BYLAW - Proposal & Estimates Yonge St. Improvements - 19840716 - 269984FORM•AB-PR-IiA Ri-'v. MA'¥ 1973 BY -LAW NUMBER -26 ,99-'iS Y OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE the execution of a proposal and estimate of cost pursuant to an agreement with Her Majesty the Queen, In Right of the Province of Ontario, as represented by the Minister of Trans- portation and Communications, entered into under The Public Transportation and Highway Impr;wement Act, R. S. 0. 19-S"O'~ Chapter 42L "WHEREAS the appended proposal and estimate of cost dated the 28th day of ---~M:::aY,c_ ____ _ 19 ~. for the construction of Roadway Improvements on Yonge Street (Hwy. No. 11) being part of a highway de signa ted as a connecting link has been prepared pursuant to the said agreement with Her Majesty the Queen, In Right of the Province of Ontario, as represented by the said Minister." BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Council of the Corpor- ation of the Town of Aurora ------~~--------- 1. That the hereinbefore recited proposal and estimate of cost. be approved. 2. That the Mayor/Reeve and Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to sign the hereinbefore recited proposal and estimate of cost and to affix thereto the seal of the Corporation. PASSED by the Council of the Corporation of the --'Tc::o:.::wc:cnc__ __ _ of Aurora this /G dayof '\c:--)u/....1 19--]{ ~A--tA A. (SEAL) ' FOR tv! AB-PR-17A REV. MAY' 1973 ApPENDIX NO. -=-14_:___ DATE _...:.M;;::a"--y---'2"-'8'-f'-· =-"19:...:8:...:4 __ _ PROPOSAL AND ESTIMATE OF COST FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A CONNECTING LINK OR EXTENSION OF THE KING'S HIGHWAY (OR SECONDARY HIGHWAY) NO. 11 IN THE TOWN OF AURORA IN THE <ZUOONX')IJ;(){;rnt Mm.l\>!:~'t¥:xllt REGION OF YORK Designated Route: Yonge St. (Hwy. No. 11) Pursuant to an agreement dated the h_ day of NovEmBeR. 19 b5 hereinafter called the agreement made between the Minister and the Corporation of tk_..,T_o_w_n-:c---:---- of Aurora and subject to the terms and conditions thereof, and subject ' also to any nece:osary approval of the Board under The Ontario Municipal Board Act, the Corporat10n (Minister/Corporation) proposes that the following por- tions of highway, heretofore designated as a connecting link, be constructed by the Corporation (Ministry/Corporation) namely, (describe portion(s) of street( s) to be constructed): Improvements to Yonge St. (Hwy. No. 11) from Dunning Avenue to Reuben Street. and illustrated on the plan or sketch attached thereto; provided construction to be in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Minister and the Corporation in the manner and at a cost estimated and divided substantially as follows: (a) Type of c ons true ti on __ .::Sr:.P.::O.:.t_I:.:m::~P::.:r..::O:.cVc::e:::m,e:::nc::t.::s---.:t-=-o-=-a S::.Pc:chc.ca::..l:_t::.....:a::.:.n:...:d:.....:cc::uc..r:::b-=-an:.:.d::...cg"-'u:.t::.t:..:e:..:r..:. ___ _ {b) Length __ T_o_b_e __ d_e_t_e_r_m_in_e_d __ b_y __ Co_n_t_r_a_c_t __ co_s_t_s_. ________________________________ __ (c) Width (not less than 22 feet) _NA ____________________________________________ __ (d) Commencing at Dunning Avenue (e) Terminating at A point as far North as available funds will permit. (f) Total estimated cost of construction -------------$136,667.00 (g) Deduct: Items not chargeable under agreement: (h) ( i) {I) Items to be paid by the Corporation {II) Charged to others (Ill) Charged under Part X of The Public Transportation and Highway Improve- ment Act Total Deductions $ NIL ---=--- $ ____ _ $ ____ _ $ ____ _ $ ____ _ $ ____ _ Total estimated cost of construction to be shared Minister's share ( 90 o/o) $ ____ _ $ 136,657.00 $ 123,000.00 FO~,M AS-""PR-17A Rle:V. MAY 1973 (j) Estimated annual expenditure of Minister's share for fiscal year\s): April l st, 19 84 to March 31st, 19 §2 $ 100,000.00 April 1st, 19 ~to March 31st, 19 ~ $ 23,000.00 April 1st, 19 _to March 31st, 19 $ April 1st, 19 to March 31st, 19 $ $ 123,000.00 It is understood that the estimated co~t is based on the best information available at the time of submission and that no substantial increase in such cost will be undertaken or incurred without the prior written approval of the Minister, and where necessary, the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board • . . This proposal is hereby submitted this /f., day of __ _c,,.J.I.~.<tl:..!:l.,Wf..v-~-19 "' il I ~ by or on behalf of the Corporation of the ----+/-"'oc...:w~rJ~--of (SEAL) and is hereby accepted by or on behalf of the Minister. (SEAL) (Note: Attach a statement of the total estimated cost in detail and a breakdown thereof showing how the Minister's share was computed on Form AB-PR-3) • ® Ontario Ministry of Transportation and Communications CONNECTING LINK in the Town of Aurora DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATED GROSS COST SUMMARY Total Construction Cost 118,825.00 Engineering (15%) 17,842.00 TOTAL 136,667.00 ·--- being Yonge St. (Hwy. #11) SHAREABLE UNDER CHARGEABLE UNDER C.L. AGREEMENT PART X OF THE ACT 118' 825.00 17,842.00 136,667.00 *Chargeable to others: e.g; Local Improvement Act; Railway Grade Crossing Fund; Public Service Works on Highway Act, etc: UR-A-1'38 77-07 (FORMERLY AS': Based on Estimate of May 28, 1984 Street from Dunning Avenue to Reuben Street CHARGEABLE TO CHARGEABLE TO CORPORATION OTHERS* EXPLANATION . ·--- I { l ' :t :¥ I j '~ ~j i ' ~l ; 3 !1 { --- ~ ~ \-~~ ! ~-,...-~ \~~-· ---------------- ' J ' .J 3 ~- I CERTIFY THAT: I. THIS SURVEY AND PLAN ARE CORRECT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SURVEYS ACT AND THE .. R/'(>(S_Tf1j'J\CT ... AND I REQUIRE THIS PLAN TO BE DEPOSITED UNOER THE REGISTRY ACT DATE ·*<-. N~~-:;~·8/ .. .... "''"" ,,., .. , '""'''"''" .j ~ ~ I 2. ~E~URVEY z.As COMPLETED ON THE. -• #-JII. '?:..::·. ~ .. .. . ~. AY OF . •V~It'f·~IC._ . ~ 19 .. , . . JAMES M~ PURCELL • / ;_;,., .,;fo ::.t.~ ~~~,'1. 19 ~/. ..d!!JU•·--< ....... ~ PART I \JAMES M. PURCELL ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR LOT I BLOCK CONCESSION I PLAN Parr of Ross SJreeJ Plan 17 INSTRUMENT Ross Street PLAN 6SR-. RECEIVED AND DEPOSIT/ DATE ... / .1/-.~~ ~~· ~ .. bi,J.u I. ~~;;, REGISTRAI FO THE. f1.E.G,ISTf1,Y. .. !)1\ YORK REGION N!?.E REMARKS --- PLAN OF SURVEY OF PART OF ROSS STREET REGISTERED PLAN 17 TOWN OF AURORA REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK LLOYD 8 PURCELL LTD., 1981, SCALE: I : 750 0 10 20 BEARING f --~ ~E : = 30 40 mer res - BEARINGS ARE ASTRONOMIC AND ARE DERIVED FROM THE WESTERN LIMIT OF PART I 65R-2912 SHOWN AS N!.3041'JO"W THEREON ·' CAUTION: THIS PLAN IS NOT A PLAN OF SUBDIVISION WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE PLANNING ACT METRIC: DISTANCES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN ARE IN METRES .. AND CAN BE CONVERTED TO .. FEET .. BY. _DIVIf:!IN_G .. , BY 0.30 LEGEND: = S.I.B. STANDARD IRON BAR Wir. WITNESS OIN OLD NOTE I.B. IRON BAR L8P LLOYD 8 PURCELL LTD. Prop'n PROPORTIONED I.P. IRON PIPE OIU ORIGIN UNKNOWN NIC ii¥JN CONCENTRIC • FOUND ha HECTARES 0 SET 0 ROUND me as. MEASURED ) In st. INSTRUMENT LLOYD 8 PURCELL LTD. ONTARIO LAND SURVEYORS 92 DAVIS DRIVE, SUITE 202, NEWMARKET, ONTARIO, L3Y-2 Nl, 416-B95 -6416 , FILE N2 A2 -289 -BLOCK')' .. ,-,,-"""""'·+·~~"r"-'"'-"·''·''7··•:•:•-,,-,,•.~-,,-.~oq·ncc<"":>r,··•·--~-"'"'·""•>r<"='~-7,..•'•'rn-,;~'"'•''\~•E'·'·'•--·,-,~-··-:'>•-"-"····-·•<'"·''{)'i'i'N;·c•:c;:>,-,..,.,.,-,;,-yc,:"f•''''''''':'c';'.co·,• ._-,~·--P?:'•''"''-"~~7A'<~--.;:<;:~~~~?Rff..J;®i"<:?.;O..~>::'~fll'J;:~~Y,.~~~":*'1~~~-: )$_;' ;t_ J, o3¥XU R, Q,, f.i\,)!84,, , ,Rf \~ /. 'J r; - 31\t::JS 01 lON 11~.130 ? "' --. "' <::\ 0 "' _\ .. C\_, "'- " ~ " ~ ~ ~ ~ ,,, C'::l \.~\ 1:\::, \.l\ ':--, CJ) --. ~~ h\ 1:\::, / ;t. ® Ontario Ministry of Transportation and Communications Tele];hone: 224-7531 Mr. K.B. Rodger Clerk, Town of Aurora 50 Wellington Street West Aurora, Ontario lAG 3L8 Dear Sir: Central Region 5000 Yonge Street Willowdale, Ontario M2N 6E9 August 07, 1984 ::_·:;:r-... t'":>:; X· :~T' ~· ~:.;; Re: Construction Proposal Town of Aurora Connecting Link, Appendix No. 14 Highway 11, Yonge Street, from Dutmi.ng ·Avenue to· ReUben· Street I am enclosing for your records, a certified copy of a construction proposal dated May 28th, 1984. The proposal is authorized by a basic agreerrent dated November 18th, 1963 and has been duly executed on behalf of the Minister. Yours truly, ~~ H. Orlando Regional Municipal Engineer Central Region