BYLAW - OPA #30 - 19840813 - 270684. ' 'l ~-• .. , ;_ .. BY-LAW NUMBER 2706-8~ OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA Being a By-law to adopt Amendment No. 30 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area. The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora in accordance with the provisions of Section 17(1) of The Planning Act enacts as follows: l. Amendment No. 30 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area, consisting of the attached explanatory text, is hereby adopted. 2. That the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Aurora make application to the Ministry of Housing for approval of said Amendment. 3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and empowered to make or cause to be made on behalf of this Corporation such application as may be necessary to the Ministry of. Housing for approval of said Amendment and to execute under the Corporate Seal such documents as may be required for the above purposes. /3Yft ·... Cb.JLX· ~"T READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS ....... DAY OF .... 11 ~ .... . 19 .£F. ... J,(,.,j ~ ... 1«~ MAYOR READ. ~:Rlj-TIM} AND FINALLY ··~·~-l9.'if. ~~w ~. U • 0 • 0 •• 0 •••••• 0 • 0 0 •• h MAYOR/___. '"""' ,- CLERK PASSED THIS .... ~~ .... DAY OF .........:: ~-. ~ . ~ •• _ ~-•..••• v-;-;-;-; ~-~--qf!J>--· CLERK ~<.F'.~ AMENDMENT NO. 30 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE AURORA PLANNING AREA 19-0P 1~10~ 0025-030 AMENDMENT NO. 30 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE AURORA PLANNING AREA This amendment to the Official Plan for the Aurora Planning Area, which has been adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora is hereby modified under the provisions of section 21 of the Planning Act, as follows: 1. Part II: The Preamble, Section 3, Location is modified by the addition of the following words to the end of line 1: '', and in part of Lot 79 ... '' 2. Part III: The Amendment Statement of Principles and Policies Governing Amendment No. 30, Section 1, item ii, line 2, is modified by the addition of the following words between the words "Lot 80" and 'west' "and Lot 79". As thus modified, this amendment is hereby approved pursuant to section 21 of the Planning Act, as Amendment No. 30 to the Official Plan for the Aurora Planning Area. Date . Md. . ..3.•) 1lff ..... . L. J. FINCHAM Director Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing . . :. ... ® Ministry of Municipal Affairs . and Housing ' Oliltario -~ Attached' Submitted to Plans Administration was ' ' . :,_. --~ L;. -I 973 {12/83) 'L . ' .. ' - uc ., ' -i/ -~ :..: H/11/50 777 Bay Street 14th Floor Toronto, Ontario M5G 2E5 : • ., •. ,,, l9i''• with modifications. /-10~ ...,. , ,,,..., !""":;-·. r, flease FJef9r E{l(dOrres~.ndence Related to this Submission to: . !\". ,-\ ?' ; r-.: '~-\ :· G ~J (01.[.\ c,g··-'· n. c Quolirig-uin'FileNUiriber: '-' ·J .: -1 s -:.r:·-fl 0250 30 . _;pu;A/ #1t? 11-~-~ TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE AURORA PLANNING AREA 19-0P ·. AMENDMENT NO. 30 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE AURORA PLANNING AREA PART I: THE CERTIFICATION The explanatory text constituting Amendment No. 30 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area, was adopted by the Council of the Town of Aurora by By-law No.27o6in accordance with Section 17 of The Planning Act on the ..... ..S: 7-.1. ... day of.~ 19. fl.1f . .P~.4.~. MAYOR~ ~ ..... / !.~ ..... . CLERK This Amendment to the Official Plan of the Aurora Plan- ning Area which has been adopted by the Council of the Town of Aurora is hereby approved in accordance with Section 17 of The Planning Act, as Amendment No. 30 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area. ' ·, ··' ' AMENDMENT NO. 30 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE AURORA PLANNING AREA PART II: THE PREAMBLE 1. TITLE AND COMPONENTS This amendment comprising the text and attached Schedule 'A' shall be known as Amendment 30 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area. 2. THE PURPOSE The purpose of this amendment is to amend the land use category applying to the subject lands shown on Schedule 'A' from "Suburban Residential" to "Urban Residential" and to provide po~icies for their development. 3. LOCATION MODIFICATION' The subject lands are located in part of Lot 80 ,l NO. 1 ~o~cession l, WYS, Town of Aurora as shown on Schedule UNDER SECTION 17 (9) OF. A • JH.E PLANNING A~T: 1983 BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT This amendment has been enacted by Council in response to the following factors: i. Servicing The lands were designated "Suburban Residential" in 1979. At that time the servicing concept was ·municipal water supply and individual sewage dispos•al systems. A lot area in the suburban residential category of .2.hectares was required in order to accommodate septic tanks and tile fields. Since that time, soil studies have demonstrated that this area is not suitable for individual sewage disposal systems. The site must therefore be fully serviced by a municipal sanitary sewage system. ii. ·Landscape Much of the westerly boundary of Aurora is heavily treed with very extreme topography. This particular parcel is a fairly open, abandoned apple orchard. The grades on the property are such that ' . ' . ' -2 - a more dense development can be accommodated. The suburban residential designation is being retained on those lands abutting Bathurst Street. The policies of Section V.l.b)v) respecting screening requirements will apply to these lands. iii. Compatibility with Existing Development Existing development on Kennedy. Street West and Wellington Street West tends to be of a large lot character. While Council concurs with the applicant's request to increase the density of the site from the currently required .2 hectare lot, it is felt that normal urban residential lot sizes and permitted densities are not appropriate for this site. Council has therefore required that the density on this site will not exceed 8.5 units per hectare calculated in accordance with Table I (1) of Appendix 'A' to the Official Plan as approved May 24, 1979. ( .\.. -~--:.... .· ' ' AMENDMENT NO. 30 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN PART III: THE AMENDMENT STATEMENT OF PRINCIPLES AND POLICIES GOVERNING AMENDMENT NO. 30 1. The Official Plan is amended as follows: MODIFICATION NO. ,0 i. That Schedule 'A' The Land Use Plan is hereby amended by changing the land use designation applying to the subject lands from "Suburban Residential" to "Urban Residential" as shown on Schedule 'A' which forms part of this amendment. ii. By adding the following as Part V.l.a)v). of Appendix 'A' the Aurora West Secondary Plan. II' UNDER SECTION 17(9) OF THE PLANNING ACT, 1983 The lands abutting and north of Kennedy Street in Lot 80Jwest of the tributary to Tannery Creek will be developed at lower than normal densities to form a transition area. The density calculated in accordance with the formula set forth on Table l(i) will not be greater than 8.5 units per hectare " I .I I I I I I I I ---------------r·r= ____ ~CO.NCESSION I om" Suburban 11ldentlal " to Jrban Residential" OPA N? REFERRED OMB N? 6 IJ-------- ._IW ~~ ------r-CONCESSION 14 IE I CONCESSION II I COJ'!_CESSION. ----r1---I ~C--~=-~ ---J~r---- I I I I I I I I I I I I ,I ~I ~\ '------1. I ~I ----------~ I !"11~-Jr ' 1 \ ~~,.W'..@s \ I I I I I I I I I I a~--------Jr-----------4--~,1 I ::--I I I I j\ ~~~~==JfL ~ =f-.E:J...vilr-~ :....: - - - -=::Jr w -..:::--~· '1-.:;--r--:;:"" ' I / .... )/Y I ... / , .... I . Ill 1 l::: i, i ! 1.1, ""' ' I ,, I :I ' I :::1 i I -t-i C\Ji "'I ! ' -H' ' /' I_ ~: 1.0'1 '"' ---H I I' Ia> -r --.-~ i I I CD! ----+--: I , ' ! ~~r --rll ,' i U) I i-j· I , H -l-i l!l ~·I. "'' -! I i I "' ' -I +t' j=t ,, 0 z AMENDMENT No. 30, LEGEND URBAN RESIDENTIAL SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL ftl ESTATE RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL ~ INDUSTRIAL 1 ®dt%ti;ml I - -I ~ 1---1 INSTITUTIONAL MAJOR OPEN SPACE RURAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AREA PLANNING AREA BOUNDARY AREA REFERRED TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD APPROVED IN FORM SHOWN BY ORDER NOTES' DATED MAY 24, 1979 I. THIS MAP MUST BE READ IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE TEXT OF THE INTERIM OFFICIAL PLAN. 2. AREAS AND LOCATIONS OF MAJOR INSTITUTIONAL AND OPEN SPACE DESIGNATIONS WITHIN UNDEVELOPED AREAS ARE SYMBOLIC ONLY AND WILL BE DETERMINED IN A MORE PRECISE MANNER WHEN THE AREAS ARE DEVELOPED. "OFFICE CONSOLIDATION" SCHEDULE A LAND USE PLAN INTERIM OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE AURORA PLANNING AREA SCALE IN FEET ----~~------~~==" 1000 500 0 1000 2000 -· --.,,.....,,~ no IIMJ.llt.lt:! 1""\t:"PA~TMI:"fl.l" .. -~,..._.U,t.- ·w . Ministry of W: Municipal Affairs and Housing ' 'Ontario 8 4/11/30 777 Bay Street 14th Floor Toronto, Ontario M5G 2E5 The Attached OF~ICI;\L PLAN AMfN0M£~T 030 IN. TH:~ TOWN OF ~URJRA Submitted to Plans Administration was ACPROVED ON 30 NOV 1984 with modifications. 973 (12/83} K B ~JDGER CL2RK TOWN OF ~URDRA 50 ~ELLINGTON STREET WEST AUR0Rf\ Dr\TAR:I<r .. . / . I--I o~ . '~rt .~ '·"· ' ~~., r ~-1 . 1 ~.,· n ,. tl. \~ll rJ f\ejlse 'J_¢,fe:rll f ;d.~.r(e~I,W!ldence 1 ir,._, t•J i ~ Refateq_ ~d'.this,Submission to: '··: ''l<cWR~ • \)AtHON Quo~;itJ&i,lFu['rJI,!;iGOP. 0 6 6 .19-{!P-002$030 ;:G;.~~~t#?~rt:H.~.it§ ~ ... _.:. ,