BYLAW - Sale of Lands - 19830831 - 260783BY-LAW NO. 2607-83 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA A BY-LAW TO APPROVE THE SALE OF CERTAIN LANDS TO TETRA PAK INC. FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT AND CARRYING ON OF AN INDUSTRIAL OPERATION. WHEREAS, this Municipal Corporation is now seized and possessed of the lands mentioned in SchE?dule "A11 appended hereto; AND WHEREAS, by virtue of Section 210 (50) of the Municipal Act, R.S .0. 1980, Chapter 302, this Municipal Corporation is empowered to sell lands for municipal purposes and specifically to sell lands for the purposes of sites for the establishment and carrying on of industries or industrial operations and uses incidental thereto; AND WHEREAS, the lands mentioned in Schedule "A" have been sold by the Corporation for the development of an Industrial Site; AND WHEREAS, Tetra Pak Inc. has agreed to purchase the lands mentioned in Schedule "A" for the development of an industrial site; AND WHEREAS, this Municipal Corporation has undertaken certain commitments with respect to the new Engelhard Drive, as set forth in an undertaking dated August 22, 1983 given to Tetra Pak Inc., a copy of which is attached hereto as Schedule "B" IDW THEREFORE, The Municipal Corporation of the Town of Aurora hereby enacts as By-Law 2607-83 of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora the following: (1) The sale and conveyance to Tetra Pak Inc., of the lands now mentioned in Schedule "A" is Pereby approved by this Municipal Corporation, the said lands no longer being required for the purpose of this Municipal Corporation. (2) That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and execute under seal of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora all documents necessary to effect the sale of these lands mentioned in Schedule "A" by this Municipal Corporation to Tetra Pak Inc., including (a) The Transfer dated August 22, 1983 and registered on the 22nd day of August 1983 as Instrument No. LT 1383470; (b) The Undertaking dated August 22, 1983 a copy of which is attached here.to as Schedule "B"; (c) The Direction dated August 22, 1983 a copy of which is attached hereto as Schedule 11 C11 • READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS~/ DAY OF AUGUST, 1983. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS .} / DAY OF AUGUST, 1983. ,.,_i BY-LAW NO. 2607-83 SCHEDULE "A" ALL AND SINGULAR that certain Parcel or Tract of land and premises lying and being part of the Town of Aurora, in the Regional Municipality of York, in the Province of Ontario and being composed of the whole of Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12; parts of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 13; part of Engelhard Drive; and parts of Blocks 36 and 46 according to a Plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division oflbrk Region (No. 65) as Number M-2012, all being more particularly designated as Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 37 and 38 on a Plan of Reference filed in the said Registry Office as Number 65R-6284. TO: AND TO: RE: SCEHDULE "B" TO BY-LAW NUMBER 2607-83 U N D E R T A K I N G TETRA PAK INC, OSLER, HOSKIN & HARCOURT its solicitors The Corporation of the Town of Aurora sale to Tetra Pak Inc. Parts, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,37 and 38, Plan 65R- Aurora In consideration of, and notwithstanding, the closing of the above-noted transaction, The Corporation of the Town of Aurora hereby undertakes as follows: l. To enac·t a by-law authorizing the acquisition of Engelhard Drive on Plan M-2012; Aurora, for municipal purposes; 2. To enact a by-law authorizing the acquisition of Parcel 2-2, Section 65M-2012, Aurora for munici,Pal purposes; 3. To enact a by-law authorizing the part of Parcel 1-1, Section 65M-2012, parts 5, 8 and 34, Plan 65R-· municipal purposes; acquisition of Aurora, being Aurr.>ra,-for 4. To enact a by-law authorizing the selling of part of Parcel 1-3, Section 65M-2012, Aurora, being parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 37 and 38., Plan 65R- to Tetra Pak Inc.; 5. To enact a by-law dedicating an2 assuming the net'i Engelhard Drive on Plan M-2012,· being parts 36, 35, 34, 33, 32 and 24 on Plan 65R-, Aurora, once the said new Engelhard Drive has been constructed by Tripsed Investments Limited according to the plans and specifications of the Town; 6. Until the said new Engelhard Drive has been dedicated and assumed, to allow Tetra Pak Inc the right to access to its property by crossing over the new Engel·hard Drive, being parts 36, 35, 34, 33, 32 and 24 on Plan 65R-· , Aurora, or by crossing over Block 46, Block 45, Block 40, or Block 39 on Plan M-2012, Aurora, provided that the place of access is at a mutually agreed upon place. DATED at Aurora, this 22nd day of August, 1983. TION.OF THE TOWN OF AURORA