BYLAW - Amend 2213 78 - 19850306 - 274485' .. · -.. ' .· . . ·--~::·,~·": -~~~------· '· . ....:...:...-... ~~.-· ~-· ·"='""-""""~~~'''''"''''"'''"''""""""""=--··--··._. --~-:~~--------""-·----------·---;-·---.-. -----·--· , BY-LAW NUMBER)7lfiJ-!f:;' OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A ZONING BY-LAW WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to amend By-law 2213-78. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: 1. That the zoning category applying to the lands shown in dark outline on Schedule 'A' attached hereto and. forming part of this By-law is hereby amended from "RU -Rural Zone" to "ER -Estate Residential Zone". 2. No part of this By-law will come into force until the provision of the Planning Act have been complied with but subject to such provisions the By-law will take effect from the day of passing thereof. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS / !H ' DAY OF MlttZC-1+ 1985. ___ fO _____ _ ----------------------' READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS /,) DAY OF ______ ..LJL.!LLL _________ , 198 5. ---------- -~~~~~~--------~---~~ MAYO~ ~-~~ BLOCK 37, R.P. 65M-2012 ·TOWN OF AURORA THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK I :z: 1- 0: 0 < I N 73°38'E 330.17 0 ., ., i----::' 2: N 72° 36' 30"E 243.58 VANDORF ROAD I THIS IS SCHEDULE 'A' TO BY-LAW No. :l1~l/•8S PASSED THIS /Sfl.. DAY OF o/*"R 19~ ' &41-:/···· lf .·.·. lmoRA A · JM1J4 •·· · SCHEDULE 'A' TO BY -LAW No. __ _ TH£ REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK -PLANNING O£PARTM£NT AFFADAVIT UNDER SECTION 34(20) OF THE PLANNING ACT (1983) I, K.B. Rodger, hereby certify that the notice for By-Law 2744-85 of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora, passed by the Council of the Corporation on the __ .:.:1 5.:.::/:::::h:___ day of _ _;A~p:..;!Ut:..:':.:_ __ _ ,19~ was given in the manner and form and to the persons prescribed by Ontario Regulation 404/83. made by the Lieutenant Governor-in-Council under subsection 17 of section 34 of The Planning Act (1983). I also certify that the 35 day objection period expired on _J!M!!laol!Ly-'ZG.JOLj:tJ:!h..._.~19~8!.25 __ and to this date no notice of objection to the by-law has been filed by any person in the office of the clerk. Dated this _____ ...;Z::.:3~1L:o;d:__ ___ _ day of ___ ...:.:M=a"-y ____ , 19 8 5 • CLERK ~·.'