BYLAW - Sale of Land - 19851007 - 280085• ··,~ •', ' ' ' '' ' -' ·.·' ·-·--~~-~-· ·--"'----··---~--...:0..'-~--~--~·="""·==~""'"="'="'""".n..-===--'«------~~---__: .. _: ________________ ..:.._..:....; ____________ ~·------- tr ,. '.,_ ........ ' • • ' THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BY-LAW NO. 2800.85 A BY-LAW TO CLOSE AND STOP UP THAT PART ·OF ACCOMMOD~T:DON lll<2l'ID AS LAID OUT ON PLAN NO. 102, AURORA WHEREAS it is deemed necessary and expedient in the interests of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora that part of Accommodation Road as laid out on Plan No. 102, Aurora and more particularly described in Schedule ''A'' attached hereto, be closed and stopped up and the land sold to the adjoining land owner; AND WHEREAS that part of Accommodation Road which is to be closed and stopped up has never been opened for vehicular or pedestrian traffic; AND WHEREAS ANDY INVESTMENTS LIMITED is the registered owner of all the lands which are abutting that part of Accommodation Road which is to be closed and stopped up and sold; AND WHEREAS the Town of Aurora is authorized pursuant to paragraph 298(1) (c) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 302 to close and stop up highways and is further authorized pursuant to paragraph 298(1) (d) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 302 to sell a stopped up highway. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of The Town of Aurora enacts as follows: 1. That upon and after the passing of this By-law, all that portion of Accommodation Road laid out and described in Schedule "A" attached hereto be and the same is hereby closed and stopped up. 2. All that part of the said Accommodation Road hereinbefore described and closed and stopped up shall be sold to the adjoining land owner, ANDY INVESTMENTS LIMITED. 3. The Mayor and Clerk of The Corporation of The Town of Aurora are hereby authorized-to-sign or execute such transfers or other documents as may be necessary to effect transfer of that part of Accommodation Road hereinbefore described and which has been closed and stopped up. REAV A FIRST ANV SECOND TIME THIS 7xh VAY OF OCTOBER, 1985. 1\ 7TH VAY OF 0 CfOBE~' ~ CLERK · · · > -·-·----------··-----··-·~-, •• , .•... ,, .. _.,,,,,•,·<·!0~-·A;:/;;q:£o;,;'--'"""'''""' -.-,-'"'''~·'>'·~''"""-'""~"·· ... ------------ :-: ~--- ~ r . ,/ . < " " SCHEDULE "A" BY-LAW NO. Part Abcommodation Road Plan 102 Town of Aurora (formerly Township of King) Regional Munic~pality of York, being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the South West corner of Lot 8, Plan 102; Thence Easterly along the Southerly limit of Lots 8 and 5 to the South East corner of Lot 5; Thence Northerly along the East limit of Lot 5 to the North East corner of Lot 5; Thence Easterly along the East production of the North limit. of Lot 5 to the North West corner of Lot 2; Thence South along the West limit of Lot 2 to the South West corner of Lot 2; Thence West along the Northerly limit of Lots 3, 6, and 9 to the North West corner of Lot 9; Thence Northerly along the South Production of the Westerly limit of Lot 8 to the Point of Commencement. I,