BYLAW - OPA #34 - 19851021 - 280785--·' If-- -_ .. vv~l'< ,,Jco C..O/'f' ~ /4.... ADOPTION BY-LAW FOR OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 34 BY-LAW NUMBER 2807-85 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA The Council of the Corporation of the _Town of Aurora, under Section 17(6) of the Planning Act, 1983, hereby enacts as follows: 1. _ Official Plan Amendment No. 34 for the Town of Aurora, consisting of the attached maps and explanatory text, is hereby adopted. 2. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing for approval of Official Plan Amendment No. 34 for the Town of Aurora. 3. This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of the final passage thereof. READ A FIRST TIME THIS 21ST DAY OF OCTOBER, 1985. "R. Illingworth" "K.B. Rodger" MAYOR CLERK READ A SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 4TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1985. "R. Illingworth" "K.B. Rodger" MAYOR CLERK Certified that the above is a true copy of By-law No. 2807-85 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora on 1985. CLERK • ···._, AMENDMENT NO. 34 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN ~Qg_!~£-~~gQg~ PL~~~IN~-~gg~ '··-·-.--" STATEMENT OF COMPONENTS PART I -THE PREAMBLE does not constitute part of this Amendment. PART II -THE AMENDMENT, consisting of the following text and map (designated Schedule 'B'), constitutes Amendment No. 31f to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora. - 2 - PART I: THE PREAMBLE The purpose of this Amendment is: 1. 2. To provide policies relevant to the establishment of control areas in the Town of Aurora, pursuant requirements of Section 40 of the Planning Act, 1983; site plan to the To designate areas within the Town which would be affected by such site plan control provisions; 3. To identify any highways within the municipality which may be widened as a condition of site plan approval, and to identify the extent of the proposed widening. This Amendment consists of six parts which shall be referred to as items (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5) and (6). Item (1): The goals and objectives for the use of site plan control are to be added to Section 3 (Basis of the Plan) of the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora as Subsection 3, Goal 7 and Objectives 1 through 4. Item (2): The lands affected by this Amendment are to be described in Section 10 (Implementation) of the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora and added thereto as Subsection lO(a). The proposed site plan control area is to consist of the entire area within the corporate limits of the Town of Aurora. While specific areas and uses under site plan control will be established by by-law, it is generally intended that the following areas will be exempted: (a) low density residential uses and buildings/structures accessory thereto; (b) lands used for farming operations; (c) existing buildings associated with a land use which are only being renovated or slightly enlarged. Item (3): Special policies governing the lands designated as site plan control areas are to be added to Section 10 (Implementation) of the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora as Subsection 10 (b). ---'------------------- :·: • - 3 - Item (4): Highways proposed to be widened are shown on Schedule 'B- 1' (Highways subject to road widening as a condition of Site Plan Approval) which is added to the plan. Item (5): The extent of proposed highway widenings is to be added to Section 7 (Transportation Policy) of the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora as Subsection 9 and l 0. Item (6): To amend the standard road widths applying to Major Collector Roads and Minor Collector Roads contained in Section 7 (Transportation Policy), Subsections 3.(c) and 3.(d) of the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora. BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT -------------------- The Town of Aurora has for some time been using site plan agreements to regulate development. Such agreements have helped to ensure greater control over specific development with due consideration being given to facilities and services that are essential to a particular development. Experience has shown that site plan control is a valuable tool which has resulted in the improved appearance of developments. Since site plan control enables closer regulation of developments than would be afforded within a Zoning or Property Standards or Maintenance By-law, it helps to ensure that the public interest is served in the development of lands within the Town. Site plan control permits the municipality to require that the owner of the land maintain the site in a manner satisfactory to the municipality. Although Section 33 of By-law 2213-78 for the Town of Aurora establishes the Town as a Site Plan Control Area, the Planning Act, 1983 makes the use of site plan control contingent on specific official plan provisions, which the former Act had not done. Since official plan provisions were not previously required, Section 40 of the Planning Act, 1983, dealing with site plan control, was not proclaimed in force on August l, 1983. It is, however, expected that Section 40 will soon come into effect and it is Council's wish that the Town have valid and effective policies for site plan control in place • - 4 - PART II -THE AMENDMENT All of this part of the document entitled Part II -The Amendment, consisting of the following text and attached map designated Schedule 'B' (Roads Plan) consitutues Amendment No. 34 to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora. DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT ---- The Official Plan of the Town of Aurora is hereby amended as follows: Item (1): Section 3 (Basis of the Plan), Subsection 3 (Goals and Objectives) of the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora is amended by adding the following: Item (2): "Goal 7 "To improve the efficiency of land use design and servtcmg and encourage an attractive form of development which minimizes incompatibility between new and existing development through the use of site plan control. "0 b j ec ti v e s "I. To ensure that the development proposed is built and maintained as approved by Council. "2. To ensure the proper implementation of site plan proposals and maintain a consistent municipal standard in a site plan control area. "3. To ensure the safety and efficiency of vehicular and pedestrian movement. "4. To ensure that site plan proposals are developed in a manner which complements the natural features of the site. n Section 10 (implementation) of the Official Town of Aurora is amended by adding the Subsection 10 (a): Plan for the following as • -5 - "1 0. Site Plan Control "(a) Pursuant to Section 40(2) of The Planning Act, 1983, as amended from time to time, the entire area within the corporate limits of the Town of Aurora will be a proposed Site Plan Control Area. The Council of the Town of Aurora may pass a by-law to designate a site plan control area for any portion of the Aurora Planning Area but excluding the following lands and uses: "(i) Any single detached, semi-detached, or duplex dwelling, where the lots are created by a current registered plan; "(ii) Any triplex, double duplex or maisonette dwelling of less than 5 units where the lots are subject to a current subdivision agreement and registered plan of subdivision; "(iii) Any building accessory to a dwelling described in (i) and (ii) above; "(iv) An inground or above ground swimming pool constructed in connection with any dwelling as described in (i) and (ii) above; "(v) Any alteration or addition to an existing single detached dwelling; "(vi) Agricultural building which by their nature do not directly serve the public, and/or do not charge the public user fees." Item (3): Section 10 (Implementation) of the· Official Plan for the Town of Aurora is amended by adding the following as Subsection 10 (b): "10. (b) It shall be a policy of Council to require the owner of lands proposed to be developed and within a site plan control area as described in Subsection 10 (a) above, to enter into one or more agreements as a condition to the approval of certain plans and drawings in accordance with the provisions of Section 40 (7) of The Planning Act, 1983, as amended." ~~~·--·-·---------~------ - 6 - Item (If): Highways proposed to be widened are shown on Schedule 'B- 1' (Highways subject to road widenings as a condition of Site Plan Approval) of the Official Plan of the Town of Aurora, attached. Item (5): Section 7 (Transportation Policy) of the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora is amended by adding the following as Subsections 9 and 10. 9. Planned Width of Road Allowances Centre Street Centre Crescent Old Yonge Street George Street Hillview Road Kennedy Street East Kennedy Street West Reuben Street Temperance Street The following roads within the Town of Aurora have substandard street allowance widths and may be subject to widening up to the maximum widths indicated below. These road widenihgs may be taken without compensation as a condition of site plan control before development approval. Description From Yonge Street to the Industrial Parkway From Wellington Street East to Centre Street From St. John's Sideroad to Yonge Street From Hillview Road to Wellington Street West From George Street to its westerly limits From Yonge Street to Gurnett Street From Yonge Street to its westerly limits From Yonge Street to its westerly limits From Ransom Street to Wellington Street West Planned Basic Road Width 20 metres 20 metres 20 metres 20 metres 20 metres 20 metres 20 metres 20 metres 20 metres Machell Avenue Gurnett Street Harrison Avenue Irwin Avenue Spruce Street St. John's Side- road Vandorf Sideroad Ridge Road Haida Drive Leslie Street (Y.R. No. 12) Wellington Street West (Y.R. No. 15) Wellington Street East and West Wellington Street East (Y.R. No.15) Bayview Avenue (Y.R. No. 34) Bathurst Street (Y .R. No.3&) Bloomington Road (Y .R. No.40) - 7 - From Wellington Street to its northerly limits From Harrison Street to Cousins Drive From Gurnett Street to Wells Street From Machell Avenue to Yonge Street From Centre Street to Mark Street From Bathurst Street to Highway 404 From Industrial Parkway to Highway 404 From Yonge Street to its westerly limits From Wellington Street to Jasper Drive From south Town limit to north Town limit From Bathurst Street (Y .R.38) to Harriman Road From Harriman Road to Industrial Parkway From Industrial Parkway to Highway 404 From south Town limit to north Town limit From south Town limit to north Town limit From Bathurst Street (Y.R.38) to Highway 404 20 metres 20 metres 20 metres 20 metres 20 metres 26 metres 26 metres 26 metres 26 metres 36 metres 36 metres 20 metres 36 metres 36 metres 36 metres 36 metres - 8 - Widenings will be taken equally from both sides of the highway, measured from the existing centre line, except where topographic features necessitate taking the dedication only on one side, or more on one side than another. Addi tiona! widths to those indica ted above, may be required for cuts, fills and intersections. 10. Standard Sight Triangles The following widenings may be taken for standard sight triangles at intersections of the roads described below within the Town of Aurora: Intersections of local roads with 10 m x 10 m local arterials. Intersections of local roads with 10 m x 10 m local collectors. Intersections of local collectors 15 m x 15 m with local collectors. Intersections of local arterials 15 m x 15 m with local arterials. Intersections of Town of Aurora 15 m x 15 m roads with Regional roads. Intersections of Regional roads with Regional roads. 30 m x 30 m Item (6): Section 7 (Transportation Policy), Subsection 3.(c) (Major Collector Roads) is hereby amended by deleting the words "20 to" before the words "26 metres" in the second to last line of that clause. Section 7 (TRansportation Policy), Subsection 3.(d) (Minor Collector Roads) is hereby amended by deleting the words "50 to 66 feet" and substituting "20 metres" therefor in the tenth line of that clause. ~: : I I~ II~ ... 1 ... • ! ... _ ~ ~CH-I -~":'" / ol rtHifCHU S70VFrV/£U -r-~-)...!._~!'-o..J~ t--t----1--~/- 01 Ol 3 .. -, .. U> I N Ol 3 .. -, .. Ul i • • • • N 0 3 .. -, .. U> 8;; t§:t: -l~ o'"< z(/) 0(/) ,c OJ (1)"--l~ m-l f!c! l>::u zo )>)> '"00 ;B:E Oo ~fTl rz z Gl (/) )> (/) )> en (") J: ITI 0 c r ITI = =