BYLAW - Dedicate Vata Court as Highway - 19840416 - 267684- ' r r· r,···. 1 ,_·, . ' {(. ,..··- . ' .. BY-LAW No. 2676-84 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING a By-law to dedicate Vata Court, in the Town of Aurora, as a Public Highway. WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora deems it expedient to dedicate certain lands now held as Public Road Allowances; NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Part of Lot 77, Concession No. 1, E.S.Y.S., in the Town of Aurora, Regional Municipality of York, described as Part No. 7, Plan 65R-3453, as further described as Part No. 30, Registrars Compiled Plan No. 10328 be and is hereby dedicated as a public highway in the Town of Aurora. z. 2. THAT the provisions of this By-law shall become effective upon final passage thereof. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS ~~ DAY OF tt__A..~ , 1984. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS /t DAY OF ~"-~·· , 1984. a .. ~ A .Jv~ Mayor M<g~ .:.~\ ,-·; J• ,,,._f, 0 r-:4 (-."·,-i.l"' ,_ ' '··; : ,:·<~",) . --~'--'~ I, Colleen E. Gowan, Dep.uty Clerk for. the Corporation of the T~:'\ ' .. ·.. .ii,i'' '~!;;' of Aurora do hereby certify the foregomg to be a true copy of.,Jty-Iaw·· .. · ... ,:· . · \_;? 2676-84 duly passed by the Council of the said Corporation on1"1\pril . ·'·'"';it' ,.>• \ 16th 1984 " '' ,, ,,·, .,,, ' • :---~~-l'-1\· Date: July 15th, 1985 Sigr(ed: ,....-,4 "h'j-(4' / d:.~ -------~----~ .,.-.~--·-<·-~·~-'<''«'"'=~''':''":"';=='"'""-'·'"""""'"'""'"'" .. '=''"''""-~-------~--.. -·-. --·-· . JU Province Document General . DYE & DURHAM CO. LIMITED Form No. 985 ~v~ of ~Ontario Form 4-Land Registration Reform Act, 1984 0 nDeLICATE YORK REGION~-No.65 ---" NEWMARKET _ .-_ ---:-- -LaM llegi§!rat New Property Identifiers Additional: See 0 Schedule Executions (8) This Document provides as follows: Additional: See Schedule D (1) Registry 1KJ (3) Property ldenllller(s) Land Tilles 0 T (2) Page 1 of Block Property 2 pages Additional: See 0 Schedule (4} Nature of Document By-Law No. 2676-84 Town of Aurora of The Corporation of The (5) Consideration Dolla!S $ (6) Description Part of Lot 77, Concession 1 E.S.Y.s. Designated as Part 7 on Plan 65R-3453 Now described as Part 30, Registrar's Compiled Plan No. 10328 Town of Aurea Regional Muncipality of York (7) This Document Contains: (a) Redescription New Easement Plan/Sketch i (b) Schedule lor: 0 i Description 0 Additional Parties D Other IX] Certified copy of By-Law No. 2676-84 of The Corporation of The Town of Aurora attached (9) This Document relates to instrument number( a) (10) Party(ies) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) Continued on Schedule 0 - Signature(s) Date of Signature Y M D THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA -~~Y'J: ~.~ ............. j '.~~.:;: joJ.~~~ ' -' ' ' ' .................................. l ..... ! .•. /. •• by its solicitor Rodney Pryde \ ' l ' ' ! ' : ................................. ! ..... ! .. ·r .. ' ' ' (11) Address torService 50 Wellington Street West, Aurora, Ontario, L4G 3L8 (12) Party(les) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) 1'\ . -...... -........ -........ . (13) Address for Service (14) Municipal Address of Property Not Assigned 10174 {12/84) . . :: . ··~"'~. . . . . . . . Signature(s) i : Date of Signature Y M D . . • . • . . . • . . . . . . . • . • . . • . • . . . . . . . . • . t • • . . . ! : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r . . . . . i . ................................. \ .... . i (15) Document Prepared by: ljl Fees and Tax Rodney p ryde ;z! Registration Fee • Strathy, Archibald & Seagram ol~---------+------------~ UJ Box 438, Commerce Court West gjll------+--------1 Toronto, Ontario w MSL 1J3 ~11----------+------------~ ~/l==·c.,=====f========l ~ Toial ·' .. /. '··~. i I ' \.. . ...._"~..--' BY-LAW No. 2676-84 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING a By-law to dedicate Vata Court, in the Town of Aurora, as a Public Highway. WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora deems it expedient to dedicate certain lands now held as Public. Road Allowances; NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: l. THAT the Part of Lot 77, Concession No. l, E.S.Y.S., in the Town of Aurora, Regional Municipality of York, described as Part No. 7, Plan 65R-3453, as further described as Part No. 30, Registrars Compiled Plan No. 10328 be and is hereby dedicated as a public highway in the Town of Aurora. 2 . THAT the provisions of this By-law shall become effective upon final passage thereof. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS ~~ DAY OF ~ , 1984. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS ~b DAY OF ~ , 1984. Mayor '"'7"•~~,.""-~Y-Y<'W~··o~O,,~"f' "'~'"~'"•'•-'<''' ~•,.-• 997 703 ,49 56"£ ____,_ ~ f >() I ~' ,...,. Sf ~Ll $ \ I " I " ., 4' (), /' ~a'" a;~{>' ~.:::: <'o \ 1;6' ~ \ (] 'b. ' ) ' ' > ,, ') // 1\ 1)7 \.) ,_ "' \, __,_ .), -c .oci! ('.) i1t; '-.(>. ~~ ~ ~-~-~ ~ ------~ ?.-<1?.T J 'V ~ ~ Instrument '?' vo .. v. o._, <l'a ~e,oo, V-:. ""' •. L.. ?>' .... ',;.~ 0:, "' 65!? -2957 N£ 243740 " . ----------------·~ _pARr / lnstrl.lm61nt __ N Boo ro'3o"w -~ 52.746 Fd. S.!.B.(L8p) ~r..~1~~~6~a 1>~'-t.~' • ' ~ "'"' C:,O v 0' "' ~>,• (5'!:i-R -. .:Jv-:? 6' N.t> 25-fo;o I. B. ------ '"" "'"' co v ~r..~;~s~~a cY' !>1'-t.~' • ' .1>, •' 4' J6' 'Jll' &;> ·0.5: /J) :;;;_, 'J.5: 6'~ ~ o .S:;e ~~. ../ F-1 ~ ~~. o~~s6~a ~>-~'-"" . . J ~;z "' ~~ ;,. N~::: ~'-"' ..s:-"' . o>N <>' 3 o_ ..o ~ -:e: U' ~ r.. ~"t ~s'" ~a r>-1'-t.~' 'Q. 3 ' 0 "' ,, "' .. "' " \:, lo, '=1:> '-, '-- (i) \]', '=1:> I "' ~ ·~ • ~ ~ I I -~\\ ~"" "' ()0 v . o' ~ 1>,• pPfi! Residue _a.Q"t % ...., en r 1 n s r r tJ ,.. '!> "n • 0 r?!J J• r 3 3 (. D I' o z o6 N• ~ A ~~~ o.6"so ~a !>.~'-"-"' • \ "'" " "' ~ ~ p. ,-----, '), ~­~ ...._ . ~­-~ " "), ; ~~ \:.) ..._ ~ ':::::: ..__ < ::0 '), -'> " "''l ~ ~~ "' ... ;:;; \.._) ...... " I -· 0 :I .. ~ II N 0 Q) "' "' N ...,, "\_; \, - < ~' ~ 1'- ..., "! I'-k: rv ,_ co 0 ,_ .... ' ... \, \0 .....-.. 0 '\' I I I J R = 570.313 A= 18.724 c = 18.724 N 2°32'37"W 11 ..--- I /.-----10/10/80~~ c::l JAMES M . . . . . ONTARIO LAN~PURCELL . SURVEYOR FOR PART LOT CONCESSION INSTRUMENT 1,2,3,4,5,667 77 150206 RESIDUE PLAN OF SURVEY OF PART OF LOT 77 CONCESSION I TOWN OF AURORA REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK FORMERLY TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH LLOYD 6 PURCELL LTD., 1980 SCALE I : 1000 •-• -~ .. · r --··r-------.-----,-·---------, 20m !0 Om 20 401 CAUTION THIS PLAN IS NOT A PLAN OF SUBDIVISION WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE PLANNING ACT BEARING REFERENCE BEARINGS ARE ASTRONOMIC AND ARE DERIVED FROM THE WESTERLY LIMIT OF PART I, SHOWN AS N 7° 23' 20"w THEREON. METRIC.' MEASUREMENTS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN ARE IN METRES AND MAY BE CONVERTED TO FEE BY 0.3048 LEGEND.' 0 S.I.B. DENOTES STANDARD IRON BAR • I. B. DENOTES IRON BAR Fd. DENOTES FOUND meos. DENOTES MEASURED (I! DENOTES ROUND Wit. DENOTES WITNESS LLOYD S PURCELL LTD. ONTA Rl 0 LAND SUR 92 DAVIS DRIVE, SUITE 202, NEWMARKET , ONTARIO, L3Y-2NI, PH-416-895 -6• CURVE DATA PART RADIUS ARC CHORD BEARING I 202.997 40.424 40.358 N 22°29'39"E 2 23.000 3.413 3.410 N 50°07'51"w _,.. . -~-~~~ ... ''STRATHY, ARCHIBALD & SEAGRAM BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS NORMAN 0. SEAGRAM, Q.C. DEAN SAUL RICHARDS. THOMSON, Q.C. GEORGE A. WILSON, Q.C. R. DOUGLASS. HUNTER, Q.C. HARRY R. VANOERLUGT STEPHEN R. CLARKE WILLIAM J, BURDEN JOHN M. WHYTE WENDA VENSON KARON C. BALES DAVID 8. LIGHT ANDREW 0. BRANDS WILLIAM J. H. OSTRANDER W. ROONEY R. PRYDE C. ROGER ARCHIBALD, Q.C. LESLIE A. WITTLIN MARK L MADRAS DOUGLAS D. LANGLEY R. DOUGLAS KNEEBONE ELIZABETH M. WAIGHT JOHN C. LONDON CLARA KlSKO PHILIP W. THOMPSON JAMES D. SINCLAIR COUNSEL MONTGOMERY GUNN Town of Aurora KEVIN R. AALTO GEORGE VUKE);;ICH. WILLIAM J. WAJ-KER .. STEPHEN P. JciHP-15TON JON VENUTTI KENNETH T. ROSENBERG DONALD B. LEITH PHILIP J. S. HEATH CONSTANCE C. OLSHESKI THOMAS F. C. COLE, Q.C. 0 August 29, 50 Wellington Street West Aurora, Ontario L4G 3L8 Attention: Dear Sirs: Lawrence Allison Administrative Clerk 1985 38TH FLOOR COMMERCE COURT WEST BOX 438 · -. ~OMMERCE COURT POSTAL STATION TORONTO, CANADA M5L 1J3 TELEPHONE (416) 862·7525 CABLE "SASCLAW" TELEX 06-23776 TELECOPIER (4115) 1162-7ei61 <') :j~ BOX 42 REFER TO FILE No.5-Q160 rt-1.-JV./"f -;;{«tf '/4 t tA-W lf,~/K c·tt-1'7i (oJ/-T fl"F. Re: Town of Aurora By-Law No. 2676-84 Further to your letter dated July 16, 1985, this letter will confirm that By-Law no. 2676-84 of The Corpora- tion of The Town of Aurora was registered ~gainst the subject lands on July 31, 1985 as Instrument No. 374550. We are enclosing herein for your files the duplicate original registered copy of the By-Law. This letter will also confirm that we advised Michael Callahan of the law firm of Tanzola and Sorbara of the registration particulars of the By-Law. WRRP:dms encl. Yours very truly STRATHY, ARCHIBALD & SEAGRAM IJJ. ~~~~~c)...e_ W. Rodney R. Pryde