BYLAW - Dedicate Lands as Road Allowances - 19840522 - 268084\ ... Yc.::.•: r~.=.:;1u.\! t-1¢. €=5 M:;>-'.'1-..:.:.•:;·:::"':' New Property ldenfifiers Addll!onal: ::eauro 0 MdiUOtlaf: ... scnoautt I New Easement O Plan/Sketch estat~ right, interest or equity in the Jand entered in the Register for Section M-50, of l pagea $ Block 'B', Registered Additional 0 Pan;,o 0 omar of the Town of Aurora hereby applies to have ' dated May 22nd, 1984, being a Bylaw to dedicate Block 'B' on Registered Plan M-SO entered on the said Parcel. ' The evidence in support of this registration consists of a certified copy of said Bylaw. The registration is not being made fur any fraudulent or improper purpose, Name(s) Signature(s) ,~J;I!rpm:a!iQ».ofJhe..To:wnM:Aurora,,, by its solicitor, Broce G. Dunsmuir Nama(a) Bruce G. Dunsmuir Dunsmuir & Dunsmuir 17070 Yonge Street Box2003 Newmarket, Ontatio L3Y6W4 COn1int1ed on Schedule £0"d ~£££S6BS061 NOISSIWSN~~l X~d ~0:~T 966!-0£-lnr \/ ····~ 1'0'd ltUOl BY-LAW No. zsao-e• OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF tHE TOWN OF AURORA BEING a By-law to dedicate cer~ain land5 in the Town of Aurora as Public Road Allowances. WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora deems it expedient: to dedicate certain lands now held !as Public Highways; NOW THEREfORE the Municipal Council of ~he Town of Au~ra ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Part of Lot ?7, Concession No.1 w.s.IY.S., in the Town of Aurora, formerly in the Township of l<~ng; described as Block "B" on Registered Plan M-50 ~ be and i!s hereby dedicated as a Public Hip;hlolay in the Town of ~uroi'a. 2. THAT the provisions of this gy-law shail come ,!into force and he effective upon final passage thereof. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS / ::t. DAY or . ' . . If"{.·-..~ '.,..-~ ' 198~. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS ;;;l~ DAY OF /~heY-' 1984-. TOWN OF AURORA ! ~---~; : ':' .... CirFll'!l'l!EI!!;:);!IJE G(lpy' · ~· ' . ,-:~: 6~- .I ... _;_.·t~· · .•. . -· .-. ~0'd ~£££S68£06l NOISSIWSN~~l X~~ 90:~l 966l-0£-lnr . BY-LAW No. 2680-84 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN ',OF AURORA BEING a By-law to dedicate certain lands in the Town of Aurora as Public Road Allowances. WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora a~~m~ it expedient to dedicate certain landscno0 held as Public \ ,c--· i Highways; NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Part of Lot 77, Concession No. 1 W.S.Y.S., in the Town of Aurora, formerly in the Township 0f King, described as Block "B" on Registered Plan M-50, be and is hereby dedicated as a Public Highway in the Town .of Aurora. 2 • THAT the provisions of this By-law shall come into force and be effective upon final passage thereof. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS ,;\ZJ DAY OF ' 1984. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS ~~ DAY ,oF ' 1984. Mayor Clerk ''':"7"' ........ ---------· ,, ~ § I -<if :!r 3o24'3d_'E _______ ,_7_2.7v0'-----~-~-~-:;-~-~--~---.-!N~7~3~'~2~4~'~3~0~"~E~~~~~--~~----~r-~f---~9, ---59.00' 59 00 59.00 59.00 59 .. FO. 63 I GO 3: =2-o -o -CD 0 q 0 ..0 :g . "' -1'- z w t'---, !~ N73°24' 30"E 8.81'---., > "' ., w ., (/) w "' "' "' ~ -<.> ., OJ ~ 0 0 ::.:: 0 (.) 0 ., "' __J w ~ OJ ., 'o ~ ~ N 3: ·o "' co 0 • 1'--z N 72'51 '40"E , f--104.00' ' V/·I.OO ,6:_~_l~l0~5~y~Q~--~---<v 46 0 I 08.15' 47 ····-·.··· 45 59.00' 1--' z w u (j) w 0::: u ~ 0 N 0 -0 "' . o:g 0 -~ z 44 59.00' • 48.8~' , · ,_R• 15.oo: A=23.70 93 43 59.00' 50.00' ... i" ~ 0 ~ N ~ .. "' ,; ,; 0 ~ ~ 92 ~ z 64.00' 50,00' :!! --~N~7~,~.2~27.,~o~-E~~~~~~~.~.oo~.---~~ ~ 0- !" 8 "' . 0 0 . ~ ~ 94 z z8-------~N~7;3~"2~2~·<~o~·E~------.. 114,00' ;, 8 g 95 ill4.00' ~ ... 8~ 0 ~ i" 2 42 4 59.00' . 59 cos~ N73" 4'30·E 50.00' 50.00' 91 90 50,00' 50.00' N 72° ~ ,; PART ~ 97 98 . ~ 0 N 96 8~ ;. 0 ...; ~ ~-~ T •• ;! . ·-·-···