BYLAW - Dedicate Lands as Highways - 19840905 - 270484• BY -LAW No_;; .2704-:84 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING a By-law to dedicate certain lands on the Industrial Parkway North as public highways. WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora deems it expedient to dedicate certain lands now held as public road allowances; NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. 2 • THAT the part of Lots 87, 88 and 103, Registered Plan No. 246, more particularly described as Part No. 8, Plan 65R-4236 be and is hereby dedicated as a public highway in the Town of Aurora. THAT the provisions of this By-law shall not come into force and be effective until final passage thereof, and until a Certified Copy of same has been registered in the Land Registry Office. VA_ _,L_ READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS /J DAll. OF ~~ , 1984. '1 I, READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS ~ DAY Of4~, 19 84. Mayor ~.JrA4 ~~ ··-~-- " THE TOWN OF AURORA 50 WELLINGTON STREET WEST AURORA, ONTARIO L4G 3L8 July 20th, 1984 Mr. D. Robin Sloan, c/o M.I. Realty Corporation, 582 Bowes Road, Concord, Ontario' L4K 1K2 Dear Mr. Sloan, Re: Part 4, Ref. Plan 65R-4236 K.B. RODGER, A.M.C.T. CLERK-ADMINISTRATOR TELEPHONE (416) 727_-1375 (416) 889-3109 This letter is to confirm that the Industrial Parkway North which forms the eastern boundary of the 8.12 acre parcel of industrial land presently owned by J.O.G. Holdings has.not been dedicated as a public roadway. We will be preparing the bylaw for first and second reading at the next Council meeting to be held on August 20th next. Until this bylaw comes into force, this letter will authorize the owners of Part 4, Reference Plan 65R-4236 uninterrupted access to these lands from the Industrial Parkway North. I trust this is the info,rmation you require. Yours very truly, l{l,~ K.B. Rodger, A.f.C.T. Clerk-Administrator KBR:km • ,---~--~--~--<-p-~·~A--A~-·----m~,_,----•" ···~-.-----· ./ ... A·~·-l!~kui~.· ,,._-~ LAND REGISTRAR . · FolTHE REGISTRY DIVISION OF YORK REGION N2 65 SUB.JECT TO EASEMENT IN INST. N' .8024A J ::tar J __ -~' _ ·--J t"L~~ ~~~ J Residue 781498 SURVEY OF S 87 AND 88 . f:»ART OF LOT · 103 R~(iiSTERED·_PLAN' 246 . PART (>F LOT 82 . ·CONCESSION I ·[OWN OFAURORA . . ..... ~~(i,()NAL.MUNI.CIPALITY. OF YORK ·FORMERLY TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH LLOYD S. PURCELL L TO. 1 1981; SCALE : I'~ : 100' ~~iiiiiiiii~~~!!!jiiiiiii--iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij ·. };;IJUTION . . . . · . 100' 50' 0 . . 100' , 200' {]~THIS PLAN IS NOT A PLAN OF SUBDIVISION WITH THE MEANING OF THE PLA,NNING ACT. · .. \ : ; -:~- I I I I ;-- -------· ·-----. --·---------- ... / c8') \\) ~~ I :o" '<~-,., r ') \') I ~' . / \ \ \ ' I ~ (~~ ~· ,. ~ <} ~ " ,. <~ I . .~ .~., ' 1\ ,.,o '., t? " (\. '\,· olfj orv cd' f.,... 0)"' ~ ..,.~ Q.'f:(' ~ • ,')> / cC- 0 "' r~ ~ I 1),...0 ,?z.. Os; ./ ( j l / _,/-..._--.._--- / \) (I ~~ (i I \ i I :... 'll if{ "' " « ~ "' m "' " 0: I 0- . \ '-I ~~ i / / I I ! <: J ',y-,. --.9 l ;I / I / / n .! . ) i 0/ l ·f? ·~ ~· ·~ .j .'l·