BYLAW - Road Name Change (Pineneedle) - 19851216 - 281385. I BY-LAW NO. 2$13-85 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING a By-law to change the name of Part of Pineneedle Drive within the Town of Aurora WHEREAS the provisions of Section 210(105) of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1980, Chapt.er 302, as amended, provides that Council may by By-law change the names of highways under its jurisdiction; AND WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora deems it expedient to change the name of Pineneedle Drive, South of Orchard Heights Boulevard within the Town of Aurora; AND WHEREAS the provisions of Section 210 (105b) of the said Municipal Act have been complied with and notice of the proposed change has been published at least once a week for four (4) consecutive weeks in a newspaper having general circulation within the Town of Aurora; AND WHEREAS no person has submitted in writing a notice indicating they will be adversely affected by the proposed change; NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: l. THAT the name of the portion of Pineneedle lying South of Orchard Heights Boulevard shown on Plan of Subdivision 65M-2229 be and is hereby changed so that same shall now be known as Kemano Road. 2. THAT staff shall be directed to erect appropriate signage to properly identify the new segment of Kemano Road. 3. THAT the provisions of the By-law shall not come into force and be effective until final passage thereof and until registration of the By-law in the proper land registry office has been effected . READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS ;t READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS lb Mayor ··,_. 7 • DYE & DURHAM CO. LIMITED Province of Ontario Document General . . Fonn 4-Land Registration Relonn Ac~ 1984 Number ..J.:£?.::.J...z.Z':f.L_~ CERTIFiCfiTE OF RECEIPT 1986 JAN 29 PM 3: 34 YORK REGION No. 65 NEWMARKE1: New Property Identifiers Executions Asst. Dep. Vmrl fb:::isfrr.i' Additional: See D Schedule Additional: (1) Registry D (3) Property ldentlfler(s) (4) Nature of Document Land THies IKJ T (2) Page 1 of Block Property Application to register By-law (5) Consideration Dollars$ (6) Description Parcel Streets-1, Section 65M-2229 being Pineneedle Drive, Plan 65M-2229 Town of Aurora Regional Municipality of York i (b) Schedule for: i Form No. 995 D 2 pages J Additional: See D Schedule Additional See Schedule D (7) This Document Contains: (a) Redescription New Easement Plan/Sketch D ! Description D Parties D Other /X] (8) This Document provides as follows: The Corporation of the Town of Aurora hereby applies to have registered By-law No. 2813-85 of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora of which a certified copy of By-law No. 2813-85 is attached hereto. , .... ( (9) This Document relates to Instrument number(s) (10) Party(les) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) Continued on Schedule D ) Signature(s) Date of Signature Y M 0 •••• ~~~~ l_ ~~.b. ........ !],Qfl~. !Ql, .'-':3. -~~~~yde i i .. I:>Y . i. t'l .Eiol.:i.c::i;t;o.r. ;R.o.d.n.ey. ;E';t:y!l~ ............... . • ! l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ... ; .. . .. .. ............................ ... ..! ... 1 .. . (11) Address for Service 50 Wellington Street West, Aurora, Ontario L4G 3L8 (12) Party(les) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) Signature(s) i ' ' ·. I i Date of Signature Y M 0 /~············································ •. :, .................................. r .... . (13) Address for Service (14) Municipal Address of Property Not Assigned 10174 (12/84) .................................. r .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ .... . (15) Document Prepared by: Rodney Pryde ; STRATHY ARCHIBALD & SEAGRAM BOX 438 COMMERCE COURT TORONTO, ONT. M5L 1J3 9-0861 i i Fees and Tax ~If-------~==~~~--------~ 5 Registration Fee wlr----------+------------, C/l ~~r-~------,_-----------; w (.) ~If-----------~~------------~ ~IF==========P==========~ ir Total I . . '' .. BY-LAW NO. 2813-85 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING a By-law to change the name of Part of Pineneedle Drive Within the Town of Aurora WHEREAS the prov~s1ons of Section 210(105) of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 302, as amended, provides that Council may by By-law change the names of highways under its jurisdiction; AND WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora deems it expedient to change the name of Pineneedle Drive, South of Orchard Heights Boulevard within the Town of Aurora; AND WHEREAS the provisions of Section 210 (105b) of ~he said Municipal Act have been complied with and notiee of the proposed change has been published at least once a week for four (4) consecutive weeks in a newspaper having general circulation within the Town of Aurora; AND WHEREAS no person has submitted in writing a notice indicating they will be adversely affected by the proposed change; NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the name of the portion of Pineneedle lying South of Orchard Heights Boulevard shown on Plan of Subdivision 65M-2229 be and is hereby changed so that same shall now be known as Kemano Road. 2. THAT staff shall be direct~d to erect appropriate signage to properly identify the new segment of Kemano Road. 3. THAT the provisions of the By-law shall not come into force and be effective until final passage thereof and until registration of the By-law in the proper land registry office has been effected. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS ;t READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS lb Mayor I, Colleen Gowan, Deputy Clerk of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora hereby Certify the foregoing to be a True and Correct copy of Town of Aurora By--law No. 2813-85, duly passed by Council of · the said Corporation on the 16th day of December, 1985. /~ ~~'-! Colleen E. Gowan, A.M.C.T., Deputy Clerk ~., .. ,". •.··.· '~, '· ,· ' -,;-i \ ,p----__ . ' .. , ;"-'.'-. -~-""1., By-law Nurriber 2853-86 2854-86 2855-86 2856-86 2857-86 2858-86 2859-86 2860-86 Description Amendment 2213-78(Christ Lutheran Church) Authorize Sale of Lands -Progressive Pkg To designate Site Plan Control Area To regulate Water Supply To amend2613-83-Parking Orchard Heights Blvd., Allaura Blvd. To amend 2213-78 -Dical Investment Amend Sign By-laws 2388-80 Amend By-law 2345-80 -Taxi Fares Date 16 June 86 2 June 86 16 June 86 25 June 86 18 Aug. 86 18 Aug. 86 30 July 86 18 Aug. 86 ,•.•