BYLAW - OPA #34 - 19851118 - 280985' ' • 19 AMENDMENT NO. 34 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE TOWN OF AURORA OP 0025 -·-' ;...:...._ .. _. -~---·--------- 034 • ··--~ . Amendment No. 3 4 to the Official Plan for the Aurora Planning Area This amendment to the Official Plan for the Aurora Planning Area, which has been adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora is hereby modified under the provisions of section 21 of the Planning Act, as follows: 1. Part II -THE-AMENDMENT; INTRODUCTORY--sTATEMENT, page 4, line 3, is modified by deletiori of reference to Schedule 'B' to be replaced with reference to Schedule 'B-1'. 2. Part ,II--THE AMENDMENT, DETAILS -OF. THE AMENDMENT;- Item (2) page 4 and Item (3) page 5, line 1 of both items, is modified by deletion of the reference to Section '10', to be replaced with reference to Section '11'. ·Mk;thus'·-modified/' _this <amendmentnis·chereb:\1'-vapproveda pursuant to section 21 of the·Planning·Act; as Amendment No. 34 to the Official Plan for the Aurora Planning Area SAVE AND EXCEPT for the following which is deferred pursuant to section 17(10) of the Planning Act, as follows: . 1. iPart II -THE AMENDMENT, DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT, Item (5), the new Subsection 9, reference to 'Welli.ngton Street Ea-st and West from Harriman Road to Industrial Parkway 20 metres', as it appears on. page 7. 2. Part II -THE AMENDMENT, DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT, Item (5), the last paragraph under the new Subsection 9, as it appears on page 8. 3. Schedule 'B-1'. L. J, FINCHAM - Director Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest Ministry of Municipal Affairs _...,_ --~---- ·.· .. ~ ,, .f:~-1.! ,4 I ,• '. BY-LAW NO. 2809-85 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING a By-law to amend By-law No. 2388-80, to Prohibit or Regulate the Erection of Signs or Other Advertising Devices, and the Posting of Notices on Buildings or Vacant Lots within the Municipality of the Town of Aurora. WHEREAS it is deemed Expedient to Amend By-law No. 2388-80; AND WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora Encats as follows: 1. That Section l, "Definitions" be amended by adding the following definitions: (a) Facade -means any face of a building given special architectural treatment, as a false superficial appearance or effect. (b) Facade Sign means a sign attached to, erected on, or painted on a facade. 2. Section 8, "Signs permitted in Commercial Zones'·' be amended to permit "Facade" Signs: (i) one sign permitted for each facade. (ii) 20% of the area of the facade is allowed for such signs. (iii) (iv) the area allowed for such signs may be split up for two(2) or more "facade" signs, in a multi-use or multi-tenant building provided the 20% coverage is maintained. a "facade" sign shall not extend above the top extremity of the facade upon which it is placed. (v) no "facade" sign, or any part thereof, shall project more than O.Sm from the facade upon which it is mounted. (vi) no "facade" sign shall extend horizontally beyond the extremities of the facade to which it is attached. (vii) no "facade" sign shall extend around the corners of the facade upon which it is mounted, except that when a premises is located on a corner lot and has entrances on two(2) or more public ways, a "facade" sign may extend around the corner on which it is mounted. Signs extending around a corner lawfully erected under this section shall be deemed to be two(2) signs for the purpose of calculating permitted numher of signs and permitted sign area. (viii) no portion of a "facade" sign shall be located less than 2.4m above grade below such sign. 3. All other provisions of By-law No~vl'3"81f.=SO shall apply. Page 2 4. This By-law shall come into full force and effect upon the final passing thereof. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS ytl DAY OF >(~--L.l985. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS I y DAY OFt~." 1985.