BYLAW - Estimates of Sums, Strike the Rates of Taxation - 19840507 - 267884.. By-Law Number 2678-84 Being a By-Law to adopt the estimates of all sums required during the year for general! purposes, net regional levy and education requirements; and to strike the rate of taxation for the year 1984. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the ToWn of Aurora, has in accordance with the Municipal Act, considered the estimates of the Municipality and its local boards for general purpo~es in a taxation amount of $2,786,055.00. AND WHEREAS the York Region Board of Education has submitted their requisition for Public School purposes in an amount~of $5,795,395.00 AND WHEREAS the York Region Roman Catholic Separ~te School Board has submitted their requisition for Separate School purposes in an amount of $333,448.00 AND WHEREAS the Region of York requirements deemed warranted to be raised by the Town of Aurora has been received in an amount of $1,852,734.00 AND WHEREAS the assessment roll as returned is deemed to be the last revised assessment roll for 1984 taxation purposes as detailed on Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this By-Law: AND WHEREAS the 1984 rates of taxation have beenistruck in accordance with stipulated provisions of the appropriate statute. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of ~he Town of Aurora ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the 1984 estimates for general purposes, regional purpose and educational purposes in a total taxation amount of $10,714,070 be and the same hereby adopted. i 2. THAT the amounts and rates; specifically detailed on Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this By-Law; shl11 be levied in the manner as set out hereinafter. 3. THAT the said Public School Rates shall be struqk, rated, levied and collected upon the land, buildings and business ass~ssment, assessed in the name of those designated in the Collector's Roll as !Public School Supporters. 4. THAT the said Separate School Rates shall be st~uck, rated, levied and collected upon the land, buildings and business ass~ssment, assessed in the name of those designated in the Collector's Roll as !separate School Supporters. 5, THAT the balance of the said rates, due and lev~ed, in additon to the provisions of the Interim Levy under By-Law 2616-83 !.shall be payable in three instalments due on the following dates; on or beforE\ the 3rd day of J1.1ly, the Jrd day of August and the 3rd day of October, 1984. 6, THAT there be imposed as a penalty, a percentag~ charge of one and one quarter percentum on non-payment of any;. instalment of the taxes or any portion thereof I on tbe first day of default and on the first day of 'each calendar month thereafter in which default continues, but not after the 31st d'ay of December, 1984. ' ···-~ 7. THAT the Collector is hereby authorized to ~ail or cause to be mailed the notices provided for by section 379 of the Mdnicipal Act to the addresses of the residences or places of business of the persons to whom such notices are required to be given. 8. THAT the Collector shall, if any instalment 'Of the taxes remain unpaid for more than fourteen days from the date provided for payment thereof, forthwith proceed to collect by distress or othe~ise, under the provisions of the statute in the behalf, all such taxes, so in !default, together with the percentage thereon imposed for a default. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 7-t,R. DAY OF 1984. READ A THIRD AND FINAL TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THks/dDAY OF /(~ 1984. R~ fd .bi.tQif! ~ MAYOR CLERK I ., i I 'j _! 1 l l i ! I ...! l I ! l ! ·~ I I I I I I ! l I I I i• I SCHEDULE "A" TO fl.ESIDENTIALi 111,035,683 ~UBLIC SCHOOL COMMERCIAL 26,141,452 SCHOOL BOARD PURPOSES 'PUBLIC SCHOOL LEVY SHARE OF TEL. & TEL. TAX SEPARATE SCHOOL LEVY HIGH SCHOOL LEVY SHARE OF TEL. & TEL. TAX TOTAL EDUCATION LEVY REGION OF YORK PURPOSES REGION LEVY SHARE OF TEL. & TEL. TAX TOTAL REGION LEVY GENERAL MUNICIPAL PURPOSES GENERAL LEVY SHARE OF TEL. & TEL. TAX TOTAL GENERAL LEVY TOTAL TAXATION LEVY TOTAL MILL RATES PUBLIC SCHOOL SUPPORTERS SEPARATE SCHOOL SUPPORTERS BUSINESS 11 , 818,800 TOWN OF AURORA TAXABLE ASSESSMENT PARTICULARS ·-··-··· ---1'9!34 'SEPARATE SCHOOL COMMERCIAL 945,384 ' HIGH SCHOOL RESIDENTIAL 14,950, 701 MILL RATES RESIDENTIAL AND FARM 19.259 20.115 15.395 10.057 16.175 60.886 61.742 COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL 22.658 23.665 18.112 11 . 832 1 9. 030 71 . 632 72.639 BUSINESS 412,560 TAXATION LEVIES RESIDENTIAL 125,986,384 RESIDENTIAL AND FARM 2,138,436 300,733 1, 939,560 1,267,045 2,037,830 COMMERCIAL 27~086,836 TAXATION COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL 592,313 64,478 22,373 490,597 53, 186 320,491 38,151 515,462 56,844 BUSINESS' _12,231 ,360 BUSINESS 267,790 9,763 221 ,534 144,721 232,763 BY-LAW NUMBER 2678-84 TOTAL'.ASSESSMENT 165,304,580 TOTAL TAXATION LEVIES 4 ,998,539 64,478 332,869 2,651,691 53,186 6,100,763 1, 732,257 38, 151 1, 770,408 2,786,055 56,844 2,842,899 10,714,070 TOWN OF AURORA FIVE YEAR REVIEW DISTRIBUTION OF TAXATION LEVIES 1980-1984 TAX LEVY 1984 Over 1980 PERCENTAGE OF LEVY TO TOTAL ·1980 •1981 ·1982 1'983 '1984 I~CREASE 1980 1 9"81 1'982 1983 1984 EDUCATION PUBLIC SCHOOL 1 '662' 927 1,848,529 2,227,637 2,724,755 3,063,017 1,400,090 26.75 26.19 26.68 28.17 28.59 HIGH SCHOOL 1 '528 '482 1,689,490 2,002,459 2,389,474 2,704,877 1,176,395 24.58 23.94 23.98 24.70 25.25 SEPARATE SCHOOL 155,680 176' 492 236,330 284,292 332,869 177,189 2.50 2. 50 2.83 2.94 ..l._,_!_!_ TOTAL EDUCATION 3,347,089 3,714,511 4,466,426 5' 398' 521 6,100,763 2,753,674 53.83 52.63 53.49 55.81 56.95 MUNICIPAL i TOWN OF AURORA 1 '924,878 2,070,31} 2,271 ,598 2,55},.156 2 ,842, 899 918,021 30.96 . 29.33 2].21 26.43 26.53 REGIONAL ! ' ,j 945' 508 1 ,273,181 1,611,386 1 ,718,183 1 '770 '408 824 '900 18.04 17.76 16.52 ' REGION OF YORK 15.21 1 9. 30 ' l i ' !6,217,475 7,058,009 8·,349,410 9,673,860 10,714,070 4,496,595 ~ ' TOTALS 100.00 1 00. 00 100.00 100.00 100.00 ~ -~ i tt ! :~ ,, ' ~ I COMPARISON OF (RESIDENTIAL) TAXATION & MILL RATES I ~ASED ON 20,000 ASSESSMENT 1.984 Over 1 980 MILL RATES t1 i!. ' I ·1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 INCREASE 1'980 (981 .. 1982 1983 1984 Fi '"' EDUCATION lt I PUBLIC SCHOOL 266.24 290.60 321 . 84 355.42 385.18 118.94 13.312 14.530 16.092 17.771 19.259 '~ i ':% I 224.88 83.02 :{ HIGH SCHOOL 243.76 263.60 283.70 307.90 11.244 12. 188 1 3. 1 80 14. 1 85 1 5. 395 ~ ! ~ l SEPARATE SCHOOL 284.70 311.26 353.56 381. 1 0 402.30 11 7. 60 14.235 15.563 17.678 :~ 19.055 20. 11 5 1 MUNICIPAL ~ 1 TOWN OF AURORA 282.12 298.42 298.42 30 3. 14 323.50 41.38 1 4. 1 06 14. 921 14. 921 15. 157 16. 1 75 ! l REGIONAL I r·· ' REG ION OF YORK 138. 78 184.42 212.38 203.50 201 . 1 4 62.36 6.939 9.221 10.619 1 0. 1 75 1 0. 057 I j i ' I i I I TOTAL RUBLIC SCHOOL 912.02 1,017.20 1 ,096.24 1 , 14S .76 1 '217. 72 305.70' 45.601 50.860 54.812 57.288 60.886 I TOTAL SEPARATE SCHOOL 930.48 1,037.86 1 ' 12 7. 96 1,171.44 1 ,2\34. 84 304.36 46.524 51.893 56.398 5e.572 61 . 742 10 I ' I . ----··-~' .... ------ '\ ' TOWN OF AURORA 1984 MUNICIPAL BUVGET OF COUNC L TRANSMISSION OF TAXES REGION OF YORK AMOUNT REQUISITIONEV SEWAGE TREATMENT CHARGES EVUCATION -PUBLIC AMOUNT REQUISITIONEV EVUCATION -SECONVARY AMOUNT REQUISITIONEV EVUCATION SEPARATE AMOUNT REQUISITIONEV TOTAL EXPENVITURES 1984 BUVGET $1,039,242 813,492 1,852,734 3,078,262 2,717,133 333,448 $12,549,680 ',," EXPENDITURES RECREATION & PARKS TOWN OF AURORA 1984MUNICIPAL BUDGET OF COUNCIL PARKS VEPARTMENT STREET TREE MAINTENANCE AREA BEAUTIFICATION S.C.A.G. COMMUNITY BUILVINGS OLV WATERWORKS FACTORY THEATRE MCMAHON PARK VICTORIA HALL CHURCH STREET SCHOOL BAND SHELL PARKS BUILVING CARPENTER PL~NING ANV ZO~ING PLANNING LACAC COMMITTEE OF AVJUSTMENT BY-LAW ANV WEEV CONTROL ECONOMIC VEVELOPMENT AREA PLANNING COMMERCIAL VEVELOPMENT OTHER UNCLASSIFIEV TOTAL MUNICIPAL EXPENVITURES 1984 BUDGET $ 170,662 21,000 2,860 23,117 277,639 500 5,000 2' 750 5,175 22,250 1,025 7,375 7' 869 51,944 15,500 7,469 5,940 19,012 8,865 56' 100 9,200 122,086 7,500 7,500 $4,568,103 ···-.- TOWN OF AURORA 1984 MUNICIPAL BUDGET OF COUNCIL EXPENVITURES GENERAL GOVERNMENT COUNCIL CLERKS VEPARTMENT TREASURY VEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL BUILVING FINANCIAL WORKHEM'S COMPENSATION LEGAL FEES INSURANCE ANV INSURANCE RES. ELECTION VEBENTURE CHARGES INTEREST CHARGES TAXES WRITTEN OFF TRANSFER TO RESERVE FUNV TRANSFER TO WORKING CAPITAL RESERVE MUSEUM GRANT TRANSFER GRANTS COMMUNITY CENTRE VEBT CHARGES COMMUNITY CENTRE VEFICIT COMMUNITY CENTRE GRANT LEISURE SERVICES GRANT LIBRARY VEBT CHARGES LIBRARY GRANT PROTECTION TO PERSONS ANV PROPERTY FIRE VEPARTMENT BUILVING VEPARTMENT ANIMAL ANV PEST CONTROL T1<ANSPOR-TATION 'SERVICES NON-SUBSIVY ENGINEERING VEHICLES ANV EQUIPMENT BRIVGES ANV CULVERTS ROAVSIVE/STORM SEWERS HARVTOP MAINTENANCE '_LOOSETOB MAINTENANCE WINTER CONTROL SAFETY VEVICES ROAVS ANV STREETS COMMUNITY CENTRE CONNECTING LINK/SPECIAL SIVEWALKS TRANSIT FENCING/WALKWAYS SCHOOL GUARVS PARKING LOTS STREET LIGHTING STREET SIGNS RAIL CROSSING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES SANITARY SEWERS GARBAGE COLLECTION 1984 BUDGET $ 102,890 271,250 208,175 29,550 611,865 36,605 20,000 53,000 48,495 10,000 20,000 110,000 50,000 18,000 18,795 56' 6 75 56' Z7 8 73,350 101,776 2 3' 79 3 311,485 1,008,252 368,950 134,668 46,000 549,618 315,885 41,500 131' 775 13' 700 97,500 82,500 36,200 81' 90 0 37,200 464,375 32,750 30,500 49,500 139,975 17' 1 00 17,206 16,250 107,091 1' 000 1' 719,907 30,500 248,792 279,292 TOWN OF AURORA 1qg4 MUNICIPAL BUVGET OF COUNCI TAXATION REGION OF YORK AMOUNT LEVIEV SHARE OF TEL. & TEL. SHARE PAYMENTS IN LIEU EVUCATION -PUBLIC AMOUNT LEVIEV SHARE OF TEL. & TEL. OTHER EDUCATION -SECONVARY AMOUNT LEVIEV SHARE OF TEL. & TEL. OTHER EVUCATION -SEPARATE AMOUNT LEVIEV OTHER TOTAL REVENUE 1984 BUVGET $1,732,257 38,151 9,850 1' 780,258 2,998,539 64' 4 78 1.2,436 3,075,453 2,651,691 53' 1 86 10,428 2,715,305 332,869 674 333,543 $12,472,662