMBLE Purpose of the Amendment Location Basis of the Amendment PART II -THE AMENDMENT Introductory Statement Details of the Amendment Implementation and Interpretation Schedule 1 A 1 -Land Use Plan ---·-·---~------·--;··- Page 1 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 7 8 v3~v-5NINNv~v~6~nv-3HI-~6d NVId IVI:>IddO '3Hl Ol l£ "ON lN'3WON'3WV ' ' \ __ J STATEMENT OF COMPONENTS PART I -THE PREAMBLE does not constitute part of this Amendm PART II -THE AMENDMENT, consisting of the following text (designated Schedule 'A'), constitutes Amendment No. : Official Plan for the Town of Aurora. l, .. - 2 - PART I: THE PREAMBLE f~gfQSE_QF T~£_~M£~QM£~I The purpose of this Amendment is: 1. To establish a new land use category entitled Special U Residential and. to provide policies for this category. 2. To establish a new land use category entitled Urban Separ and to provide policies for this category. 3. To redesignate the lands shown on Schedule 'A' which are pat Lot 85, Concession 1, W. Y .S. from "Rural" to "Special l Residential and Urban Separator". hQf~TIQ~ This Amendment consists of two parts which shall be refered 1 items (1) and (2). Item (1): Special policies governing Amendment are to be added and Policies) of the Official as Subsections lf.c and 12. the lands affected by to Section If (Land Use Plan for the Town of A Item (2) The lands affected by this redesigna tion are part o 85, Concession 1 W. Y .S. as shown on Schedule 'A' a tta ~~SIS QF T~£_~M£~QM£~I Council has enacted this Amendment in response to the following: 1. The site is directly abutting an urban serviced area of the of Aurora. Development of the site on anything other th< services would place the municipality in a position where pr for the extension of services to the site will continue. 2. The physical characteristics of the site offer a numt constraints to normal urban density development. The site rises from Yonge Street over 60 metres (200 fee1 high point on the north-west corner of the propert) property comprises four major physical components; (a) A high, gently sloping hardwood bush on the most ·'~­ part of the property. >i ' ,--, l ___ :) -3 - (b) An area which is strongly sloping (over 15% particularly in the vicinity of a number of tributar Tannery Creek where slopes in excess of 25% may be This area is vegetated with mature deciduous hare especially in the stream areas, coniferous so plantations and an old apple orchard. (c) The eastern half of the site has two tributaries to 1 Creek with deeply cut valleys which run from west along the northern and southern parts of the site whi the main branch near Yonge Street. On the n tributary, a man made pond and a marsh a1 approximately 1 hectare is located. A marsh area located in the south-east corner of the property as~ with the more southerly tributary. (d) Between the tributaries, their associated valleys an vegetation there are a number of relatively flat agr' fields. The strongly sloping areas, the valley lands and as marshes and pond are considered to be unsuit< residential development. The most westerly hardwc is considered suitable for residential development a to the landscape analysis prepared for the property it is a well established young mature stand wl moderate to high tolerance to construction activi poor diversity and age distribution and is absorptive. The open fields are considered to limitations to development according to the analysis. 3. In response to the above discussed items, the need service development on the site coupled with a site ha major physical constraints and vegetative characterist merit conservation, Council has determined that a "Spec Residential" land use category which is particularly t< the characteristics of this particular site is warran category requires that sensitive parts of the site unsuitable for development remain as open space whil• development at urban densities on the suitable parts of 4. Goal 3 of Section 3.3 of the Official Plan is: "To m identifiable and distinct community." Objectives in ach goal are: (a) A de qua te land use controls to prevent the u- sprawl of the Town from merging with adjacent co - 4 - (b) Identifying and strengthening existing community stru (c) Urban boundaries be defined to prevent urban spr; the countryside and along Highway 1!. An area urban scale development be established between th area of Aurora and the northern and southern bounc the Town. (d) Development of commercial uses) Town. a civic centre (government, insti which will act as a strong focus To attempt to achieve this goal and the objectives Council h the position that an "Urban Separator" should be established northern end of the municipality particularly along Yonge Street John's Sideroad. The main thrust of this policy is to assign ap non-urban uses to the area which will maintain the rural appearanc area thereby preventing Aurora from merging with urban developmer north. The area of the site along St. John's Sideroad has theref established in this "Urban Separator". \" r ~~"f-- . ' -5 - PART II -THE AMENDMENT INigQQ~~rggx~r~I~M~~I All of this part of the document entitled Part II -The Am consisting of the following text and attached map designated 'A' (Land Use Plan) consitutues Amendment No. 31 to the Offi, for the Town of Aurora. Q~I~ILS Qf_I~£_~Mg~QMg~I The Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area is hereby am follows: Item (1): Section If Land Use Plan and Policies is hereby am adding the following as subsection lf.c. and subsecti renumbered as subsection ll.d. Special Urban Residential The Special Urban Residential category will apply to la1 because of their physical characteristics cannot be developec entirety as urban residential uses. In these areas, large open space which will be for the most part privately owned w aside in order to ensure that the physically sensitive or undE components of the site are conserved. Development of the take the form of clusters of housing which will be located having suitability for development. Density, which will not exceed 3.7 to 11.2 units per he be based on gross residential land which will include pi unsuitable for development purposes and road allowar following policies will apply to all areas designated as Spe< Residential. 1. Prior to any land being designated in the Spec Residential category the following shall be provide applicant in a form acceptable to the municipality. (i) (ii) (iii) A detailed landscape analysis qualified Landscape Architect analysis, vegetation analysis suitability analysis. of the site under1 which shall inclu< and inventory a A detailed site plan indicating location of bui location of roads. An engineering report indicating preliminary roac •••-~------------~"--•-A••---~------------------~-~----------..--,-, v ( -~~ - 6 - 2. Prior to any tree removal on the site and before final a of a plan of subdivision or condominium, the applicant undertake a detailed tree preservation plan which will de1 blocks and individual specimens of trees which will be pr and the methods which will be utilized to ensure survival trees. 3. Prior to draft approval of any plan of subdivision a preliminary stormwater and erosion control submitted to the municipality. or cond< report The Section 4 is amended by adding the following as Subsection Lands designated as Urban Separator are intended as an implement Goal 3: "To maintain an identifiable and community" by limiting the permitted uses to those whid large open space component thereby providing a st between the urban areas of Aurora and Newmarke permitted will include very large residential lots, ins1 uses on large lots which are compatible with a rural sett limited commercial uses on large lots, such as country in riding establishments, and such other uses as are c' compatible with the goal of ensuring an urban separ maintaining the rural appearance of the area. The ar St. John's Sideroad designated Urban Separator may be no more than 11 residential lots. Policies (i) All proposals in the area designated Urban Separator subject to a site plan agreement which will include < landscaping plan. (ii) All lots created in the urban separator area sufficiently large as to achieve the goal of maintainir appearance within the area. (iii) Wherever possible the natural elements of the are< maintained. Removal of natural vegetation will be areas required as building envelopes. (iv) Parking areas will be screened from the streets by pl landscaping. Parking areas will be located as far streets as practical and where possible behind the bui (v) Signage will be kept as unobtrusive as possible a limited to locations specified in the site plan agreeme --·-,-----~-----··-------------"·---~-~---------··" ----~-~----------~---------~---· -- - 7 - (vi) The implementing zoning by-law shall specify building setbacks, yards, etc. Generally buildings will be well set back from roads to ensure the rural appearance of the area is maintained. Item (2): That Schedule 'A' is amended by changing the land use category applying to that part of Lot 85, Concession 1, W. Y .S. shown on Schedule 'A' to this Amendment from "Rural" to "Special Urban Residential and Urban Separator". IMPL£M£~I~TIO~-~~Q_!~I£gEg£I~TIO~ The implementation and interpretation of this Amendment shall be in accordance with the respective policies of the Aurora Official Plan. __ -----+---C~O N CE S_S I_O_N REFERRED -a'~ OMB N? REFERRED IV ,jf~: OM8 N? 4 REFERRED ~ II~ 0 M 8 N '? 6 llt---l!:.- 1~------- URBAN SEPARATOR IW I ---r--- 1 CONCEI?SION IE . ( ._ C ONC. ESS ION II =r__c ONCES S l_q!!_--111 ===F._'_ -----#;;:-/--\~;=~_) -~ 1~-----l! l . +:. -~ -n 11 'w I I I I I I I I I I I I I IN, I I I.., i (\1 ; --+--: --+~ I i"' I"' N! "'! -,--: i CIJ i T_, ... /Oi ;cvj --, ~{'". '"'V -~I ~;;}}}})}0 \/Y '\. II ~1\ . I cr. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I j I /L f /~,;sj/ /'~ · --- - -=dr ~ -"'""" )i k-r-r II ......._,J.}y ~ f',_ / /_/' ' OJ: -~~:[ i I' t-1 _, ' ---,-jl ~ r~~r -i---) r~~·r' ~;, l ~i! -il +~: -+~~1 !-· 1-_11 __ . J LEGEND URBAN RESIDENTIAL SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL ESTATE RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL ~ INDUSTRIAL / ®1~¥~~\\\tl!l/INSTITUTIONAL WI'"""··"'·'"' MAJOR [ [ Cd 1---1 OPEN SPACE RURAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AREA PLANNING AREA BOUNDARY AREA REFERRED TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL. BOARD APPROVED IN FORM SHOWN BY ORDER NOTES DATED MAY 24, 1979 I. THIS MAP MUST BE REAO IN CONJUNCTION WITH. THE TEXT OF THE INTERIM OFFICIAL PLAN. 2. AREAS AND LOCATIONS OF MAJOR INSTITUTIONAL AND OPEN SPACE DESIGNATIONS WITHIN UNDEVELOPED AREAS ARE SYMBOLIC ONLY AND WILL BE DETERMINED IN A MORE PRECISE MANNER WHEN THE AREAS ARE DEVELOPED. "OFFICE CONSOLIDATION" SCHEDULE A LAND .USE PLAN INTERIM OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE AURORA PLANNING AREA SCALE IN FEET .,...........,._ -= F--e 6 Nf~_s Sl()t! IW URBAN SEPARATOR SPEOAL URBAN .. RESIDENTIAL ''·· ,,_, REFERRED OMS N~ REFERRED OMB .N'? REFERRED -~c--­ OMB N~·"' NOTE' Tl!is inop wos compl/8d from corrected oeriol photography ond should not be sc:o/ed. ___J_ __ ·-·-------"~-;--~~..,_,..;,,~y·-----'~-"~·"'-e.~ ....... "' .. " ••••• c.;o..:,_:_~:;,::,_-,_,:·,~ • • ",."----:.:,.:..:::c..:.~.--- --r CONCESSION + "'------------_IE + . CONCESSION ,-\ ,« /--1_;;~---t-· II -T-~coN cE: SSI ON ---11,_--.. -n·.~ ----~----I ----I I ----liT"------ I I I I I .I ~AN~ 17 lj' I \ /!1--' ~-----j# I I ,/ ~~ I I ~:;3m;;r 'I H-----~~ I ~~ '· 'i ~--------------·--------! I.\ I LOT NUMBERING DIFFERS ' ··-'r-!:f'>' .,..--I '!.~>o·<'o' ,{1 \\ \ I I I I I I ~~-~----J [----___:_----l-------JI I I I j I /1 ---t·/.:..\.'ll/ L'::.:-. -- - -=:.~r ---o:::......_ ~-lh:;,-.77 ' I A-·/ I / ____ .,,..,, r I : j: ~I I CD I I "' I' . • ! ' I ,., I ' "' I' : ,I ----!----; ' :j· ~~: INi i i, ---Hi ' ' ' rt) : I "' i ~ "' "' ______, [-! "'' I .o "' --, ---lh "'- (I)· .... . (D' ·-i -~ I ! It) ! ,_ -----t-·-....:· I !~[ ~--1 + I ., , :-1 I ' --r_: ' i "'I 1-: --r :=i ~- i ; igji l .. i AMENDMENT No. 31 LEGEND URBAN RESIDENTIAL -~fF if~ t#Y&$~~4f SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL .-, ESTATE RESIDENnAL -COMMERCIAL ~ INDUSTRIAL I E;!iG?,INill INSTITUTIONAL '"'' . "' "·-"' MAJOR OPEN SPACE J I RURAL r__::::c1 ENVIRONMENTAL PR&i~CTION AREA 1-.. · __ . -·· I .PLANNING AREA BOUNDARY AREA REFERRED TO .THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD APPROVED IN FORM SHOWN BY ORDER NOTES-. DATED MAY 24, 1979 I. THIS MAP MUST BE READ IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE TEXT OF-THE INTERIM OFFICIAL PLAN. 2. AREAS AND LOCATIONS OF MAJOR INSTITUTIONAL AND OPEN SPACE_ DESIGNATIONS WITHIN UNDEVELOPED AREAS ARE SYMBOLIC ONLY .AND WILL BE DETERMINED IN A MORE PRECISE MANNER WHEN THE AREAS ARE DEVE"LOPED. SPECIAL URBAN RESIDENTIAL URBAN SEPARAlORS "OFFICE CoNSOLIDATION" ~ SCHEDULE A ;!i'Z lit ip \~ ·-::z. ~::::\' -..~; • .:!!-r&n• e"' LAND .USE PLAN INTERIM OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE -·~ AURORA PLANNING AREA SCALE 1'1 FEET ----~~------~~~" 1000 500 0 '""" 2000 THE REGIONAL MuNrr.rPAI lTV nl=" vnJ;~~< Pr .1\NNII\J~ nl:"oll.oTur~o•-r J .;- ,I I ·~-~~----- ---.. ...., Amendment No. 31 to the Official Plan for the Aurora Planning Area This amendment to the Official Plan for the Aurora Planning Area, which has been adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora is hereby modified under the provisions of section 21 of the Planning Act, as follows: l. Schedule 'A' to Amendment No. 31 is deleted and replaced with the new Schedule 'A'. As thus modified, this amendment is hereby approved pursuant to section 21 of the Planning Act, as Amendment No. 31 to the Official Plan for the Aurora Planning Area. Date • H/·?/Y.<fS:. ... ~eL~ p l. J. FINCHAM Director Plans Administration Branch Centra~ and Southwest Ministry of Municipal Affairs . . . ·--,.,-' ) 1 '~ ADOPTION BY-LAW FOR OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 31 BY-LAW NUMBER 2729-85 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AUROR The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora, under 17 (6) of the Planning Act, 1983, hereby enacts as follows: 1. Official Plan Amendment No. 31 for the Town of consisting of the attached maps and explanatory text, is adopted. 2. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make app to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing for app1 Official Plan Amendment No. 31 for the Town of Aurora. 3. This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the the final pasing thereof. READ 1./ FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 8-L~L _ _,Sft\l_\1.6_'J _____ , Dl ~t~-I f1 ~ L ;~---=::-------~~-j ~tXA ~-t-rr~---;/-.L'f{ERK REA A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS _j:./;L_ DAY C 1985 _ 0'~ a ___ ::~-MivoR=;#---~ --~p_{{-MT~f Certified that the above is a true copy of By-law No. 2729-85 as an~_ ~assed by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of A 1_~----;t.._.t:i:_ __ , 1985 • . ----~ (__ ~~------..:.Qt~ C· '~v-----­~~ _J_) c:Pvj l,COLLEEN E. GOWAN, DEPUTY CLERK, OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF,,AUB,OR, CERTIFY THAT THE FOREGOING IS A TRUE COPY OF BY-LAW II 2729~85 ADOJ'TED BY ' OF THE SAID CORPORATION ON FEBRUARY 4,1985. .-~--0 . /~----~ ~ -· .:-.··, OCTOBER l,1985 DATE --~~~- DEPUTY t;Lt;KK r l i ,~, This Amendment to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora, which has been adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora, is hereby approved in accordance with Section 17 of the Planning Act, 1983 as Amendment No. 31 to the Offi'cial Plan for the Town of Aurora. DATE: ) \ AMENDMENT NO. 31 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA Index Page The Statement of Components 1 ,,---~,( --,-~~ ___ _:.:~~"~~---~---.. PART I -THE PREAMBLE Purpose of the Amendment Location Basis of the Amendment PART II -THE AMENDMENT Introductory Statement Details of the Amendment Implementation and Interpretation Schedule 'A' -Land Use Plan 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 7 8 v3~v-5NINNv1ldiv~o~nv~Hy-~61 NV"'d 1.VI::>I:J:l0 :IH.L O.L lE "ON .LN:IWON:IWV \ \ . . . (""-.., I \ ' /" ''--,-.. STATEMENT OF COMPONENTS PART I -THE PREAMBLE does not constitute part of this Amendrr PART II -THE AMENDMENT, consisting of the following text (designated Schedule 'A'), constitutes Amendment No. Official Plan for the Town of Aurora. ----~~·~ ·-""-·~~·--'"~~·~·-··---·~ < . ' - 2 - PART 1: THE PREAMBLE The purpose of this Amendment is: 1. To establish a new land use category entitled Special Urban Residential and to provide policies for this category. 2. To establish a new land use category enti tied Urban Separator and to provide policies for this category. 3. To redesignate the lands shown on Schedule 'A' which are part of Lot 85, Concession 1, W.Y.S. from "Rural" to "Special Urban Residential and Urban Separator". This Amendment consists of two parts which shall be refered to as items (l) and (2). Item (1): Special policies governing Amendment are to be added and Policies) of the Official as Subsections 4.c and 12. the lands affected by this to Section 4 (Land Use Plan Plan for the Town of Aurora Item (2) The lands affected by this redesignation are part of Lot 85, Concession 1 W. Y .S. as shown on Schedule 'A • attached. Council has enacted this Amendment in response to the following: 1. The site is directly abutting an urban serviced area of the Town of Aurora. Development of the site on anything other than full services would place the municipality in a position where pressure for the extension of services to the site will continue. 2. The physical characteristics of the site offer a number of constraints to normal urban density development. The site rises from Yonge Street over 60 metres high point on the north-west corner of the property comprises four major physical components; (200 feet) to a property. The (a) A high, gently sloping hardwood bush on the most westerly part of the property. I I I 3. - 3 - (b) An area which is strongly sloping (over 15% slopes) particularly in the vicinity of a number of tributaries to Tannery Creek where slopes in excess of 25% may be found. This area is vegetated with mature deciduous hardwoods, especially in the stream areas, coniferous softwood plantations and an old apple orchard. (c) The eastern half of the site has two tributaries to Tannery Creek with deeply cut valleys which run from west to east along the northern and southern parts of the site which join the main branch near Yonge Street. On the northern tributary, a man made pond and a marsh area of approximately l hectare is located. A marsh area is also located in the south-east corner of the property associated with the more southerly tributary. (d) Between the tributaries, their associated valleys and heavy vegetation there are a number of relatively flat agricultural fie Ids. The strongly sloping areas, the valley lands and associated marshes and pond are considered to be unsuitable for residential development. The most westerly hardwood bush is considered suitable for residential development according to the landscape analysis prepared for the property in that it is a well established young mature stand which has moderate to high tolerance to construction activities, has poor diversity and age distribution and is visually absorptive. The open fields are considered to have no limitations to development according to the landscape analysis. In response to the above discussed items, the need to fully service development on the site coupled with a site having some major physical constraints and vegetative characteristics which merit conservation, Council has determined that a "Special Urban Residential" land use category which is particularly tailored to the characteristics of this particular site is warranted. This category requires that sensitive parts of the site and areas unsuitable for development remain as open space while allowing development at urban densities on the suitable parts of the site. 4. Goal 3 of Section 3.3 of the Official Plan is: "To maintain an identifiable and distinct community." Objectives in achieving this goal are: (a) A de qua te land use controls to prevent the uncontrolled sprawl of the Town from merging with adjacent communities. - 4 - (b) Identifying and strengthening existing corrmunity structures. (c) Urban boundaries be defined to prevent urban sprawl into the countryside and along Highway l I. An area of no urban scale development be established between the urban area of Aurora and the northern and southern boundaries of the Town. (d) Development of a civic centre (government, institutional, commercial uses) which will act as a strong focus for the Town. To attempt to achieve this goal and the objectives Council has taken the position that an "Urban Separator" should be established at the northern end of the municipality particularly along Yonge Street and St. John's Sideroad. The main thrust of this policy is to assign appropriate non-urban uses to the area which will maintain the rural appearance of the area thereby preventing Aurora from merging with urban development to the north. The area of the site along St. John's Sideroad has therefore been established in this "Urban Separator". ) ) \ . I -5 - PART II -THE AMENDMENT All of this part of the document entitled Part II -The Amendment, consisting of the following text and attached map designated Schedule 'A' (Land Use Plan) consitutues Amendment No. 31 to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora • The Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area is hereby amended as follows: Item (l): Section 4 Land Use Plan and Policies is hereby amended by adding the following as subsection 4.c. and subsection 4.c is renumbered as subsection 4.d. Special Urban Residential The Special Urban Residential category will apply to lands which because of their physical characteristics cannot be developed in their entirety as urban residential uses. In these areas, large areas of open space which will be for the most part privately owned will be set aside in order to ensure that the physically sensitive or undevelopable components of the site are conserved. Development of the site will take the form of clusters of housing which will be located in areas having suitability for development. Density, which will not exceed 3.7 to 4.2 units per hectare will be based on gross residential land which will include parks, land unsuitable for development purposes and road allowances. The following policies will apply to all areas designated as Special Urban Residential. I. Prior to any land being designated in the Special Urban Residential category the following shall be provided by the applicant in a form acceptable to the municipality. (i) A detailed landscape analysis of the site undertaken by a qualified Landscape Architect which shall include a slope analysis, vegetation analysis and inventory and a site suitability analysis. (ii) A detailed site plan indicating location of building lots, location of roads. (iii) An engineering report indicating preliminary road grades. ' ) \ ' - 6 - 2. Prior to any tree removal on the site and before final approval of a plan of subdivision or condominium, the applicants shall undertake a detailed tree preservation plan which will detail the blocks and individual specimens of trees which will be preserved 3. . and the methods which will be utilized to ensure survival of the trees. Prior to draft approval of any plan of subdivision a preliminary stormwater and erosion control submitted to the municipality. or condominium, report will be The Section 4 is amended by adding the following as Subsection 12. Lands designated as Urban Separator are intended as an area to implement Goal 3: "To maintain an identifiable and distinct comnunity" by limiting the permitted uses to those which have a large open space component thereby providing a separation between the urban areas of Aurora and Newmarket. Uses permitted will include very large residential lots, institutional uses on large lots which are compatible with a rural setting, very limited corrmercial uses on large lots, such as country inns, horse riding establishments, and such other uses as are considered compatible with the goal of ensuring an urban separator and maintaining the rural appearance of the area. The area along St. John's Side road de signa ted Urban Separator may be used for no more than 11 residential lots. Policies (i) All proposals in the area designated Urban Separator shall be subject to a site plan agreement which will include a detailed landscaping plan. (ii) All lots created in the urban separator area shall be sufficiently large as to achieve the goal of maintaining a rural appearance within the area. (iii) Wherever possible the natural elements of the area shall be maintained. Removal of natural vegetation will be limited to areas required as building envelopes. (iv) Parking areas will be screened from the streets by planting and landscaping. Parking areas will be located as far from major streets as practical and where possible behind the buildings. (v) Signage will be kept as unobtrusive as possible and will be limited to locations specified in the site plan agreement. \ _____ ·' ' - 7 - (vi) The implementing zoning by-law shall specify building setbacks, yards, etc. Generally buildings will be well set back from roads to ensure the rural appearance of the area is maintained. Item {2): That Schedule 'A' is amended by changing the land use category applying to that part of Lot 85, Concession I, W. Y .S. shown on Schedule 'A' to this Amendment from "Rural" to "Special Urban Residential and Urban Separator". The implementation and interpretation of this Amendment shall be in accordance with the respective policies of the Aurora Official Plan. .. REFERRED OMS N~ REFERRED OMB N'!' REFERRED ~~ 11--JIJ OMS N' 6 ~ ----~··-~"""--,-- URBAN SEPARATOR CONCESSION II -~--~--~ IP'-"'-&_ /--1--1+---~-,-_j_ coNc-fs SION I \1 ~-----l!l ,J Ill --+ I , : II -~i I'~!' N:~: '1 tr N~lytl ' } t I '===' c:-:) ~f;~l\ i; n --~:: ........ - I I I I ~ I I \ ~---il----lz·----·-----·-----·-----1 . \ ____ ...--- I I I I I I I I I I ---'--; i .,. ;i I C\l'i: ii "" Nii :: ---~' "' "' ----'1: ;; T l I' .or "';I I' (II ., t- --~:! ~ -il·· ------;-----'; ,, ---~--- ... _, : :1 ~' I"' :-! -,~ . 'I : N~-r :-:1 , 'I ~:,~ ;=i: _ 11: 1!1! 0 2 II . ' LOT HfJMi/£111N6 0~11$ t- CQNCESSION IE CONCE\S.SION II CQf\!_QESSION" Ill 1:: ---=~-. - AMENDMENT No. 31 ~,-.••. _.L?Ci-·~ r:1t2t~ LEGEND URBAN RESIDENTIAL SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL ESTATE RESIDENTIAL AREA REFERRED TO .THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD APPROVED IN FORM SHOWN BY ORDER NOTES. DATED MAY 24, 1979 I. THIS MAP MUST BE REAO IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE TEXT OF THE INTERIM OFFICIAL PLAN. 2. AREAS AND LOCATIONS OF MAJOR INSTITUTIONAl AND OPEN SPACE DESIGNATIONS WITHIN UNDEVELOPED AREAS ARE SYMBOLIC ONLY AND WILL BE DETERMINED IN A MORE PRECISE MANNER WHEN THE AREAS ARE DEVELOPED. f0::~'~:\:"J SPECIAL URBAIII RESIDEIIITIAL ~--:, ·-·-:-. ~:-·-.... •-•. i\~ \l \ 1.,. •. • ••• • ... URBAN SEPARAlORS "OFFICE Cl)NSOLIDATION" ~ SCHEDULE A LAND .USE PLAN INTERIM OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE ·-AURORA PLANNING AREA SCAlE Ill FEET ,,.•-..-~~= • .---·.•.·.=~~00 ll~ q • S· ,~, THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK PLANNING. DEPARTMENT. REVISED .. ro'lll ;g7<l IAN SEPARATOR ·~cf~d Otlr;o/ $CO/~f/. I 1: / I I r tv.; II 1 I ~~~·~p~----~,, I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' I{---; f 'I I •• ft , .,,;-A t, I I f\ ' ~··· r-~~~~ .. -~ - -------,.._ • --=::::::::-f""',-.r" 1 ' . J '-I // ......... t UJ "' 1., J: ! .. 'N ·"" ·"" I -t--· ! :;I 0 N I --r-•! :cr.: --1 ! . CD; ~-1 --j--1 . I ~i! ii -~·I' : -~I i!if l .n! l . -·, ' 'I -HI [ ;I i•li ·-1 -HI t~l i:,, !-)· ' _L I I! -f ld'l \Z. LEGEND ·_llllttll URBAN RESIDENTIAL ~n SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL ESTATE RESIDENTIAL -COMMERCIAL ~ INDUSTRIAL ~- I fid¢t~l INSTITUTIONAL MAJOR OPEN SPACE I I RURAL ~· ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECT~ON AREA 1---1 PLANNING AREA BOUNDARY AREA REFERRED TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD APPROVED IN FORM SHOWN BY ORDER NOTES' DATED MAY 24, 1979 . I. THIS MAP MUST BE READ IN CONJUNCTION WITH. TliE TEXT OF THE INTERIM O~f,_ICIAL ·PLAN. 2. -AREAS AND LOCATIONS OF MAJOR INSTITUTIONAL AND OPEN SPACE DESIGNATIONS WITHIN UNDEVELOPED AREAS ARE SYMBOLIC ONLY AND WILL BE DETERMINED IN A MORE PRECISE MANNER WHEN THE AREAS ARE DEVELOPED. "OFFICE CONSOLIDATION" SCHEDULE A LAND .USE PLAN INTERIM OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE AURORA PLANNING AREA SCA~E IN FEET · .~~·.-~~~··"""""",• ... THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK PLANNING DEPARTMENT. -,