BYLAW - Amend 2213 78 - 19840813 - 268784,-<"'~" ·--,~ BY-LAW NUMBER 2687-84 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A ZONING BY-LAW //0 ~ ,~-.,..J.-.~.;f::t, WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to amend By-law 2213-78. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: 1. That the zoning category applying to tpe lands shown in dark outline on Schedule 'A' attached hereto and forming part of this By-law is hereby amended from 'R2-Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential Zone' and '0' Major Open Space to 1 0-1 Major Open Space Expeption'. 2. That Section 31.3 -Major Open Space E~ceptions is hereby amended by deleting Section 31.$.1 and adding the following in its place: 31.3.1 "The lands shown zoned '0-1-Major Open Space Exceptions' may be used for an air supported structure and viewing lounge provided that: 1. No part of the air supported stru~ture shall be located closer than 1 metre to th~ lot line of the southerly limit of the easterly 36.25 metres of the subject lands. 2. The viewing lounge shall have a maximum area of 45 square metres and be located betw~en the existing golf club house and the proposed ~ir supported structure. 3 0 The air supported structure shall! have a maximum area of 2,350 square metres. 4. That no buildings or structures shall be located within a floodplain area as defined by Ontario Regulation 782/74." -"~~----~...._-_,,,.._!'" ---'--'---'--'-'-~-'-"-~..;. ... ~,;;,.;,,.,,.,,;,;.,,,,,~==""==i.;,··""'~-~---·-------·--"-~--~------------ -'i '---;' - 2 - 3. No part of this By-law will come into force until the provisions of the Planning Act have been complied with but subject to such provisions the By-law will take effect from the day of passing thereof. ~:~: ~.1:;:A~1.tltr:E.M~ nm /rd. DAY .~.1984. MAYOR READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED ······~········> 1984 . .. f2MA.. .. ~~ MAYOR !;3'-#'L THIS ............. DAY OF ...... Ja.f.'.~/ CLERK ~".,..---·~~--~·-~----··-~------,,,~--~---.. .:.~•---··-...o..----'--·~---"'-'·"~·~"""""'"'-~~~'""'"""'·''-'~"'"""o:._,.,,,"'""'=--'~·~-~--~----·~~~--.. ----·-·--------~---·----~-~;.-i..H . .:-~~~~,.---~-"--'--'------· : ·---.-;-:-___, . ' · PART OF LOT 82 . ·REGISTERED PLAN 246,AND PART OF BLOCK A REG I STEREO PLAN 550 TOWN OF AURORA · REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK SCALE 1" = 400' THIS IS SCHEDULE 'A' TO BY-LAW No. (£n 7-f;/ . ; PASSED THIS /:Jn( DAY OF afu4?f-: 19_3ff ~~ "'L~,~~ tb{ ,.1 -,Lltl-.:.,__j(/ MAYOR fJ C4 # 1 Wi • (!). 2 0 ).ol '/f SCHEDULE 'A' TO BY -LAW No. __ _ THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK -PLANNING DEPARTMENT AUG. 7, 1984 • • ,._..._ ___ "-;'"•-~--~( .:_:_,,' (><,;..~.,:~,~~=~<r.-•------~ a uo&oa Ontario Municipal Board XB 'fU NAftD 01' S.cUon 34 !of the l'lannint Act, 1983 .. and- XB 'fU JIAftD 01' an appeal b:y Naches Bo14in9a Xnc. 1n napect of zoning By•law 2187..a4 of . the Corporation of the 'town of Avora .~nO.~ -;~y· BBI'OBBt D.&. MGRobb V1ca-chauman -and- M.D. JIUDBRSOB Melllbar J J ) J 1 l J l'd4ay, ~ 21at 4a:y of December, 1984 ~-~3/ IBB UI'BAL by the aa14 appellant 1n respect of By•law 2687•84 havi.nt bean with4rawnJ 'fiiB DOAiliD OJIDBU t.hat the aa14 appeal 18 hereby 41aiaaa4. cl ~- ~ .'.~:~ ______ .. _ ' -c.-;;;:' ;_,._ r,_J __ ; '.: .. ::.:~~: ,.-.. :~~ ~--'.._ .. J ~r:~:-~ L·;r:.:: ;~r:: c:~~· , ...• ~'r"'" ... () v--Z:-;:=2~-~J~~~-L.'~ .SBCU'l'AI\Y 0 ! Q~~~~l 4-k 2(,'67 ~ 0\ '?. a, .:::::;;: ·-::r I Eb \..J __ :..n ~ ~:~~~l;f; _!,.-:D u_ ~i~~i3 t-1.-. ,\:· w {\. ', "·· i ~ ,. 4.~~l • \.' .• ).i. •••••• 3ti ' ..... ' ..... 1 " ! 1 ,., ... ,..,_ ~---· ..... j..'p~ ~,_'. t··· :'. "\ ' __ ... '\ .----::;;7.(\;.... I I,; I •1 ;,_....,.--\j i ~:-> :::~;::~~;:~;;:iN~ J .\ _,;:.-·-"·-·r '". c,:: .........