BYLAW - OPA #38 - 19851021 - 279885' ' r:··· (@\ Ministry \:Y',.j ~unicipal Affairs Ontario The Attached OFFICIAL PLAN AI4ENDl1-1EN f 038 IN THE TUWN OF AURORA 36/06/30 14th t-loor Toronto, Ontario MSG 2E5 SubmittedtoPiansAdministrationwas APPRiJVE:D JN 30 JUNt: 1986 with modifications. 973 (12/83) K B RODGER CLERK TOWN OF AUkDR>\ 50 WELLINGTON STREET WEST AURORA UNTARIO L'tG 3Ul c.<f fl<g,.-l> -v1"" TOWN OF AURORA 19 OP 0025 -umo·"11 ·1~--P~~~ _.~'}-. . 2!~~---; ."::1.1 ~ ::u P1 ~.,en \4-J.-O\ Please Refer all Correspondence ~I~fiet~ T t'IT ~r~fB~fn to: 14),6) 385-6066 b.uot1ng Our File Number: 19-0P-0025038 038 cO ~ c_ ·-.. -1 c:.:' .......... , ··-~ .•... .,-_· S"" ,·;.~-~:~;·_; C:) i"--T-( ~ ~. -o D.. ~ r·~ cP-!5/• ./~r.· .· ::~ ~ :J :. f-.._/;> . ~ N ;:...--,. • ····v ,\\ ' Amendment No. 38 to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora This amendment to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora which has been adopted by the Council of the Corporation ~ of the Town of Aurora is hereby modified under the provisions of section 21 of The Planning Act, as follows: 1. Item 2, the new subsection (viii) is modified by the addition of the following statements between the first and second sentences: "Such industrial uses shall be restricted to low water consumers. Prior to development, the proponent shall undertake to rehabilitate the site to the satisfaction of the Ministry of Natural Resources." 2. Item 2, the new subsection (viii) is modified by the addition of the following statement to the end of the paragraph: "The site plan agreement shall among other matters contain provisions to ensure that the site is suitably landscaped and screened from lands to the north and along Bloomington Road." 3. Schedule 'A' Land Use Plan, is modified by the addition of a subtitle as follows: "Schedule 'A' to Amendment No. 38." As thus modified, this amendment is hereby approved pursuant to section 21 of The Planning Act, as Amendment No. 38 to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora. Date .• ~.~~;)~-~4"~ .. ;~;?;}_,£:. L.J. Fincham Director Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest v .-. ·::: >'~-~"---~-----~;.:..:..:...:~-~---~----··--;:___,____,_-.-~~·-~-'---·;-"'-"""'"'"""'"'''""""""~;-.~,.,.-J="'""·~~--~ .. ' '-····"' 0,<' I(, I J'll A~ • • ADOPTION BY -LAW FOR OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 38 BY-LAW NUMBER of/J?2-8<f' fl") "' ,, ? 0 I ·'1/ '--'vV>-...e _., (\ f/ •\ • OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora, under Section 17(6) of the Planning Act, 1983, hereby enacts as follows: 1. Official Plan Amendment No. 38 for the Town of Aurora, consisting of the attached maps and explanatory text, is hereby adopted. 2. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing for approval of Official Plan Amendment No. 38 for the Town of Aurora. 3. This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of the final passage thereof. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS J'U DAY OF ~ -~ 1985. ---~-------- -[~j;----~ ~~ ___ u&""'ar~ ----4-c--- -~ THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THISd}_~._ DAY OF Certified that the above is a true copy of By-law No. ,6_:/!ltf..:J'Ja.s enacted and ~ the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora on __ _ __ ,;;!S_ts?._;t ___ , 1985. ~-- ....-------·------~· ·-. -· ·--~------- • > ~ ' ' ' ·~..>'-"---~---~~-===~------ AMENDMENT NO. 38 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN EQg_I~~-~~gQg~ PL~~~l~g-~g~~ ~~--~--------'-~: ____________ . ':.~-.-•:~-----u~~~~-~-----~"'"'"~=='h=='.=""'-""-"'"-~--------------~•"n-•x.--<.~------·.•_. ::~'-•-••--·· ,~.;.;..""-'-•--•w~.-·----~---•--·- ;<·•·", ' ' ' This Amendment to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora, which has been adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora, is hereby approved in accordance with Section 17 of the Planning Act, 1983 as Amendment No. 38 to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora. DATE: SIGNATURE: •·----------~-~-·-----~---~-u----~ '•• '"'"' "'"'"""'-'-'~'''''•'~-'•""~'~'-••-•-• - .----··-----~-~-------·-···---··---~----- ·"""'~- AMENDMENT NO. 38 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA Index The Statement of Components PART I -THE PREAMBLE Purpose of the Amendment Location Basis of the Amendment PART II -THE AMENDMENT Introductory Statement Details of the Amendment Implementation and Interpretation Page l 2 2 2 3 4 4 4 --~-~~~-~~~~=--=•··~···=· ·=•··~··•w-'•·•••~---··-. -. ··c·-·~-....... ···••••••-.-······•···--······-·· \ • ·'··~ -~-------C::CCt~-~----·----·. -C"-''-"~~---··-~-·-~~·-·~~·----- ' '<··-.. STATEMENT OF COMPONENTS PART I -THE PREAMBLE does not constitute part of this Amendment. PART II -THE AMENDMENT, consisting of the following text and map (designated Schedule 'A'), constitutes Amendment No. 38 to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora • ', PART I -THE PREAMBLE ~1!g~Q~£_QLI!:!!L~ME:!::!QM£!::!I The purpose of this amendment is: 1. To redesignate the lands shown on Schedule 'A' from 'Rural' to 'Industrial'. 2. To provide policies limiting the use of this land. LOCATION ------- This amendment consists of two parts which shall be referred to as items (1) and (2). Item (1): The lands Concession attached. affected by this amendment are I I, Town of Aurora as shown part of Lot on Schedule 11' 'A' Item (2): Special policies regarding the Section 4 (Land Use Plan) Official Plan. subject lands are to be added to Subsection 6 (Industrial) of the ~~SIS Qf_I!:!£_~M£!::!QM£~I Council is enacting this amendment on the following basis. 1. The subject lands are adjacent to an existing non-conforming auto wrecking yard to the west, a hydro right-of-way to the east, a gravel extraction industry to the south across Bloomington Road and a draft approved Estate Residential Development to the north. The proposed use, a light industrial development for indoor storage provides a transition type of use. 2. The subject lands are a worked out gravel extraction area. Development of the lands will provide for their rehabilitation. Council's normal policies governing the establishment of industrial uses will require that landscaping, proper site grading and ground cover will improve the appearance of the site. 3. The site directly abuts Bloomington Road, a major east-west arterial which interchanges with Highway 404 to the east and Highway 11 (Yonge Street) to the west thus . providing the property with good transportation facilities and services. ' -·--·-··----·--·--·--·· .. -'-'-'. ·----· --==~-· .. ,___,,;."'=··="""""'~~~------~~~"-~~--·---·-· --··_:.: ________ .. ___ ~------~-~-:~----~~-------~--·---·---~---- ,· ·----~ '~, . .., ',· 4. The proposed use -warehousing and storage will not require municipal sewerage collection or treatment facilities nor municipal water supply. A private sewage disposal system and individual water supply can provide for the limited requirements of this use. 5. The limited industrial use provided for by this development will not generate large amounts of traffic and will therefore not interfere with traffic flow on the arterial road. '• .j. ',· ---·· .. _.:_....-::..',..,~--<-~-~=-"~.....;,..=~-~·•i'"''',;,_,,,,;_;,,,,,,;,,;;,;,;,,,;,~N~""'='=~~--~.•~•-'<-'~:_:.. __ ._. __ ._ ____ ~-----·•·-·•·-~~----~: • ...:..;... _____ ,.~.--.---•·--- PART II -THE AMENDMENT INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT --------------------- All of this part of the document entitled Part II -The Amendment consisting of the following text and attached map de signa ted Schedule 'A' (Land Use Plan) constitutes Amendment No. 38 to the Official Plan of the Town of Aurora. Q£!1ILS QE_!~£_1M£~QM£~! The Official Plan is hereby amended as follows: Item (1): The area shown on the attached Schedule 'A' (land Use Plan) of the Official Plan is hereby redesignated from "Rural" to "Industrial". Item (2): MODIRCATION Section 4 (Land Use Plan), Subsection 6 (Industrial) of the Official Plan of the Town of Aurora is amended by adding the No. ~ / following: · "(viii) the lands on the north side of Bloomington Road in Lot 11, Concession II, shown designated Industrial may be used only for a warehousing and storage facility UNDER SECTION 17(9) OF THE PLANNING ACT, 1983 with ancillar offices. The gross floor area of all on t e site shall not exceed 4,000 square metres. The owners of the subject lands shall be requ~r~d ~o enter into MO!li~lcim8Mtn agreement with the muntctpahty. -· • ;L. No.-=----~=----!M~h£M£~!1TIQ~-1~Q--.!.t::!I£!3:~!3:£!1TIQ~ UNDER SECTION 17(9) OF THE PLANNING ACT, 1983 The implementation and interpretation of this Amendment shall be in accordance with the respective policies of the Aurora Official Plan. '· ':i;: ID CD ., CD "' CD CD 0 CD "' .... CD .... .... .... "' .... I_ .... 0 z REFERRED OMB N~ REFERRED OMB N~ OPA N~ 27 N'! 29 N~ 17 --H-OF'AN~ 29 I \ --1'1-----ll I I I ,/ I I I I I I I I I I I ID "' "' "' I .. "' "' "' "' .. "' LEGEND URBAN RESIDENTIAL SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL ESTATE RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL ~ INDUSTRIAL I ••I INSTITUTIONAL MAJOR OPEN SPACE RURAL ~ 1-:..-1 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTim PLANNING AREA BOUNDARY AREA REFERRED TO THE · ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD APPROVED IN FORM SHOWN BY OR/ NOTES' DATED MAY 24, 197~ I. THIS MAP MUST BE READ IN CONJUNCTION WITH. THE TEXT OF THE INTERIM OFFICIAL PLAN. 2. AREAS AND LOCATIONS OF MAJOR INSTITUTIONAL AND OPEN SPACE DESIGNATIONS WITHIN UNDEVELOPED AREAS ARE SYMBOLIC ONLY AND WILL BE DETERMINED IN A MORE PRECISE MANNER WHEN THE AREAS ARE DEVELOPED. MODIFICATION No. • J UNDER SECTION 17(9) OF THE PLANNING ACT, 1983 "OFFICE CONSOLIDATION" Mod. SCHEDULE A 0oJ.o S" LAND USE PLAN -!u INTERIM OFFICIAL PLAN OF n AURORA PLANNING AREA SCilLE IN FEET 500 0 1000 THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK PLANNING DEPA REVISED .>.t'lliL ;979