BYLAW - OPA #29 - 19840627 - 268984• 7~ '':-Y \,._,;:_.. .. _...: ~-· BY-LAW NUMBER 2689-84 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA Being a By-law to adopt Amendment No. 29 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area. The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora in accordance with the provisions of Section 17(1) of The Planning Act enacts as follows: l. Amendment No. 29 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area, consisting of the attached explanatory text, is hereby adopted. 2. That the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Aurora make application to the Ministry of Housing for approval of said Amendment. 3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and empowered to make or cause to be made on behalf of this Corporation such application as may be necessary to the Ministry of Housing for approval of said Amendment and to execute under the Corporate Seal such documents as may be required for the above purposes. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS .. ~ ... DAY 19 . l$1.(. D a K-.w~-~~ ..... · ....... ifAyo'R._\ -~· ... . CLERK ,I} A 'f3IRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS ... :?-./..d ..... DAY OF ~ ... 19 -~ b:'V. ~\---.\, ~ -Ju~---. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . -MAYOR CLERK AMENDMENT NO. 29 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE AURORA PLANNING AREA BY-LAW NUMBER 2689-84 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA Being a By-law to adopt Amendment No• 29 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area. The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora in accordance with the provisions of Section 17(1) of The Planning Act enacts as follows: 1. Amendment No. 29 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area, consisting of the attached explanatory text, is hereby adopted. 2. That the Municipal Cdrporation of the Town of Aurora make application to the Ministry of Housing for approval of said Amendment. 3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and empowered to make or cause to be made on behalf of this Corporation such application as may be necessary to the Ministry of Housing for approval of said Amendment and to execute under the Corporate Seal such documents as may be required for the above purposes. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS.lB~h .. DAY OF ... ~PP~ ......... . 19·n· . t<~~. PASSED THIS ... 2.7;t.li ........ DAY OF MAYOR AMENDMENT NO. 29 TO THE oFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE AURORA PLANNING AREA -TABLE OF CONTENTS - SECTION PAGE I THE CERTIFICATION II THE PREAMBLE 1 1. Title and Component 1 2. Purpose of the Amendment 1 3. Location 1 4. Basis of the Amendment 1 III THE AMENDMENT 2 AMENDMENT NO . 2 9 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE AURORA PLANNING AREA PART I: THE CERTIFICATION The explanatory text constituting Amendment No. 29 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area, was adopted by the Council of the Town of Aurora by By-law No.2689in accordance with Section 17 of The Planning Act on the ... 4 7.th ...... day of. ... 4\.liiE: • • • • • 19~4 ... . ~A.~~ & •••••••••• ~ • • • • • • • ••• MAYOR This Amendment to the Official Plan of the Aurora Plan- ning Area which has been adopted by the Council of the Town of Aurora is hereby approved in accordance with Section 17 of The Planning Act, as Amendment No. 29 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area. AMENDMENT NO. 29 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE AURORA PLANNING AREA PART II: THE PREAMBLE 1. TITLE AND COMPONENTS This amendment comprising the text and schedule shall be known as Amendment 29 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area. 2. THE PURPOSE The purpose of this amendment is to redesignate the subject lands in part of Lot 80, Concession 1 E.Y.S. from "Rural" to "Open Space",· "Commercial" a.nd "Industrial" and the lands in Part of Lot 84, Concession l E.Y.S. from Rural to Industrial. 3. LOCATION The subject lands are located in part of Lot 80, Concession 1, E.Y.S. 4. BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The subject lands in part of Lot 80, Concession 1 E.Y.S. are owned by the Town of Aurora and were purchased as part of a larger parcel abutting to the west. The first phase of the development was redesignated from "Rural" to "Industrial" by Official Plan Amendment No. 14. It is felt that the location of the part of the property adjacent to Wellington Street (Regional Road No.l5) because of its exposure to this arterial street, is suitable for appropriate highway or service commercial types of uses. The property to the south and adjacent to the existing Industrially designated lands is planned for prestige industrial or industrial service purposes. The lands to the east are flood prone and in some cases steeply sloping and are therefore unsuitable for development, these lands are being redesignated from "Rural" to "Open Space". Over the long term, it is intended that the valley lands will be developed as part of a park system along the Holland River. The second parcel in part of Lot 84, Concession 1 E.Y.S. abutts an industrial subdivision which has recently been draft approved. Provision has been made to allow - 2 - the development of these lands through that plan of subdivision. The lands in question form an extension to existing industrial lands and are surrou.nded on the east and north by floodplain, thereby effectively curtailing any further industrial extension in this location. According to the Regional Engineering Department a reserve capacity of 15.4 ha (38 acres) of land which may be designated for industrial uses exists. The subject amendment would utilize approximately 5 ha (12 acres) of this total leaving 104 ha (26 acres) to be designated. 1. ·······~ AMENDMENT NO. 29 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWN OF AURORA PART III: THE AMENDMENT STATEMENT OF PRINCIPLES AND POLICIES GOVERNING AMENDMENT NO. 29 That Schedule 'A' to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area is hereby amended by changing the land use category, applying to part of Lot 80, Concession 1, E.Y.S. from "Rural" to "Major Open Space", "Industrial", and "Commercial" and to part of Lot 84, Concession 1 E.Y.S. from Rural to Industrial as shown on Schedule 'A' attached hereto and forming part of this amendment. T'~~-" -----------+-I ___ C..._...ON CE s ~10 N-- I REFERRED ~ OMB N':' • "" REFERRED OMB N'? 6 1.1--------- IW I t-CONCESSION 1---c: 0 N-C E s s I ()_N ~~/)_r-----c, ,,., --~::; IE II L' to 'INDUSTRIAL' RURAL' to 'COMMERCIAL' f .'1 From 'RURAL' to 'OPEN SPAtiE' RURAL' to 'INDUSTRIAL' ----~ J :co]~cE~sloN-1li I I I -----111 1 I ,/ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \ \ \ I I I I I I I I I f\ I Jl ~ ~ t-:.~,;:J,I k~ ------=-'r ",')I' l ' I /'-..-I ~,_.../' NOTE-· Tl!is mop was compiled from corrected aerial 1 1 / j / -:-~ ---i <D "' "' I "' ... , "' "' "'' "' "' - "' <D "' ... "' C\lj ~I photography and should not be scaled. I I I / -LOT NUMBERING DIFFERS .... I --------IE 1 coNcEssioN 11 r coNcEssioN 111 ~ CONCESSION I W CONCESSION AMENDMENT N~ 29 LEGEND URBAN RESIDENTIAL SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL ••• ESTATE RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL ~ INDUSTRIAL I @l\}~t;§c!ll I INSTITUTIONAL "' .. ,., -···" MAJOR OPEN SPACE I I E::J 1---1 RURAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AI PLANNING AREA BOUNDARY AREA REFERRED TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD APPROVED IN FORM SHOWN BY ORDEF NOTES' DATED MAY 24, 1979 I. THIS MAP MUST BE READ IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE TEXT OF THE INTERIM OFFICIAL PLAN. 2. AREAS AND LOCATIONS OF MAJOR INSTITUTIONAL AND OPEN SPACE DESIGNATIONS WITHIN UNDEVELOPED AREAS ARE SYMBOLIC ONLY AND WILL BE DETERMINED IN A MORE PRECISE MANNER WHEN THE AREAS ARE DEVELOPED. "OFFICE CONSOLI DATION" SCHEDULE A LAND USE PLAN INTERIM OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE AURORA PLANNING AREA SCALE IN FEET THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK PLANNING DEPARTM! REVISED ..,c>;t!L ;97S