BYLAW - Close & Sell Part of Ross St - 19840813 - 270284Document General Fonll 4.;.. L.llnd R0111111'1Uon Rtfonll Ac~ 1984 D . ',\ _:_ (1) R011111rY IXJ ·• L-Tllltt 0 r (2) Page 1 oft pages 0 6 6 3 2 3 6 (3) P,._ty Block Property ldtndlltf(t) Additionai: Set 0 ! c,:, Scnodult "''"" -. (4) N8tuN of Docu-11 c:~: .. r,, , 'ENHEGi ::;T h;::l< EL'. YCF;::; i I (65) NEV/i,;;,ilKE·r By-law (Pursuant to Section 297 of the Municipal Act L;\l~ D i-: -. >H~/REC!STR.HEUR R. S.O. 1990 c. M. 45 as amended) > (DI' .... NIL-------------~-------------------------------------~ p85 AUG 11 PrJ 12 22 --------------------------------0011.,. $NIL w p (II ---_.--'-'""• WI' I !:li -, Part of Ross Street .... ·~,-~.----Registered Plan 17 LJ:J~--~ . being Part 1 ~ on Reference Plan 65R-4594 Town of Aurora New P,._ty ldentiflenl Regional Municipality of York i AdditiOMI: I Sot 0 Sct-.lt xeonllol• . (7) Tllll (a) -nption (b) SCIIedult tor: O Other~ Addltionol: Doa Ntll NewE-' o.cription~ Additional Set 0 c,..-Plan/Skelcll 0 Partltl Sct-.lt • (I) Tllll Document --• lodoM: I A certified copy of By-law 2702-84 is attached hereto. • • -~------~ It r-f' -- Continued on Schedule lXI _:_ (9) Thlt Document rtlaiH to Ina-nurnlel(e) (10) Party(ltiJ (Set out Status or 1-) Name( a) Slgnalure(tC/ Date of SignatuN Y M 0 .T ... COJ\l?OMrJQN. Of .. TaR NWN .OF. AUMaq .................... i"·" . io•i "') ~ ' ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . • . . . ·~ •. "'",.. . . i . . ' .. i . ~· i :: . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. .. . .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . . .. ................... \ms ):;>k\.0?--~ ' . ' ' ' ' La renee Alli.~2,_n, Municmal Clerlk i i (11)..-\./ forStMce Town of Aurora, 100 John West Way, P.O. Box 1000, Aurora, Ontario L4G 6Jl (12) Porty(ltl) (Set out Status or Interest) Date of Signature Name( a) Signature( I) y M 0 ' ~ . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ••••• 0 ................................... . . . . . . k ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................... r ..... . . . . . . '-..... \.,,e-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (13)Ad- forStMce (14) MuniCipal Acldrtta of Property not applicable - .. .. \e..,,or:'.e lnd liober .. ~.m1ted ~· r:":l .. ;-·: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................................. ~ ..... . . . . . . (15) Oocumont Propancl by: !.'' ~ Fees and Tax Gordon Whicher, B.A., LL.B. ~ Registration FM Deputy Clerk/ Solicitor ~ ::l Town of Aurora w 100 John West Way !:l ... P.O. Box 1000 ... 0 Aurora, Ontario a: 01 Total L4G 6Jl "il \;wl. • : ~ "! BY-LAW 2702-84 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING a By-law to Stop up, Close and Sell a portion of Ross Street in the Town of Aurora. WHEREAS Section 298 (1) of the Municipal Act R.S .0. 1"980, Chapter 302, as amended, permits Council to pass By-laws for the stopping up, closing and selling of highways; AND WHEREAS the provisions of Section 298 of the Municipal Act set out procedures for the stopping up and selling of highways; AND WHEREAS the provsions of Section 298 have been complied with; AND WHEREAS Council deems it expedient to ~top up, close and sell a portion of Ross Street: NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Council does hereby stop up and close to vehicular and pedistrian traffic that part of the Ross Street road allowance on Registered Plan No. 17, described as Part 1 on a Reference Plan of Survey No. GSR-4594 attached hereto as Schedule "A" to this By-law. 2. THAT Council does hereby authorize the sale of the said road allowance at such time and at such consideration as may be determined by Resolution. 3. THAT the Mayor and Clerk-Administrator are hereby authorized to execute all documentation in connection with the closing and sale of the said lands. 4. THAT there shall be attached hereto as Schedule "B" to this By-law an affadavit of the Clerk setting out the procedures taken for the publishing of notice in accordance with the provisions of the. Municipal Act. E-< 5 • THAT the provisions of this By-law shall not become effective until final passage thereof and until a Certified Copy of . u :i ~ same has been registered in the Land Registry Office. ~~READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS J'~ DAY OF rl " ~~.READ A/iHIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS i:~ ((~~~ ~~ j ~ Mayor ~ .,...,...-:_£-:.Jd~:Z..~~~k:::::=---- -' ' 1984. 1984 ' SCHEDULE "B" AFFIDAVIT I, Lawrence Allison, Municipal Clerk for the Town of Aurora, in the Regional Municipality of York, MAKE OATH AND SAY: 1. THAT notice respecting the attached By-law 2702-84 was published in the Era Banner on June 13, 20, 27 and July 4, 1984, prior to Council's consideration of By-law 2702-84 at its meeting on July 16, 1984. 2. This Affidavit is made in relation to }Jy-law 2702-84 and for no improper purpose. SWORN before me at the Town ) of Aurora, in the Regional Municipality ) o(York,~. 3o ) day of , 1995 ) ) ) t !ArL ~ A Commissioner, etc. ) GORDON "ia:ME;; WH~t~ER: ~· ~; ·~:,·· Ragional Munk:ipallty at Vorl<, for the CO!polllio11 cl ths lllwn at Aurora. Lawrence ·son Municipal Clerk , ·--. e:\u.sen\Jiwcd\gord\2702-84.b f ' ' ..... __ 2cc.~-- BY-LAW 2702-84 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING a By-law to Stop up, Close and Sell a portion of Ross Street in the Town of Aurora-. WHEREAS Section 298 (1) of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 302, as amended, permits Council to pass By-laws for the stopping up, closing and selling of highways; AND WHEREAS the provisions of Section 298 of the Municipal Act set out procedures for the stopping up and selling of highways; AND WHEREAS the provsions IDf Section 298 have been complied with; AND WHEREAS Council deems it expedient to stop up, close and sell a portion of Ross Street: NOW THE.REFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: l. THAT the Council does hereby stop up and close to vehicular and pedistrian traffic that part of the ·.Ross Street road allowance on Registered Plan No. 17, described as Part 1 on a Reference Plan of Survey No. 65R-4594 attached hereto as Schedule "A" to this By-law. 2. THAT Council does hereby authorize the sale of the said road allowance at such time and at such consideration as may be determined by Resolution. 3. THAT the Mayor and Clerk-Administrator are hereby authorized to execute all documentation in connection with the closing and sale of the said lands. 4. THAT there shall be attached hereto as Schedule "B" .to this By-l.aw an affadavi t of the Clerk setting out the procedures taken for the publishing of notice in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Act. 5. THAT the provisions of this By-li'tw shall not become effective until final pas.sage thereof and until a Certified Copy of same has been registered in the Land Registry Office. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS /b. DAY OF , 1984. READ AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 1984. Mayor ' ' -. ' ':'() ,,, (;') ..._ (_,-) '--1 ,,, ':'() ,,, c..J , ~ -t " ~ ~ \J .... .. ,- \::. "' <> "' ._ "' ..:::: -·r!--1,.. . :_, ) ' --.. z ;;. 0 "" p;.\f([ -. -o. ~ Instrument r;- -- 2 \ J 262359 N' J rl : tJ- ~ \ .. -( .. ·,·; \