BYLAW - Road Name change - 19841203 - 272284·--~ BY-LAW No. 2722 -84 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING a By-law to change the name of a public road allowance within the Town of Aurora. WHEREAS Subsection 105 of Section 210 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980, as amended, provides that Council may pass By-laws for settling and marking the boundary lines of highways, giving names to them, or changing their names; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora deems it expedient to change the name of Buck Crescent located on Registered Plan of Subdivision 65M-2258; AND WHEREAS the requirements of the Municipal Act with respect to the giving of notice have been complied with; AND WHEREAS an opportunity has been given for those persons who claim that they will be adversely affected to be heard; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the name of the municipal road allowance shown as "Buck Crescent" on a Plan of Subdivision Registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of York Region No. 65 on the 21st day of September, 1984, as Plan 65M-2258, be and is hereby changed so that same shall now be known as "Tribbling Cresent". 2. THAT all public authorities and the post office shall be notified of this change. 3. THAT the provisions of this By-law shall not become effective until final passage thereof and until such time as a copy of same has been Registered in the above mentioned Land Registry Office. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS/ f [/DAY OF) 1 1984. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS U DAY Oc;:~~..._, 1984. Clerk I, K.B. Rodger, Clerk Administrator· of the Corporation of the Town hereby Certify 'che fcr:egoing to be a True and Correct Copy of Town of Aurora By-law No. 2722-84, .July passed by Council of the said Corporation on the 3rd day of December, .1')84. ~"&~~-'"'· K.B. RodgerA.~l.C.I'. ( . ! I,, I I I I. I ,. ·I· ,· . Land Titles Act APPLICATION TO AMEND REGISTER (Section 78 of the Act) TO: The Land Registrar for the Land Titles Division of York Region (No. 65) at Newmarket 1. The Corporation of the Town of Aurora, the registered owner of Parcel Streets-1 in the Register for Section GSM-2258, Aurora hereby applies under Section 78 of the Land Titles Act to have the Register for the said Parcel amended by changing the name of Buck Crescent to Tribbling Crescent. The evidence in support of this Application consists of: (a) A Certified copy of By-law No. 2722-84 of the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Aurora, which was passed on December 3, 1984. DATED at Toronto, this 1-l LJ day of ,January, 1985. WITNESS: ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA, by its solicitors, STRATHY, ARCHIBALD & SEAGRAM W. RODNEY ~ Olicito The address of the Applicant for service is: 50 Wellington Street West Aurora, Ontario -L4G 3L8 '"'-., __ -. NeWliOme and Gilbert, Limit!d }o'ormi 1007 Cumbined Forrrn~: AfHdavit nf Subac:ribinrr Witnesa An and Spou•al Statw. •See footnote •See footnote AFFIQA VIT OF SUBSCRIBING WITNESS 1, Mary Spera, of the City of North ~ork, in the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto, make oath and say: I am a subscribing witness to the attached at Toronto instrument and I was present and saw by W. Rodney R. Pryde it executed I verily believe that each person whose signature I witnessed is the party of the same name referred to in the instrument. SWORNbeforemeatthe City of Toronto, in the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto this ~ SYLVIA ANNEMAFIIE JACOB. Student·At•Law, a Commissioner. etc., In and for the Province of Ontano .. for Stratlly, Archibald & Seagram, Barristers & Solicitors. Expires August 30th, 1987. • WoWr. a POr"tll ia vnGble to TeGd tlte i.,.,t,.,..,._t ar wlten a PUrtll Man. bv making hia mBI"k ar in forftt;m eh.a1'Gt'tera add "aftff i'MtN,._t Md been n!Gd to JUm t~ftd lui appeand fvllv to vndnataM it". W~ erucvt«J "'"""'4 PQ'IDtl1' of attornev i?lH'I't "(na.,.. of attonwvJ !Ill! at~ far (1U171W1' of POrtv)"; aM /(IF' ft8zt cl4-. nb•t~Mte "I vriv belWnle that the per&on who• l!ignature I witnueed waa auth.oriud to ezecvtcr tM imtncment a. t~t~ /07' ('M?M)". • u &tt.oi'De7. !lee footnote Strike out clauses . .. Nota matrimonial home. etc., _,,-_ ",,.footnote. AFFIDAVIT AS TO AGE AND SPOUSAL STATUS -~&-w. Rodney R. Pryde of the City of Toronto in the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto (severaJly) make oath and say: When I -;'"""Yf~-t'xecuted the attached instrument, I WAS -r--WE WEREl E-kefr-at least eightaen rears old; (a) I WAS I I WAS NOT a spouse. (b) was my spouse. (SEVERALLY) SWORN before me at the l City of Toronto, in the Muni~. · ality _:;t-Metropolitan Toronto this -/ ""day of '19 ~ ' ' •Note: Where. a.i/LIG'Ifit ia ma.U bv a." attomq, the cttOMteY ska.U depo1er, (a.) that ther pa'l"ttl was at lea.t eighteen V~tG'I"IJ of 4ge at the timer of e:rf!ct.ltima/ of the P~w~ of a.tton&ev: (b) a. to the pa.rtv'a st4tt.l8 a.a 11 spouse 4t the timer of e~ecutirm of th.e inati"Kmen.t; 4nd (c) tluJt the poww o 4ttomev u 1n /tJJ. /OT'ce aM effect and ha. not bee71 revoked. •• Not•: Sere clat.IBN .U( .f) (b) (c) 4-nd (d) of the fo'amilv Law Re/urm Act. 11 spov.e dou not join in or emue-nt, eithff iMe?"t n:plaftGtiOft. 0'1' com- plcU a. aepan~ter afftda'llit. .· ~~ ;;2_o8d.t 3 1985 JAN -7 Pi1 3: 15 ~ Dated: January 1985 ·.,.' APPLICATION TO AMEND REGISTER (Section. 78 of the Act) Parcel Streets-1, Section 65M-2258 Aurora STRATHY,ARCHIBALD & SEAGRAM Barristers & Solicitors P.O. Box 438, Commerce Court Toronto, Ontario M5L 1J3 WRRP:ms 5-0293 ' \ i ~ BY-LAWNo.2722 -84 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING a By-law to change the name of a public road allowance within the Town of Aurora. WHEREAS Subsection 105 of Section 210 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980, as amended, provides that Council may pass By-laws for settling and marking the boundary lines of highways, giving names to them, or changing their names; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora deems it expedient to change the name of Buck Crescent located on Registered Plan of Subdivision 65M-2258; AND WHEREAS the requirements of the Municipal Act with respect to the giving of notice have been complied with; AND WHEREAS an opportunity has been given for those persons who claim that: they will be adversely affected to be heard; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora ENACTS AS FOLLOWS;. 1. THAT the name of the municipal road allowance shown as "Buck Crescent" on a Plan of Subdivision Registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of York Region No. 65 on the 21st day of September, 1984, as Plan 65M-2258, be and is hereby changed so that same shall now be known as ''Tribbling Cresent''· 2. THAT all public authorities and the post office shall be notified of this change. 3. THAT the provisions of this By-law shall not become effective until final passage thereof and until such time as a copy of same has been Registered in the above mentioned Land Registry Office. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS j 'l [/DAY OF~~:~~ 19 84. \ READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS u ~AY o?1:~~"-', Mayor Clerk 1984.