BYLAW - Amend 2213 78 - 19850903 - 278185. , . . .. BY-LAW NUMBER 278J~ 85 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A ZONING BY-LAW WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to amend By-law Number 2213-78. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: 1. That Section 11 is hereby amended by adding the, following as Section 11.22-Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential (R2-20) Exception Zone: "SECTION 11.22-DETACHED DWELLING SECOND DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (R2-20) EXCEPTION ZONE. 11.22.1 USES PERMITTED ---------- In accordance with Section 11.1 hereof. 11.22.2 Lot Specifications In accordance with Section 11.2.1 hereof. Siting Specifications Front Yard (minimum) 6 metres Rear Yard (minimum) 7.5 metres Interior Side Yard (minimum) 2. One or Two Storeys: on one side - 2 - on the other side Exterior Side Yard (minimum) Building Specifications Floor Area (minimum) one (1) storey two (2) storeys Lot Coverage (maximum) one (1) storey two (2) storeys Height (main building) maximum .6 metres 1.2 metres 1!.5 metres 120 130 1!0 35 10 sq. metres sq. metres percent percent metres" That Section 11 is hereby amended by adding the' following as Section 11.23-Detached Dwelling Second Density Residenti;al (R2-21) Exception Zone. "SECTION 11.23 -DETACHED DWELLING SECOND DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (R2-21) EXCEPTION ZONE. 11.23.1 In accordanced with Section 11.1 hereof. 11.23.2 Lot Specifications In accordance with Section 11.2.1 hereof. - 3 - Siting Specifications Front Yard (minimum) Rear Yard (minimum) Interior Side Yard (minimum) One or Two Storeys: on one side on the other side Exterior Side Yard (minimum) Building Specifications Floor Area (minimum) one (1) storey two (2) storeys Lot Coverage one (1) storey two ( 2) storeys Height (main building) maximum 6 metres 7.5 metres .6 metres 1.2 metres 6 metres 120 sq. metres 130 sq. metres 40 percent 3.5 percent 10 metres" 3. That the zoning category applying to the lands shown in dark outline on Schedule 'A' attached hereto and forming part of this By-law is hereby amended from "RU-Rural" to "R2-20-Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential Exception Zone", "R2-21-Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential Exception Zone" and "0-Major Open Space" as shown on Schedule 'A'. ' ' -q - 11. No part of this By-law will come into force until the provisions of the Planning Act have been complied with but subject to such provisions the by-law will take effect from the day of passing thereof. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS ___ _if_ ___ DAY OF ____ fftlGiL'Q.Z _______ , 1985. RE~ A THI~D TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS _u_ DAY OF ~~~------' 1985. () JM ._,./ -~~~h-~----~ ____ M_,__ -~:_. MAYOR ~ CLERK row~ or ~lUJ~c6~~ THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK LOCATION: LOTS 2,3,5,6,8 AND 9, PART OF THE "40 ACRE RESERVE" PART OF ACCOMMODATION ROAD, REGISTERED PLAN I 02 J <' <"-'·J ... €. _J c ST. (j E. N C ,-r S S I ·0 N WELLINGTON' R2-21 0 ' ! I 0 a.O) H SCHEDULE •_• _"TO BY-LAW N~ ·----- . ---"""'''~~·"""I R1 ~· o, 01 -II <{j ~ Q, u ~I j: tl --l i PR£PAR£o FOR TH£ TOWN OF AURORA BY TH£ R£GIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK-PLANNING O£PARTM£NT r ·-·-...~ T l}' JY i\,) r.i I,_ r~ · , :· -,1.'~\ ' ' '8·" j ?" t•-, :·--~ ' ' ' ' ·, ' . :, [. L; ~Qntario Municipal Board .,I,N THE MATTER OF Section 34 of h>JiheP Pll®IJ.IIt~ng Act, 1983 AND IN THE MATTER OF an appeal l>Y Gr<l.c.e and Frank Timpson in J:~spe'(ltJ, q,f Zoning By-law 2·181-85 of the Corporation of ~h; Town of Auro~a c_,_ ~~ ~;:<'7'61--rz'l>" ~ BEFORE: jf . H.E. STEWART Chairman R 850505 1--J () l l l l l l l Friday, the 29th day -and - of November, 1985 D.W. MIDDLETON Member THE APPEAL by the said appellant in respect of Zoning By-law 2781-85 having been withdrawn; THE BOARD ORDERS that the appeal is hereby dismissed. r ii ~liif1 Eo r 0. 8. No .... £.?.5.::::.! ....... .. t Folio r,lc' .... ?:+':: .......... .. ! I tlilEC 4 1985 [I i I /i /;!\L .. -I t~;~,~~;;~;i:~:.~·~~ ... }.G'::;::;.~~~i ACTING SECRETARY :.: ® ·Ministry of Mu"nicipal . Affairs Qntario 87/05/05 777 Bay Street 14th Floor Toronto, Ontario MSG 2E5 Th A h dOFFlCHlL PLAN . APIENDI'lENI 03/ e ttac e IN THE TOWN OF AURORA --- . PART APPROVED ON 04 MAY 1987 Submitted to Plans Administration was . ,._.. . . .. ~ \ "-J~'-\-:o~\ Oo"\ K B RODGER CLERK TOWN Of AURORA 50 WELLINGTON STREET WEST AURORA ONTARIO L4G 3L8 973{06/86) TOWN OF AURORA 1\tlENDMENT NO. 37 .•. ~ ... •, ... 19 OP 0025 B <::D c:J {C .. : Please Refer all Correspondence K~lfA<1Jo 'Oio ~fro'Ari'?i l!t16l 5&5-6066 Quot,mg Our Hie Num6er.: 19-0P-0025037. ~.~ .:<:' '' ,. •1';, .~· ··--=~ ··,,i''··~'··" "''' 0 \it ... IJ,) · ... ' 037. '</' 1 • AMENDMENT NO. 37 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE TOWN OF AURORA I hereby approve, in accordance with Section 21 of the Planning Act, a further portion of Amendment No. 37 to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora, which has been adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora, which was deferred pursuant to Section 17(10) of the Planning Act, identified as: 1. Deferral No. 2. In addition, I hereby approve in accordance with Sections 17(9) and 21 of the Planning Act,ia further portion of Amendment No. 37 to the!Official Plan for the Town of Aurora, which has been adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora, subject to the following modifications: 2. Deferral No. 1, page 5, Item (2) is modified by the addition of a new policy following!the third paragraph in Item (2) as follows~ "Appropriate rail noise policies are chrrently under study. Until such time as these policies have been agreed to by the affected authorities and a policy statement ha~ been issued by the Province of Ontario, the following interim policy will apply: · Noise sensitive areas are considered to be those areas of land lying within 300 metres of rail lines having a development comporent that includes outdoor passive recreation a!reas; and or a residential component such as dw~llings; and/or bedrooms, sleeping quarters, l!iving rooms or reading rooms. • 2 Prior to the approval of development applications within the noise sensitive areas identified above, Council shall requiie that the owner/developer engage a consulta~t to undertake an analysis of noise and vi~ration and to recommend abatement measures to' the satisfaction of the Town and the Mini~try of the Environment in consultation with CN Rail. All development applications and noisei analysis in the areas identified abov~ will be circulated to the appropriate rail 'company for comments with regard to the recommended nqise, vibration and impact mitigation measures. In the event that a slight noise or vibration level excess exists within the study ~rea despite ~he inclusion of the noise and vibration control features recommende~ by the study, the owners shall insert in all !offers of sale and purchase or lease and register on title to the land, a warning clause adceptable to the Town and the Ministry of the Environment in consultation with CN R~il." Date. :nf--.,>;,tffZ :e.)£ J L.J. «nJD Director Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest Amendment No. 37 to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora This amendment to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora, which has been adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora is hereby modified under the provisions of section 17(9) of the Planning Act as follows: 1. Part II, The Amendment, Details of The Amendment, Page S, the new policy entitled, 'Policies Affecting Lot BS, Concession 1, E.Y.S.' is modified by deletion of the last paragraph beginning with the words, 'The lands fronting on Yonge Street •••' and replabing the said paragraph with the following: "The lands fronting on Yonge Street and St. John's Sideroad are designated Urban Separator. Lots may be permitted t~ ext~nd into the Urban Separator category provided that such lots do not encroach upon the 1:100 year flood plain of Tannery Creek." As thus modified, this amendment is hereby approved pursuant to sections 17(9) and 21 of the Planning Act, as Amendment No. 37 to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora, SAVE AND EXCEPT for the following which is hereby deferred pursuant to section 17(10) of the Planning Act, s.o. 1983. 1. Part II, The Amendment, Details of The Amendment, Page S, Item (2) insofar as it applies to lands outlined in red and labelled Deferral No. 2 on Schedule 'A' to the amendment, which lands are within 300 metres of the CN Rail right-of-way. '·,. 2 2. Schedule 'A' Land Use Plan, the area outlined in red and labelled Deferral No. 2 • Date .m~~/.~(7 ~ ~? L.J~. Director Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest