BYLAW - Repeal 2544 82 - 19850617 - 275985.. . ~--.., . . . • ..;.=&>!<!'~'«!.'Y3tJL.'<:<!'=.~-v;m,.~=~"~"'=~~-~---,~•W-•~---~~-·· BY-LAW NO. 2759-85 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING a By-Law to repeal By-law No. 2544-82, a By-Law to remove certain lands from part lot control. ··---·--··-- WHEREAS the provisions of Subsection (7) of Section 49 of the Planning Act, S.O. 1983, Chapter l, as amended, (formerly Subsection 10 of Section 29 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1980 Chapter 379) provide that Council may by by-law provide that Subsection 5 of Section 49 of the Planning Act (formerly Subsection 5 of Section 29 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 379) does not apply to land that is within a registered Plan of Subdivision; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Town of Aurora enacted and passed By-law No. 2544-82 on the 13th day of December, 1982 providing that Subsection 5 of Section 29 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 379 does not apply to certain lands on Plan of Subdivision Number 65M-2l24, which By-law was approved by the Regional Municipality of York on the 13th day of January, 1983; AND WHEREAS Subsection 7 of Section 49 of the Planning Act provides that the Council may repeal a By-law passed under Subsection 5 of Section 49 of the Planning Act does not apply to land that is within a registered Plan of Subdivision; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Town of Aurora now deems it expedient to enact and pass a By-law repealing By-law No. 2544-92; NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the provisions of By-law No. 2544-82 of the Town of Aurora as they apply to the hereinafter described lands be and they are hereby REPEALED: ALL AND SINGULAR those certain parcels or tracts of land, situate, lying, and being in the Town of Aurora in the Regional Municipality of York, and Province of Ontario and being composed of Lot Nos. l to 14, inclusive, and Lot Nos. 51 to 54, inclusive, according to Plan of Subdivision Number 65M-2l24. «·-· Page 2. BY-LAW NO. 2759-85 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA 2. THAT the provisions of this By-law shall come into force and be effective and apply to the said lands upon registration of a certified copy of this By-law in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of York Region (No. 65) in accordance with Subsection 21 of Section 49 of the Planning Act. Read a first and second time this 3rd day of June, 1985. Read a third time and finally passed this /J day~·, 1985. MAYOR CLERK · .. BY-LAW NO. 2759-8.5 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING a By-Law to repeal By-law No. 2544-82, a By-Law to remove certain lands from part lot control. WHEREAS the provisions of Subsection (7) of Section 49 of the Planning Act, S.O. 1983, Chapter 1, as amended, (formerly Subsection 10 of Section 29 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1980 Chapter 379) provide that Council may by by-law provide that Subsection 5 of Section 49 of the Planning Act (formerly Subsection 5 of Section 29 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 379) does not apply to land that is within a registered Plan of Subdivision; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Town of Aurora enacted and passed By-law No. 2544-82 on the 13th day of December, 1982 providing that Subsection 5 of Section 29 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 379 does not apply to certain lands on Plan of Subdivision Number 65M-2124, which By-law was approved by the Regional Municipality of York on the 13th day of January, 1983; AND WHEREAS Subsection 7 of Section 49 of the Planning Act provides that the Council may repeal a By-law passed under Subsection 5 of Section 49 of the Planning Act does not apply to land that is within a registered Plan of Subdivision; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Town of Aurora now deems it expedient to enact and pass a By-law repealing By-law No. 2544-92; NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the provisions of By-law No. 2544-82 of the Town of Aurora as they apply to the hereinafter described lands be and they are hereby REPEALED: ALL AND SINGULAR those certain parcels or tracts of land, situate, lying, and being in the Town of Aurora in the Regional !'1unicipality of York, and Province of Ontario and being composed of Lot Nos. 1 to 14, inclusive, and Lot Nos. 51 to 54, inclusive, according to Plan of Subdivision Number 65M-2124. ··· . ., I l . . Page 3· BY-LAW NO. 2759-85 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA 2. THAT the provisions of this By-law shall come into force and be effective and apply to the said lands upon registration of a certified copy of this By-law in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of York Region (No. 65) in accordance with Subsection 21 of Section 49 of the Planning Act. Read a first and second time this 3rd day of June, 1985. Read a third time and finally passed this /J day~·, 1985. MAYOR CLERK I, Colleen E. Gowan, Deputy Clerk of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora hereby Certify the foregoing to be a True and Correct Copy of Town of Aurora By:...law No~ 2759-85, duly passed by Council of the said Corporation on the 17th day of June, 1985. I I .. Fourthly - DESCRIPTION OF LOTS Parcel 4-1, Section 65M2124 Part Lot 4, Plan 65M2124 designated as Parts 1 & 2 on 65R-5654 Page 4 Town of Aurora in the Regional Municipality of York Fifthly - Sixthly - Parcel 4-2, Section 65M2124 Part Lot 4, Plan 65M2124 designated as Parts 3 & 4 on 65R-5654 Town of Autora in the Regional Municipality of York Parcel 5-l, Section 65M2124 Part Lot 5, Plan 65M2124 designated as Parts 7 & 8 on 65R~S654 Town.of Aurora in the Regional Municipality of York Seventhly-Parcel 5-2, Section 65M2124 Part Lot 5, Plan 65M2124 designated as Parts 5 & 6 on 65R-5654 Town of Aurora in the Regional Municipality of York Eightly -Parcel 6-1, Section 65M2124 Part Lot 6, Plan 65M2124 Ninthly - designated as Parts 10 & 11 on 65R-5654 Town of Aurora in the Regional Municipality of York Parcel 6-2, Section 65M2124 Part Lot 6, Plan 65M2124 designated as Part 9 on 65R-5654 Town of Aurora in the Regional Municipality of York Tenthly -Parcel 7-1, Section 65M2124 Part Lot 7, Plan 6 5M2124 designated as Parts 12 & 13 on 65R-5654 Town of Aurora in the Regional Municipality of York Eleventhly-Parcel 7-2, Section 65M2124 Part Lot 7, Plan 65M2124 designated as Parts 14 & 15 on 65R-5654 Town of Aurora in the Regional Municipality of York Twelvethcy-Parcel 8-1, Section 65M2124 Part Lot 8, Plan 65M2124 designated as Parts 16 & 17 on 65R-5654 Town of Aurora, in the Regional Municipality of York Thirteenthly-Parcel 8-2, Section 65M2124 Part Lot 8, Plan 65M2124 designated as Parts 18 & 19 on 65R-5654 Town of Aurora in the Regional Municipality of York Fourteenthly-Parcel 9-1, Section 65M2124 Part Lot 9, Plan 65M2124 designated as Parts 22 & 23 on 65R-5654 Town of .Aurora in the Regional Municipality of Yrok Fifteenthly-Parcel 9-2, Section 65M2124 Part Lot 9, Plan 65M2124 designated as Parts 20 & 21 on 65R-5654 Town of Aurora in the Regional Municipality of York Sixteenthly-Parcel 10-1, Section 65M2124 Part Lot 10, Plan 65M2124 designated as Part 24 on 65R-5654 Town of .Aurora in the Regional Municipality of York Seventeenthly-Parcel 10-2, Section 65M2124 Part Lot 10, Plan 65M2124 designated as Part 25 on 65R-5654 Town of Aurora in the Regional Municipality of York ····,~ Eighteenthly - DESCRIPTION OF LOTS Parcel 11-1, Section 65M2124 Part Lot 11, Plan 65M2124 designated as Part 27 on 65R-5654 Page 5 Town of Aurora in the Regional Municipality of York Nineteenthly -Parcel 11-2, Section 65M2124 Part Lot 11, Plan 65M2124 designated as Part 26 on 65R-5654 Town of Aurora in the Regional Municipality of York Twentiethly -Parcel 12-1, Section 65M2124 Part Lot 12, Plan 65M2124 designated as Parts 28 & 29 on 65R-5654 Town of Aurora in the Regional Municipality of York Twenty-firstly -Parcel 12-2, Section 65M2124 Part Lot 12, Plan 65M2124 designated as Parts 30 & 31 on 65R-5654 Town of Aurora in the Regional Municipality of York Twenty-secondly-Parcel 13-1, Section 65M2124 Part Lot 13, Plan 65M2124 designated as Part 33 on 65R-5654 Town of Aurora in the Regional Municipality of York Twenty-thirdly -Parcel 13-2, Section 65M2124 Part Lot 13, Plan 65M2124 designated as Part 32 on 65R-5654 Town of Aurora in the Regional Municipality of York Twenty-fourthly -Parcel 14-1, Section 65M212 4 Part Lot 14, Plan 65M2124 designated as Parts 36 & 37 on 65R-5654 Town of Aurora in the Regional Municipality of York Twenty-fifthly -Parcel 14-2, Section 65M2124 Part Lot 14, Plan 65M2124 designated as Parts 34 & 35 on 65R-5654 Town of Aurora in the Regional Municipality of York Twenty-sixthly -Parcel 51-1, Section 65M2124 Part Lot 51, Plan 65M2124 designated as Parts 48 & 49 on 65R-5654 Town of Aurora in the Regional Municipality of York Twenty-seventhly -Parcel 51-2, Section 6 5M2124 Part Lot 51, Plan 65M2124 designated as Parts 50 & 51 on 65R-5654 Town of Aurora in the Regional Municipality of York Twenty-eighthly-Parcel 52-1, Section 65M2124 Part Lot 52, Plan 65M2124 designated as Parts 46 & 47 on 65R-5654 Town of Aurora in the Regional Municipality of York Twenty-ninthly -Parcel 52-2, Section 65M2124 Part Lot 52, Plan 65M2124 designated as Parts 44 & 45 on 65R-5654 Town of Aurora in the Regional Municipality of York Thirtiethly -Parcel 53-1, Section 65M2124 Part Lot 53, Plan 65M2124 designated as Parts 42 & 43 on 65R-5654 Town of Aurora in the Regional Municipality of York Thirty-Firstly -Parcel 53-2, Sect.ion 65M2124 Part Lot 53, Plan 65M2124 designated as Parts 40 & 41 on 65R-5654 Town of Aurora in the Regional Municipality of York Thirty-Secondly-Parcel 54-1, Section 65M2124 Part Lot 54, Plan 65M2124 designated as Part 39 on 65R-5654 Town of Aurora in the Regional Municipality of York DESCRIPTION OF LOTS -Page 6 Thirty-Thirdly -Parcel 54-2, Section 65M2124 Part Lot 54, Plan 65M2124 designated as Part 38 on 65R-5654 Town of Aurora in the Regional Municipality of York • Parcels • .. SCHEDULE uzu l -l 2-l 3-l 4-l 4-2 5-l 5-2 6-l 6-2 7-l 7-2 8-l 8-2 9-l 9-2 l 0-l l 0-2 ll-1 ll-2 12-l 12-2 13-l 13-2 14-l 14-2 51-1 51-2 52-1 52-2 53-l 53-2 54-l 54-2 all on plan 65M-2124 STRATHY, ARCHIBALD & SEAGRAM BARRJ:STERS AND SOLICITORS NORMAN 0. SEAGRAM, Q.C. RICHARDS. THOMSON, Q.C. GEORGE A. WILSON, Q.C, DEAN SAUL R. DOUGLAS S. HUNTER, Q.C. HARRY A. VANDERLUGT STEPHEN R. CLARKE LESLIE A. WITTLIN KEVIN R. AALTO MARK L. MADRAS GEORGE VUKELICH JOHN M. WHYTE DOUGLAS 0. LANGLEY WILLIAM J. WALKER WENDA YEN SON R. DOUGLAS KNEEBONE STEPHEN P. JOHNSTON KARON C. BALES ELIZABETH M. WAIGHT JON VENUTTI DAVID B. LIGHT JOHN C. LONDON KENNETH T. ROSENBERG ANDREW D. BRANDS CLARA KISKO PHILIPJ. B. HEATH CONSTANCE C. OLSHESKI C. ROGER ARCHIBALD, Q.C. WILLIAM J. H. OSTRANDER PHILIP W. THOMPSON W, ROONEY R. PRYDE JAMES 0. SINCLAIR ANNE MARIE LA TRAVERSE LORETTA R. £. ZUBAS COUNSEL J. DOUGLAS CRANE, Q.C. ASSOCIATE COUNSEL MONTGOMERY GUNN THOMAS F. C, COLE, Q.C. October 11, 1985 Town of Aurora 50 Wellington Street West AURORA, Ontario L4G 3L8 Attention Dear Sirs: Lawrence Allison Administrative Clerk RE: Plan No. 65M2124, Aurora By-law No. 2759-85 ;· 38TH FLOOR COMMERCE COURT WEST BOX 438 COMMERCE COURT POSTAL STATION TORONTO, CANADA M!5L 1J3 TELEPHON£(416)862-7525 CABLE ''SASCLAW" TELEX 06·23776 PANAFAX (416) 862-7661 TDX BOX 42 REFER TO FILE NO.------- o3 \J] = CJ _, --! = :iiiE .~:d.'"J ~ :' .. 1"" f ~~~ c::; ,:...:1 ~,., This letter will confirm that By-law No. 2759-85 of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora which repealed By-law 2544-82 of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora was registered against the subject lots on Plan 65M2124 on August 21st, 1985 as Instrument No. LT 243417. We are enclosing herein for your files the duplicate original registered copy of the Application by which this By-law was registered against the title to these lands. We believe that this matter is now completed. If you have any further questions or concerns about this matter, please call our offices. WRRP/jps Encl. i- Yours very truly, STRATHY, ARCHIBALD & SEAGRAM Per:~~~~~ W. Rodney R. Pryde """ (i // ..... I •. \' DYE & DURHAM CO. LIMITED Form No. 985 Document General D Form 4 -Land Registration Reform Act, 1984 "·"· ,., .... ,.-..J II .!.!-+· ~'+J. I (1) Registry 0 Land THies IZJ T (2) Page 1 of 6 pages ) Number ................... ....,.. ........... u • .., ......... un~_ (3) Property Block Property CERTIFICATE OF RECEIPT ldentlller(s) Additional: See D Schedule 1985 AUG 21 PM 4: 27 (4) Nature of Document Application to Register By-law ~eet::i:on '14 of t:he :Oe:fHl '±'H:±es ,A:e:E~ YOR!( REGION ~0 / L. .,/A ],.(5) Consideration >-...J ~--No. 65 .//~ . . · -.o- r-:~~'.f\.1 i\1 -'\Rl<FT -;:ftSlf.f.and Re~isifa~f Dollars$ Pat"u.k (6) Description \COntmuea on e) I· I Firstly -Parcel 1-1, Section 65M2124 . (. ·f wt 1, Plan 65M2124 0 s-r Town of Aurora,Regional Municipality of York a: 0 fo 'S'fY\ ·£...I'(_, L( "-c;eh"'" Secondly-Parcel 2-1, Section 65M2124 wt 2, Plan 65M2124 New Property Identifiers Town of Aurora,Regional Municipality of York Additional: Thirdly Parcel 3-1, Section 65M2124 See 0 - Schedule wt 3, Plan 65M2124 Executions Town of Aurora Reaional Municinalitv of York (7) This (a) Redescription i (b) Schedule for: · Additional: Document New Easement o! ~ Additional See 0 Contains: Plan/Sketch Description Parties O Other IZl Schedule ' (8) This Document provides as follows: The Corporation of The Town of Aurora hereby applies to have registered By-law No. 2759-85 of The Municipal Corporation of The Town of Aurora of which a certified copy of By-law No. 2759-85 is attached hereto. By-law No. 2759-85 repeals By-law No. 2544-82, registered on January 17, 1985 as Instrument No. LT 107404. ---·-"·., ·-~.::-~:; '. --~- . :--. 1'·-' ,•j~·., ' Continued on Schedule 01 (9) This Document relates to Instrument number(s) LT 107404 (10) Party(les) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) Signature(s) Date of Signature Y M 0 . 'J'UE .. CO!<F'.O.I\1\.'r;I:O.N: .Of. :r.~E;. '):'()~.Of. l\l.lll-0~ .. .. ~.~ '? ~~ ........... i )-~~?. i .Q~i.lt> . by its solicitor Rodney Pryde ! : l l : ! ' ............................................. ' . ' · · · · · · · · · · -· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · i · · · · · 1 · · ·r · · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ' . ' ............................ : ..... : ... r .. ! ! ! : ; ' (11) Address 50 Wellington street West, Aurora, Ontario, L4G 3L8 for Service (12) Party(les) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) Signature(s) Date of Signature y M D i rr: :::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:.:: i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r . . . . . . . . . . . ! .............................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r . . . . . . . . . . . I (13) Address for Service ,.......,_ (14) Municipal Address of Property (15) Document Prepared by: -~ I~ Fees and Tax Rodney Pryde ...J iS Registration Fee Multiple Strathy, Archibald & Seagrarr "' Box 438, Conunerce Court West "' ::J Toronto, Ontario "' () .. M5L 1J3 "-"-0 a: 0 Total t~ 10174 (12/84)