BYLAW - Amend 261383 (Parking) - 19840116 - 263684BY-LAW 2636-84 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW 2613-83, AS AMENDED, A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE REGULATION OF PARKING WITHIN THE TOWN OF AURORA. ,~-WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora deems it expedient to amend By-law 2613-83; AND WHEREAS Section 210 of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1980, as amended, permits Council to pass By-laws for the Regulation of Parking; NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Town of Au~ora ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT Part Four, Section (3), (Parking Restrictions on Specified Streets), be amended by the deletion of reference to the North Side of McDonald Drive, n.and the addition thereto of the following: McDonald Drive From: of the To: of th!' 62.8 m. (206ft.) north Wellington St. intersection 203.6 m. (668ft.) north Wellington St. intersection EAST 2. THAT Part Four, Section (3), (Parking Restrictions on Specified Streets), be amended by the addition thereto of the following: ANYTIME Henderson Drive From: the Yonge Street intersection To: 15m. (49ft.) south of the SOUTH-ANYTIME EAST Thompkins Cres. intersection 3. THAT the provisions of this By-law shall not become effective until final passage thereof, and until properly worded signs have been erected and are on display. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS~ DAY OF January, 1984. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS/Gtl ·:;<,. Mayor Clerk ·~·· "PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT # 124 Submission Oate: December 19th 1983 Page 2 ' ·· A. OTHER BUSINESS (continued) 6. False Alarms Th~ Committee reports that the following action has been im lemented Ch1ef under the Fire Code Ontario Regulation 730/81 which ~ hby the enact fines fo .11 f 1 1 . mpowers 1m to r a a se a arms where the source can be identified i amount of $300.00. All alarms connected to the fire hall will be ad 1. ndthe per letter attached. v se as 7. Volunteer Status of Full Time Firefighters C~unc~ llor N. Stewart raised a concern about the status of our full · f1ref1ghters who also respond as volunteers. The Committee felt th· t 1me more. a matter for Counci 1' s discussion and refer the subject ·to a Coun~~ 1 w~s Comm1ttee meeting upon Councillor Stewart's return from holiday. n 8. Budget The Committee reviewed the Chief's budget submission and wou1d ~e ie~eiieu tQ CQunc\\ ~or \t~ del\berat\on. recoll11\end it 9. No Parking ~ North-west side of Macdonald at Hammond The Committee discussed the fact that one "NO PARKING" sign had been posted ··.. l. ,,.J on the north side of Hammond on Macdonald, west side, indicating no parking >~for about 20 feet from the corner. The Committee felt this no parking area · should be on the south-east side for an area that would encompass the inside curve and w.ould recommend that the Parking By-Law be so amended and proper ,.-----...:s::i~g.ns be installed, utilizing one from the north-west side. 10. Mayor's Memo dated November 23; 1983.:. No.Parldng.:. MurrayDrive The Mayor brought to the attention of the Committee the fact that no parking on both sides of Murray at Regency School was of concern to a resident of the area. Perhaps this, restriction should only be for school hours on one side. The Committee recommends that for a one (1) year period, no change be made especially considering the projected use of this area, with the walkway in the area, for children to,tfse. at all hours, not just school, to utilize the school grounds. After one (l) year, this situation can be reviewed for appropriate action. L----- 11. Aurora Heights/Yonge .:.·Pedestrian Light 0. Khamissa, citizen member of the Committee brought to the Committee's attention the fact that although there was a pedestrian light on the north side of the Yonge/Mark intersection for east/west use, there was no such light on the south side for east/west use. In that the plaza is located on the south side, it is felt that such a light would also be beneficial to the south side. The Committee would request that such a light be installed, <Mtto oo: f~M b~ 4 ~~~ p~ ?UBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT # 124 Submission Date: December 19th, 1983 Page 3 A. OTHER.BOSINESS (continued) 12. Capital.Bua9et.Requests The Chief outlined two (2) capital budget requests: (a) Opticom for Aurora Heights at Yonge -$ 9,000.00 (b) Station Wagon ~or Chief's use -$15,000.00 The Committee would_ refer this item to the Capital Budget discussions. 13. letter #"20-151 and.Handicapped.Symbol.licence·Plate The Committee brings to Council's attention the fact that this licence plate appears to be causing a great deal of confusion among municipalities with different By-Laws for these parking privileges. Further, the Ministry of Transportation and Communication have arranged meetings between the Ontario Traffic Conference, Handicapped Task Force and themselves with the hope of developing a criteria for issuing plates and permits and a model By-Law for all municipal use. The Committee recommends this action as this is what it has been advocating since this issue first arose and will be asking Council to endorse a resolution to the AMO regarding the same at the appropriate time. - 14. letter # 22-8 ~ York North Condominium The Committee and the Fire Chief are sti 11 concerned that in an emergency the risk of number hunting in and out of cul-de-sacs slows up response time. However, if the executive of the development feel they are satisfied, the Committee recommends no further action. 15.· No. Parking . .:.. Henderson-from Yonge. to Co~Op The Committee would recommend that a No Parking amendment to our Parking By-Law be prepared to restrict parking along Henderson on the south side from Yonge Street to the Co-Op. This concern was brought to the Committee's attention by Counci 11 or Osti ck who had met with represent at i v.es of the Co-Op. The Committee concurs with their concern. _16. Street lighting The Committee recommends that the Chairman meet with the Chairman of the Public Works Committee to identify priorities on street lighting taking safety issues into consideration, for 1984 budgetting purposes. The Committee identified the following items for consideration: (a) (b) (c) updating the Crosswalk lighting at Yonge/Mosley from Town Safety Review, improved lighting in the area of the Roller Rink' on Edward, improved lighting from apartments on Macdonald to Kennedy. . -~ ' I \ I . ----.. 0. * 0 • * 0 • ~ .,. 2 o 6 · 1 6 o----" 3 7. 8 3 (]/ + 3 7. 8 2 (]/ + 26-ooo....-+ 23·)4()/+ 49·560/+ 4 7. 4 4 [) /+ 47-560/+ 47. 52(]/., 47·!180/+ !,8•7/()~ 27. 29 0 /+ 21·79_1]/+ (6 6 8 . 3 0 il)* _ ... -----,. -~ ' a lti ... ...... ~ iS ~ 0 ' .. ., HAA.t ~. 1 o'' '"'Motv. 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