BYLAW - Dedicate Lands as Highways - 19851104 - 280485' "'"'~ :it.-"' BY-LAW 2804-85 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING a By-law to dedicate certain lands on Aurora Heights Drive, Kemano Road and Crawford Rose Drive as Public Highways. WHEREAS the provisions of Section 298 of the Municipal Act 1980, as amended, provide that Council may, by By-law, establish and layout lands as public highways; AND WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora deems it expedient to dedicate certain lands now held as public road allowances; NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: l. THAT the One Foot Reserve on the west end of Aurora Heights Drive shown on Registered Plan 475, be and is hereby dedicated as a public highway in the Town of Aurora. 2. THAT the One Foot Reserve on the west end of Kemano Road as shown on Registered Plan 475, be and is hereby dedicated as a public highway in the Town of Aurora. 3. THAT Block 175, Plan 65M-2189 be and is hereby dedicated as a public highway in the Town of Aurora. 4. THAT the provisions of this By-law shall become effective upon final passage thereof and when the Registration of the By-law has been effected. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS~/ DAY OF~, 1985. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS <j-fJ DAY OF~ , 1985. Mayor i·. /: < • ' J.-'ft~. Provmce ~,~,~of ~Ontario o""" I Document General Form 4-Land Registration Reform Ac~ 1984 t-T d-8C:S/ 0 (1) Registry 0 Land TIUes 1]1 T (2) Page 1 of ;J__pages (3) Property Block Property ldentlfler(o) Addi See 1988 HAR ~7 Sch< PM 3:21 (4) Nature of Document BY-LAW OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF ZITTR()Rll >-(5) Consideration . -' z 0 Dollars$ ' .. (6) D"mrtptlon · !IJ!ll o 1= /{eseRui?S-1 ;·--, fSji§ i $;, Section 65M-2189 being 0 Block 175 on Plan 65M-2189, in the a: Town of Aurora, in the Regional 0 "-Municipality of York New Property Identifiers Additional: See 0 Schedule Executions (7) This (a) Redescription (b) Schedule for: Additional: Document New Easement Additional Contains: See 0 Plan/Sketch 0 Description 0 Parties oc Schedule (8) This Document provides as follows: Certified copy of By-Law 2804-85 of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora. Continued on Scht (9) This Document relates to Instrument number(s) (10) Party(les) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AURORA ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (11) Address forService 50 Wellington Street West, Aurora, Ontario L4G 3L8 (12) Party(les) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) Signature(s) Date of S y ~,9.~~ Date of y ~··········································· \ . . . . ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . ' . ' ' ' ' . . . . ....................................... ....................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (13) Address for Service (14) Munlcl!>• Address of Property (15) Document !'1epared by: ~ Fees and Tax _, Kelsey, Melnik and Hendler z Registration Fee 0 NOT ASSIGNED 70 Richmond Street East w "' Suite 400 :J w Toronto, Ontario 0 MSC lV7 ii: "- (Gary H. Harris) 0 ~ a: !! Total I 10174 (12/84) l --~--------------------~~---------------~-~-----~=~--""'~~--~~--~~-.~~-----~. ----- ' • > -- BY-LAW 2804-85 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING a By-law to dedicate certain lands on Aurora Heights Drive, Kemano Road and Crawford Rose Drive as Public Highways. :;2 WHEREAS the provisions of Section 298 of the Municipal Act 1981 as amended, provide that Council may, by By-law, establish and layout lands as public highways; AND WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora deems expedient to dedicate certain lands now held as public road allowances; NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the One Foot Reserve on the west end of Aurora Hei Drive shown on Registered Plan 475, be and is hereby dedicated as a public highway in the Town of Aurora. 2. THAT the One Foot Reserve on the west end of Kemano Roa as shown on Registered Plan 475, be and is hereby dedicated as a public highway in the Town of Aurora. 3. THAT Block 175, Plan 65M-2189 be and is hereby dedicate as a public highway in the Town of Aurora. 4. THAT the provisions of this By-law shall become effectj upon final passage thereof and when the Registration oi the By-law has been effected. '· READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 07/ DAY OF~, 1985. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS <fiJ DAY OF~ Mayor /-( GH J'/f'{ I() 1/-. 7J.-.L../ rV 6-v..J o"'-TH ;<.tL /(opG?£ I, ·K.B. Rodger, Clerk-Administrator, for the Corporation of the Town of Aurora do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true copy of Bylaw 2804-85 duly passed by the Council of the said Corporation on November 4th, 1985. Date: February 26th, 1986 Signed: ~ ~;JJC.h·;:.:":: >:~>: .. ::;i\A ·v:.~:._-::l >~ i';(lt. ·.! l \t'-~~ .·1 _-r;:; Cl'KJ~/:H:_;:;,·-1 t_)\" \-'.! :.)·i!i,l G~::if-\"l"V/J-.::)T\.1/bH}r --~------------------------------;-:-:-r~· / ( -l ·.:. ' •.. · .•. ·.·· . /-~-0 / I I // . ··~·-=;-~- ------- ' / -:. ( I I ' ' ,_., '"l'i .,,JI! ,.,_._,,.,.,,., I I -~ f~l I '· '•I I \ l'i I ' ,i ! I I ' ' I ' I I 1 I I I : I I I I I I I ·I I I ' ·-· . ' ) \~ ' _,-..j J ( _.-·--· .. · \ \_ ' \_ ' •. ·. . ·--.. ' '· .. ,"·. ~-· / / ' ·, \ ' ) i, '. ·f: ' ' ,. ., ,.: .. · I ·:_.,.' .. '·' ,:) . I:; ,. '< \ .......... ___ .•. -· .. ____ ,.---·--~., ·,, ---~) :--· '' '' '\ ... .-~_:...-.. ~_-> _)_ I / '·, ' ' '~-· ·, \ \ \ ) !"-' / \. I J ..-~ I / / \ . \. ."'---- '· -. ·-- . _, .. _'--"'.. (" ! \_ \ '\. ·'· ; ...... · .. _,; ·.· . ·''· " )' .. -<. ;·: ";,. .. : .. · . '.,.··' -~ .. ' li ' :·1. I !·: ·' l ·.lj Ill . ·1.1 .·1.1 •• _...__no .. 0 '.• ~--. ,..,....... ............ _.Q. !' ··f .. ·1 .. 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