BYLAW - OPA #28 - 19840813 - 270184,._ l, AMENDMENT NO. 2 8 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE AURORA PLANNING AREA :' BY-LAW NUMBER J70!-'t¥ OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA Being a By-law to adopt Amendment No. 28 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area. The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora in accordance with the provisions of Section 17(1) of The Planning Act enacts as follows: l. Amendment No. 28 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area, consisting of the attached explanatory text, is hereby adopted. 2. That the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Aurora make application to the Ministry of Housing for approval of said Amendment. 3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and empowered to make or cause to be made on behalf of this Corporation such application as may be necessary to the Ministry of Housing for approval of said Amendment and to execute under the Corporate Seal such documents as may be required for the above purposes. . READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS ./t4.DAY OF.~ ... 1984 . .... ~.t~~---......... a.~~ MAYOR ~ , CLERK READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS .. ~~~ .. DAY OF ~~, ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .n.-.,.-:- MAYOR '. AMENDMENT NO. 28 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE AURORA PLANNING AREA PART I: THE CERTIFICATION The explanatory text constituting Amendment No. 28 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area, was adopted-~ the Council of the Town of Aurora by By-law No.2at-~ accordance with Section 17 of The Planning Act on the ····-/~~ .. day of .. ~l9.8Y. . f_y k .. JA4. .. MAYOR \} .. • .. CLERK This Amendment to the Official Plan of the Aurora Plan- ning Area which has been adopted by the Council of the Town of Aurora is hereby approved in accordance with Section 17 of The Planning Act, as Amendment No. 28 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area. AMENDMENT 1'0. 2.8 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE AURORA PLANNING AREA PART I I : THE PREAMBLE 1. TITLE AND COMPONENTS This amendment comprising the text and attached Schedule 'D' shall be known as Amendment 28 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area. 2. THE PURPOSES The purpose of this amendment is to provide policies for "Community Improvement" and to designate Community Improvement Areas on Schedule 'D'. 3. LOCATION The policies,goals, objectives and criteria apply to the Aurora Planning Area in general. Specific policies will apply to areas designated as Community Improvement Areas. Council may from time to time designate new Community Improvement Areas as the need may arise by amendment. 4. BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT This amendment has been prepared in response to the enactment of Bill 159 "An Act to revise the Planning Act" which provides policies for Community Improvement. Section 28(2) of that legislation requires that the municipality have policies respecting community improvement as a prerequisite to Council designating any part of the municipality as a community improvement area and also to make the municipality eligible for certain provincial funding. The Council of the Town of Aurora is interested in implementing certain of its community improvement projects through the assistance of provincial loans, etc. In addition the municipality has an ongoing reconstruction programme involving roads and underground services which is part of the current improvement programme within the municipality. AMENDMENT IlK). 2 8 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN PART Ill: THE AMENDMENT STATEMENT OF PRINCIPLES AND POLICIES GOVERNING AMENDMENT IlK). 2 8 1. The Official Plan is amended as follows: (i) That Schedule 'D' showing Community Improvement Areas I and II is hereby added to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area. (ii) That the following is added as Section 10 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area. (iii)That Sections 10 and II are hereby renumbered to Sections 11 and 12 respectively. SECTION 10: c:oM.IUNITY IMPROVEMENT POLICIES 1. GOALS & OBJECTIVES Goa I 1 To establish a consistent standard of municipal servicing throughout the municipality. 1. Build on the existing system of upgrading municipal roads and underground services in deficient parts of the community. 2. To provide sidewalks as needed and as financial constraints permit in deficient parts of the community. 3. To upgrade or establish parks in parts of the community where deficiencies exist as financial constraints permit. ~. To upgrade and/or renovate cultural and recreational faci- lities in parts of the community where deficiencies exist as financial constraints permit. Goal 2 To improve the physical and economic environment of the Central Business District as the main pedestrian commercial area within the municipality. Objectives 1. Improve off-street parking and access to it in the Central Business District. 2. Create a pleasant shopping atmosphere by improving amenities within the area including lighting and landscaping. 3. To ensure that the underground services are sufficient to provide for intensification of uses which may result from parking and amenity improvements. 2. CRITERIA FOR AREA SELECTION The following criteria shall be used when determining areas suitable to be designated as community improvement areas: (i) There is a deterioration or deficiency in municipal services such as water sewers, road sidewalks, street lighting, etc. (ii) There is a deterioration or deficiency in public community services such as indoor recreational facilities, open space, parks,community centres, libraries, etc. (iii)The area is in need of improvement to parking and streetscape. (iv) The area has some symptoms of decline; physical, functional or economic, including vacant and underused commercial buildings. (v) Park deficiencies are evident based on criteria established for the provision of parks in both Section 8B6 of the Official Plan and the Recreation Master Plan. 3. DELINEATION OF COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT AREA The Community Improvement areas are shown on Schedule 'D' to this Plan. Council may from time to time delineate new Community Improvement Areas which conform to the criteria listed in Subsection (2} above by amendment to this plan. 4. PHASING OF IMPROVEMENT (i) In Community Improvement Area I Council's first priority shall be the reconstruction of the parking area on the west side of Yonge Street. Further parking improvements, landscaping and lighting improvements will follow as funds permit. The details of these projects will be outlined in Community Improvement Plans. (ii) In Community Improvement Area II the main priority shall be the reconstruction of roads and underground services, although renovation and upgrading of recreational and cultural facilities will also be undertaken as funds become available. (iii)While this is the preferred phasing it shall not prohibit the municipality from providing other facilities and services as funds permit. 5. METHODS OF IMPLEMENTATION Council will implement its Comnunity Improvement Policies in the following ways. (i) Designation of comnunity improvement project areas and preparation of comn,un i ty improvement pI an s. (ii) Utilization of public funds through municipal, provincial and federal programnes as these programnes become available. (iii)Continued enforcement of a property standards by-law. (iv) Encouraging infill, redevelopment and rehabilitation through appropriate policies in the official plan and zoning provisions. (v) Continued support for the activities of the Business Improvement Association. (vi) Assistance to individual and corporations in applying for funding under government programnes. (vii)Participate in and/or encourage projects and programnes which improve the municipality's physical environment and expand the economic base within the Central Business District. PART IV: THE APPENDIX 1. Improvement Area I i. In 1982 a Comprehensive Core Area Study was under- taken. This study included a market analysis which examined the core areas position in both community and the region; a planning analysis which covered historical development, existing land use pattern, servicing capacity, development trends, redevelopment opportunities and examined the existing legislative requirements of the Official Plan and zoning by-law; and a traffic and parking analysis. The study made land use, traffic and parking, energy conservation and urban design recommendations. As well an implementation strategy was laid out for the municipality. This strategy included policy and zoning changes as well as a series of public improvements. Improve- ment Area I has been designated as a result of this study, its findings and recommendations. The Summary of Findings and Recommendations is included as Exhibit 1. The details of the improvement plans for this area will be laid out in a Community Improvement Plan which must be submitted to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing for approval. The full text of the Core Area Study carried out by A. J. Diamond Planners Limited, Peter Barnard Associates and Barton Aschman Canada Limited, November 1982 can be obtained at the municipal offices. 2. Improvement Area II i. Roads and Services The municipality has a number of improvement programmes currently underway whereby existing roads, sidewalks and underground services are improved or replaced.· Figure 1 indicates roads identified by the Public Works Department both as deficient "now" and deficient "1-5 years". A program of sewer separation has been carried out over the past number of years to ensure that storm water is not being treated. Figure 2 indicates the location of existing combined sewers. - 2 - ii. Leisure Services In 1980 a Recreation Master Plan was prepared for the municipality. That plan identified a 5 year capital works programme for improvement of cultural and recreational facilities. A recent internal update of the Master Plan makes capital projections for upgrading and development to the year 1989. Figure 3 indicates the locations and year of upgrading of the facilities. Figure 4 shows 2 cultural facilities which are under consideration for upgrading. iii. Conclusions Overlaying of the various figures identified above does not provide an overwhelmingly obvious improve- ment •area, however the area shown as improvement area II on SChdule 'D' does have a concentration of deficient roads and combined sewers. In addition, this area which is one of the older residential sections of the municipality is the location of a number of cultural facilities, the Church Street school which houses the museum, senior citizens centre, potters, etc., and is one of the municipa- lities most significant historic buildings, the library, the parks building which is under consideration to be relocated to the now defunct sewage treatment plant and Victoria Hall a municipality owned former church used as a meeting hall. FIGURE , J -Q ~ ~ l ~. -h TOW II DF ~ ttl~~-J--____::_"· r ~ IS I 12 I ~ CON III - --______GAl ~ TOWill OF ·:-·-·'"""'~...lii..;;,._..J.~-oo\iif-.J.~ /IICHIID/10 HILL T -· ........ ., 'lei!!!!............. TOWN OF ROAD DEFICIENCIES n . . . .. . AURORA SOURCE: Public Works Dept. II \!!)-PROVINCIAL MIIHWA~---_ 'ii/-R£GIOIW.. JIQADS ~~==~~~· I II I 1 ., I I ~ ·~ ~ ~ ., ; H ~ :l i ' } TDWII J --· FIGURE 2 ·r==-~7r~~~~ 24 I I .. ... : ~ . -I. l I l 19 I ~ • I ; . " ,, I ,! • • /'---, f\ . " ". 7$ I$ 12 I I CON. I W. Y. S. CON. 'I TOW/I OF It/CHilO f-'1111 HILL -· 0 ., ., ., ., ... !!110 .... -1!0 ... TOWN OF COMBINED SEWER SYSTEMS :m 0 !!!! .. • • • !100 AURORA SOURCE• Public Works Dept. PftOVINCIAL HIIHWA~ 111-~GIOJW.. IIOADI j ~:_ 1 j I (:_ [· l I ~ :~ tt ~ I I ~ I I ~ I ~ • I 1 1 1 ~ I I .I '! i -I I I ~ l ' ' j 'M ·! I i l i I I I I j I i I ) I I I ' rOW If .A "' FIGURE 3 NEWMAIIItET J ~ -z:~ II ··~-v ~ 26~~ ~ •i ..AI~ r' ~ '""" II \lliN1 8p 1 25 ) I! ~ r~ '-.J1 1U ";, 24 f 1 v:;::;:. ) ,_.? :\_ I J X I Ul ~ 2~ ~ ~ I I ~ -~ ~ ' t::.J, '1~ RENOVATE PARKS BLDG 1 l /IUJfY f ~-rr ra ~ AS SENIORS CENTRE iJ '::t--$1 ~.. 1-r-~ l ·v-. 81 ) 2(\ ., • h. r= I \, ,_-, ,_"::;:: •mn '-'? F1 !:: : l 0 l'f // \ \ u I~ ~ '( L_ /. J-...4., /.. 20 '--~~ ~ E 77v-~~ __; I ~ l )~I __, IJ \ r~ / 19 ! a a ~~ ............_ ENERGY RETROFIT . I \ -:: ~ -.1 L ~ "U....-'f/ '\ ~C~URCH ST. SCHOOL \\\ I; ~~~f /J \,~l\' 17 !'----,~, - 1 -<j~-~ u'?. "'-/1 ,, ~ 16 r /' ~K .. ..I~ J 7 ~ \ "'-.\\ v•• r.C2 •• ~L J ~~..-~t i H "' v C)Y T, ~ ? l I ~~ \ ~5 If ~ 1 1 ( /74 (. \ 1 "'\\ ~~ " -rl' I/ { I 7~ \ I~ I m I ~ CON. 1 W Y. S. CON. = ....... 0 • "" ., • ,,. .. !100 • • ... PROVINCIAL \ijj'"' OO:GIOIW. ....... ) rowN "' lllt:NIIOIIII HILL POSSIBLE UPGRADE OF TOWN Of CULTURAL FACILITIES AURORA SOURCE: Leisure Services Dept. :. I. I I I l ' 6 ~ * I ~ I it ·' ~ ;~ :Z f ~ § J ·' j l ! i I i l 1 J 1 .. ' . FIGURE 4 TDW/1 "" 1/~WIIAitKET I -. I ~~ .. [~ ··~~ \7~ 26~ ~ J • ~t I 7 l ~ '"'-._L ----~--, ___ ,_ .. .. --- ' ~ 8 1--~ 1. Sports Complex 1st phase f ~ 2. Softball diamond in Machell Park ~j 3.Softball diamond in Craddock Park 4. Soccer field in Craddock Park ( T 1 rn J. r-? 5. Church Street School/Cultural Art Centre -:J: ~~ 4~ .,J c' S.Parks Bui !ding (Sewage. Plant Site) -rt'rv,y ~ _ 1 :~.97_'\_ 7. Stream course development l lfUn, /' . ...._ ~ S.Old Police Building Site '--..:1' .::;::::JT~ 6 1-. ~, L • _ l , 9.Sports Complex 2nd Phase • ~ ~ -I\.~ L..J~ I 81 """"-. . •~m \ ~ 'r A 3 - " 1.0 7 I T \ \ o 1.-: ~ ""''-80 20'-. Jt: ( / /l.liJ.. H t(' • i ~ )'jli~-1~-/ ~ t-.l I" fil 9 • 19 iii I . I ~ 1 )1"1 ....j 11... f\ ; .c.~~ " I -i~ -1 L nil!,...-i/ "' '. ~ ( · '\ \ l ' ~ '-~~ /J \ht\ "' 17 ~ ~\ 18 ~ -~~Tr;~ ~~7 ~ 'l ' "' ~ '~ ~ V v~'"~'t ~~!!l, ~· ~ ~Bj ';'"' 75 ['-.. 15 I ! l "-I j_ 74 l \~ i 1 td rl ;:; { 175 \ 15 ~st:00t ·•-_£ J ": m J} CON I W. Y. S. = '-.}' 11 1 u-T LEISURE SERVICES 5 YEAR T(J,/1 (), lt/CHIIDIIII HILL ........ g • .. • • ,,. • t:CID ., • lilllo TOWN OF AURORA CAPITAL PROGRAM SOURCE: Leisure Services '-"" g ---:!!f -!000 :!!>-PROVINCIAL KI8HWATI i!'=-~G~I~'*";;;;"-;;;;-;;;~DO'----------------------C 1986 1986 1985 1986 1986 1985 1985-1987 1985 1989 • --1- ··-N'"O """" "", I \ VV111VL.VVIVI'f Ill J 6) lrl----------------t-__ , LEGEND REFERRED • v 'f OMS No A I REFERRED 'Z lfl--------1:-. _,,:::::::'''''-_,,::/} OMB N~ 6 11f--L __ ,--_.,·""'·' NOtE T/lis map wos compiled from corrected aerial photography 011d should not be scaled. CONCESSION IW ~ ' I n I ~ \ ( ~., I I ~ -____ ______,, I I I I I I I I I -l / 1 I 1 I I J ~I \'I §,~, I I I \ \ I I I I I I I I I ---1--'------1' I ' <D "' ., "' .. "' .... 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