BYLAW - OPA #35 - 19850506 - 274885'. •:--c>~:~~_._,_.,vv '''' <-·~--,~"-''.,-r"~~..,;:,;;s:a;:;--_;, i!"' -- ?~ ® Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs 36/10/21 1n Bay Street 14th Floor Toronto, Ontari M5G 2E5 TheAttached UFF·lClAI '"Lii"i AJV,cNDiJ.i:NI U::J:O cxo-Lft IN THE TOWN DF AURORA Submitted to Plans Administration was A P P R G VE 0 ON 2 0 OCT l 9 8 6 973(06/86) '""1'1'' ,.,~. i i 1 tfij f ! ~ I ~,, t !~_i ,-·~ ~ 'l >. , ·: '"h "I !'"I' )\ 1 ~ b l t\ t't ) \0 -,_i ; ~ C.c ; \ •''> K B RODGER CLERK ptease Refer all Correspondence 'R"~'R'1 th\5 i"~"l;Ef~" to: (416l 535-6066 TOWN Gf AURORA 50 WELLINGTLN STREET WEST AURORA ONTARIO Quoting Our File Number: L% 3L8 \ ~ 19-0P-0025 -r\.~ A o3s c:; / AMENDMENT--N_~------· TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN EQ8_I~£-~~8Q8~ PL~~~l~9-~8£~ ~ frJY- I I9-_o.r 0025·035 -.;,. __ ,.., .. """ ,....,-;-r~....,~--ij,"~ -., ~£ 4~L: £J; "' ' ' Amendment No. 35 to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora This amendment to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora, which has been adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora, is hereby modified under the provisions of section 17(9) of the Planning Act as follows: 1. Part II: The Amendment, Details of the Amendment, Page 4, Item (2), paragraph three is modified by deletion in its entirety. 2. Part II: The Amendment, Details of the Amendment, Page 4, Section 8.1 '"Special Rural Residential" paragraph 1, line 2, is modified by the addition of the words "Concession 1 E.Y.S." after the words "Lots 74 and 75,". 3. Part II: The Amendment, Details of the Amendment Page 4, Section 8.1 "Special Rural Residential", paragraph 1, is modified by the deletion of the fourth line, to be replaced with the following: "of condominium with the exception of the tennis complex and will be developed for residential uses in conjunction •. ~. 4. Part II: The Amendment, Details of the Amendment, Pages 4-5, Section 8.1 "Special Rural Residential"• the first paragraph on Page 5, is modified by the addition of the following sent~nce between the first and second sentences: "This density allocation will include two residential units which will be accessory to the tennis complex. 5. Part II: The Amendment, Details of the Amendment, Pages 4-5, Section 8.1 "Special Rural Residential", the first paragraph on Page 5, the sixth line is modified by the deletion of the reference to "Section 9.2" to be replaced with the reference to flSection 9.lfl. • • • 2 I . . : - 2 - 6. Part II: The Amendment, Details of the Amendment Pages 4-5, Section 8.1 "Special Rural Residential", the second paragraph on Page 5, is deleted in its entirety, to be replaced with the following: "The subject lands will be serviced by means of a municipal water supply and a communal private sewage disposal system. Storm water management will be practiced on the site to ensure that irrigation for the golf course will be derived from surface water only. The approval of the Regional Engineering Commissioner, the Regional Medical Officer of Health and the Ministry of the Environment shall be obtained where applicable prior to the installation of any of these services." 7. Part II: The Amendment, Details of the Amendment, Page 5, Section B.l.A Implementation is modified by deletion of Item 1 to be replaced with the following: "The development will be implemented by a plan of condominium which will effect all the lands with the exception of the tennis complex and an amendment to the zoning by- law. 8. Part I I: The. Amendment, Detai 1 s of the Amendment, Page 5, the last statement, which reads "Part 4, Section 9 is hereby amended by adding the following as Subsection 9.2." is deleted in its entirety. 9. Part II: The Amendment, Details of the Amendment, Section 9.2 "Special Major Open Space" is modified to state "Section 9.1". • •• 3 I -3 - As thus modified, this amendment is he~eby approved pursuant to Sections 17(9) and 21 of the Planning Act, as Amendment No. 35 to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora. ~"~-::.-· _________ , _____________ . -···--· ---· L. J. Fincham Director Plans Administration Branch Cent~al and Southwest ' .. ADOPTION BY -LAW FOR OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 35 BY-LAW NUMBER077Y£'-$'_r OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora, under Section 17(6) of the Planning Act, 1983, hereby enacts as follows: 1. 2. Official Plan Amendment consisting of the attached adopted. No. 35 for the Town of Aurora, maps and explanatory ·text, is hereby The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make app!ica tion to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing for approval of Official Plan Amendment No. 35 for the Town of Aurora. 3. This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of the final passage thereof. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS ____ .J~Z~--DAY OF _____ J[l.f-tLLf:.-. _______ , 1985. _QcbL~J~----~ MAYO~ Certified that the above is a true copy of By-law No. 2]..fJ_:_~J'' as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora on ___ /t:z_& __ , 1985. :._, STATEMENT OF COMPONENTS PART I -THE PREAMBLE does not constitute part of this Amendment. PART II -THE AMENDMENT, consisting of the following text and map (designated Schedule 'A'), constitutes Amendment No. 35 to the Official Plan of the Town of Aurora. - 2 - PART I: THE PREAMBLE The purpose of this Amendment is: 1. To redesignate the lands shown on Schedule 'A' located in Lot 73, and Part of Lots 7/t and 75, concession I, E.Y.S. from 'Rural' to 'Special Major Open Space', 'Special Rural Residential' and 'Ins ti tutiona!'. 2. To provide policies for 'Special Major Open Space' and 'Special Rural Residential'. This Amendment consists of two parts which shall be referred to as items (1) and {2). I tern (1): The lands affected by this Amendment are those in Lot 73 and Part of Lots 7/t and 75, Concession 1, E.Y.S., more particularly described on Schedule 'A' attached. Item (2): Section It, Subsections 8 and 9 are amended by adding new subsections 8.1 Special Rural Residential and 9.1 Special Major Open Space. Council has enacted this amendment in response to the following: 1. The subject lands are attractive, with rolling terrain and heavy tree cover on the east half of Lot 73. The landscape is conducive to the type of development proposed since much of the property will remain in open space uses. 2. Property both north and south of the subject lands have been developed for low density residential uses abutting Yonge Street. Goal 3 of the Official Plan is "To maintain an identifiable and distinct Community". To that end, objective /13 states: "Urban boundaries be defined to prevent urban sprawl into the countryside and along Highway 11. An area of no urban-scale development be established between the urban area of Aurora and the northern and southern boundaries of the Town. This particular proposal with a very large open space component, adjacent to Yonge Street helps to achieve this goals and objective. ~ ' ' - 3. - 3 - located on the Vandorf Side road the estate type homes to the of the subject property and the north. The tennis complex transition between immediately south development to the forms a west and industrial 4. The residential component of the development is aimed at a different market then conventional estate residential development. 5. The owners, of the subject site have carried out extensive ground water studies to determine that potable water of a quantity and quality sufficient to supply the needs of the development can be supplied on the site. The Ontario Ministry of the Environment has reviewed the studies in detail and has concurred with the findings. -4 - PART II: THE AMENDMENT All of this part of the document entitled Part II -The Amendment, consisting of the following text and attached map de signa ted Schedule 'A' (Land Use Plan) constitutes Amendment No. 35 to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora. The Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area is hereby amended as follows: Item (1): The areas indica ted on the attached Schedule 'A' of the Official Plan are hereby designated 'Special Major Open Space' and 'Special Rural Residential' and 'Institutional' as shown on Schedule 'A'. Item (2): Section 4, Subsection, follows: Subsection 8 is amended by adding a new 8.1 Special Rural Residential, the text of which MOOIFICII.'TION Section 4, Subsection 9 is amended by adding a new ' Subsection 9.1 Special Major Open Space, the text of which N _ Of follows: o. NOER SECTION 17{9) . ~HEPLANN\NQAC'f,.1983~Ssc*ion 8 is amended ~y addili18MflrJft!JdftW."iiL~ 8!! SMls ieetien i l ahu 'IN plurutst'?n'. !}.. 1011 No.=:-=:=~~~~ 8.1 SPECIAL R UR~!:,_gESID~t:!I.!.~!:: UNPER SECTION 17{9) OF THE PLANNING ACT, 1983 The 'Special Rural Residential' tegory will apply to those lands in Lot 73 and Part of Lots 74 and 75 esignated 'Special Rural Residential' on Schedule 'A'. These lands are intended for development by means of a plan of condominium Blili ill lis is sls~a8 iu lssi@!sRti&l l!UL& in asnjttitetieu with an 18 hole golf course, ancillary uses and a tennis complex which will be located on the Vandorf Sideroad frontage of the property. The form of the residential component of this development will include single family homes, a 2 storey condominium which will include a number of hotel type suites for visitors and a staff suite, and terrace or townhousing. The density of the residential component will be calculated on the basis of the entire property which includes the golf course, tennis complex as well as the residential areas, but will not include that part of the property set aside for the Cemetery Board and de signa ted 'Institutional' on Schedule 'A'. The overall size of the property excluding property set aside for the Cemetery Board is about 110 hectares. lSi ~~ .. !;::5 :z< ~g ...,:z MUDiflCATION -5 The density of the residential compon will not exceed • 7 5 units per hectare without amendment to this plan The arrangement of land uses as shown on Schedule 'A' will form the basis of a development plan for the subject lands. It is not intended that the residential uses will extend into the area designated as 'Special Major Open Space' the permitted uses of which are detailed under J'Q Uioll '·2. en~ ffia.. ~w a:::l~=~~~~~ iped water supply system and private sewage orm water anagement will be practiced o ensure that as much of the rrigation course as ~6 will be derived from storm HOP!_fttMICW -1-. •~o. 7 UNDER SECTION 17(9) Of THE PLANNING ACT, 19~· 3. ""·-b UNDER SECTION 17(9) OF the 1 eue 1 opmg~t miJJ l?lHEi~~~ 19ij 8: fll8:Fl 8i 880El8fifiliJi\htFn an 1 an amsn 1 SAen* tg tRe zsniAS liy la"'. Prior to the registration of the condominium plan, the owners will enter into a site plan agreement with the Town of Aurora which will detail the locations of all buildings and their conceptual design, location and details of all parking areas, location and details of facilities for the lighting, including flood lighting, of the land or of any building structures thereon, the landscaping proposed as it relates to adjoining properties and all servicing details including storm water management, the design of the proposed communal water supply system and sewage disposal facilities. The provisions of Section 50 and/or Section 41 of the Planning Act will apply to the subject lands in respect to the provision of parkland or cash in lieu of such provision. Prior to any will approve development. construction on the site the appropriate agencies the details of the servicing plans for the 4. The owners must carry out such monitoring to observe any potential alteration of the characteristics of neighbouring wells as may be required by the municipality and the Ministry of the Environment. ~at t \, Sec tie;; 9 is hetel!) 8:R:en888 8) sel8iM§ i~a filJQudas as :iiulisev*ion 9 2 MOD~TION No. ,;;:;;:-;;-;;:;:;:::;:::--=:::::--::~ UNDER SECTION 17(9) OF THE PLANNING Af:r, 1983 " - 6 - The Special Major Open Space category will apply to those lands in Lots 73 and Part of Lots 74 and 7 5 designated 'Special Major Open Space' on Schedule 'A'. It is the intention of this land use category that lands so designated will remain as 'Special Major Open Space' for the foreseeable future. These lands will be developed as an 18 hole golf course with accessory uses and buildings including but not limited to a golf club house and the Vandorf Side road frontage of the property Joca ted in Lot 7 5 will be used for a tennis complex. The tennis complex will comprise a clubhouse, building for indoor tennis courts, outdoor courts, other related athletic endeavours and parking to serve the complex. The location of the tennis courts, and lighting will be such that adjoining residential properties will not be affected by glare, or loss of privacy. As well, such landscaping as may be required to ensure the protection of the residential lands shall be provided. The design of the golf course will be such as to ensure privacy for surrounding residents and to protect them from activities associated with the golf course. Such landscaping or fencing required to ensure this will be provided by the owner. From the property boundary to the proposed residential buildings will be a minimum distance of 60 metres. Where possible, existing significant natural vegetation will be preserved. In order to ensure that this intent is implemented a detailed plan of the area showing the vegetation which will be removed and supplemental planting will be prepared by the owners and approved by the municipality before any vegetation is removed from the site. As part of this process the owner will be required to delineate any areas of proposed tree removal on the site. Lands within the Fill and Construction areas within the Special Open Space designation may not be used for construction of any buildings or structure without obtaining approval from the local Conservation Authority. A storm water management plan which will also detail the methods by which erosion and siltation will be minimized during and after construction must be prepared and approved before construction on the site takes place. 9.l.A. IMPLEMENTATION 1. The development will be implemented by a plan of condominium and an amendment to the zoning by-Jaw. . ';. - 7 - 2. Prior to the registration of the condominium plan, the owners will enter into a site plan agreement with the Town of Aurora which will detail the locations of all buildings and their conceptual design, location and details of all parking areas, location and details of facilities for the lighting including flood lighting, of the land or of any building structures thereon. The landscaping proposed as it relates to adjoining properties and all servicing details including storm water management, the design of the proposed communal water supply system and sewage disposal facilities. 3. Prior to any will approve development. construction on the site the appropriate agencies the details of the servicing plans for the ' REFERRED OMS N? REFERRED OMS N! REFERRED OMS N! ~~;-.uc-- 1~------ \_;;~~,., "'"''" --\-~~ ---Jir -------,1 I ~I ~~ I I I I I I I I I I I I fffit8'5mm'r 'I . ~\ LOT NIJMBERING 0/FffRS I I \ \ I I I I I I I I I I I f\ I 'r t /-'-~/ A :::,.__ • - - - -=-J .. -~7· J.~y/"" ' I f'-._1 / I/' t' / <D "' ~r ... "' j-~11· ! "' "' I . -~ r i ;;; I iO 'N I . 1~1 ~ + i~l --+l' i <D 1 1 ,_ I --1' ... "' "' i- d z .... i CONCESSION IW i CONCESSION IE / CONCESSION II I CONCESSION Ill I~ .. ·.·---:--~:,:;:,;:-:-:.;;:.:::;:::::;;;::~;::;~;;:.;;;~,:.-_::;,-;-:_-_,;,;.,y_-;,,.,;·~.-~. AMENDMENT No. 35 LEGEND URBAN RESIDENTIAL SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL ESTATE RESIDENTIAL -COMMERCIAL ~ INDUSTRIAL I kil\%%1!'0RJ I INSTITUTIONAL '"''······ ···'" MAJOR OPEN SPACE I I ~ 1---1 RURAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ARI PLANNING AREA BOUNDARY AREA REFERRED TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD APPROVED IN FORM SHOWN BY ORDER NOTES' DATED MAY 24, 1979 !. THIS MAP MUST BE READ IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE TEXT OF THE INTERIM OFFICIAL PLAN. 2. AREAS AND LOCATIONS OF MAJOR INSTITUTIONAL AND OPEN SPACE DESIGNATIONS WITHIN UNDEVELOPED AREAS ARE SYMBOLIC ONLY AND WILL BE DETERMINED IN A MORE PRECISE MANNER WHEN THE AREAS ARE DEVELOPED. "OFFICE CONSOLIDATION" SCHEDULE A LAND .USE PLAN INTERIM OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE AURORA PLANNING AREA SCAlE IN FEET ~~~----~~~" 1000 •oo o oooo 2000 THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK PLANNING DEPARTMEt REVISED "'o'!lll ;979