BYLAW - OPA #25 - 19830606 - 257583• •,. AMENDMENT NO. 25 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE AURORA PLANNING AREA ·. BY-LAW NUMBER 2575-83 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN 0 AURORA Being a By-law to adopt Amendment No. 25 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area. The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora in accordance with the provisions of Section 17(1) of The Planning Act enacts as follows: l. 2. 3. Amendment No. 25 to the Official Plan of the Aurora I . Planning Area, consisting of the attached explanatory text, is hereby adopted. That the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Aurora make application to the Ministry of Housing for approval of said Amendment. The Clerk is hereby authorized and empowered to make or cause to be made on behalf of this Corporation such application as may be necessary to the Hinistry of Housing for approval of said Amendment and to execute under the Corporate Seal such documents as may be required for the above purposes. REAp _A FIRST AND SECOND TIHE THIS. S. ... DAY 19.W . /)-. OF. ~~t&. ..... .. Rld.t.~~~ HAYOR~·~· ... ..... 41£1~ .. CLiE~;-·vy{- b PASSED THIS ............... DAY OF AMENDMENT NO. 25 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE AURORA PLANNING AREA PART II: THE PREAMBLE 1. TITLE AND COMPONENTS This amendment.comprising the text ~nd schedule shall be known as Amendment 25 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area. 2. THE PURPOSES The purpose of this amendment is to: (1) Change the land use designation applying to the subject lands from "Rural" to "Urban Residential'' and ''Open Space•·. 3. LOCATION The subject lands are part of lot 75 Concession 1, W.Y.S. as shown on Schedule "A" which forms part of the amendment. 4. BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT This amendment has been enacted by council in response to the following: I (1) The Council of the Town of Aurora enacted Official Plan Amendment #11, w~ich encompassed part of the subject lands, on August 22nd, 1979. Amendment #11 proposed ~o redesignate the lands in question from "Ru11al" to "Suburban Residential". The site was to be serviced with municipal water and individual sewage disposal systems. During the dirculation of that amendment a number of negdtive comments were made by provincial minist~ries and The Regional Municipality of York. (2) (3) (4) ( 5) The Ministry of the Environment expressed concern with the concept of development on partial services within the Central York Servicing Area as such developmehts tend to compete with developable areas wlfthin the fully serviced area. The Ministry expressed the opinion that development pribrity should be given to lands designated for\ full services. The current amendment would designate the lands for urban residential, thus require full municipal services. I The Region of York expressed con<eern that the population levels approved by Regional Council might be exceeded if the subjectllands were permitted to be developed. Drafi plans have now been approved, and registration of plans is pending for a considerable paJt of the "Aurora West" area. Population :Ilevels, based on the number of lots proposed, ~ill be considerably less than was origirlally envisioned in the "Aurora West" area. SincE~ the original Aurora West plan includes 9050 pdpulation, • I the subJect amenrlment has the ef~ect of including the subject lands withim that population allocment. l The owners of the subject propert have undertaken a detailed engineeringLreport which has determined, with some s 1 wer imFrove- ments, sufficient. sewer capacity ["s available to serve the site. Council is of the opinion ~hat a fully serviced development in this location is more compatible with the existing serviced develop- ment to the north, across Hendersbn Drive. Council has approved an Urban Sertices Boundary intended to serve as a guideline for land owners as to the limits to which ~ervices will be extended. This policy is\to be reviewed by Council from time to ~ime. The subject lands are within the area which is intended to be provided with full municipal services. '• ··· . ., . ·----~-------~:..·_:.._:..:......:.:.~ ... ~'"-~-'·-·~· .·~·='"''"',.,;=..;,do..~"'"''"'"""~.,;.,..,.,_=·',.,;'."''==-=·=~-~:-· -~-~l---- (6) '. 1. The South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority have recently released a studylentitled ''The Significant Areas Study". Thiq study identifies the subject site as being within an Aquifer Recharge Zone and suggests that an "environ- 1 . I menta lmpact statement prepared by an experienced and qualified profJssional" be carried out to demonstrate that the changes in land use will not adverselylaffect the natural amen~ties of the area. A study of this nature has been prepared but it has not yet been approved by the South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority. Amendment No. 25 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN PART III: THE AMENDMENT STATEMENT OF PRINCIPLES AND POLIGIES GOVERNING AMENDMENT N0.24 1. The Official Plan is amended as follows: That Schedule nAn to the Official Plan to the Aurora Planning Area · (i) is hereby amended by changing the land use category on the subject lands, part of Lot 7 51, Concession 1, W.Y.S., from Rural to Urban Residential and Open Space. (ii) That Section 4. part 4.c. is amended by adding the following as (ix): urn areas identified as ".Aquifer Recparge Zonesu an Environmental Impact Statement shall be prepared which is satisfactory to Council and the South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority." .. AMENDMENT NO. 25 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE AURORA PLANNING AREA PART I: THE CERTIFICATION The explanatory text constituting Amendmenr No. 25 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area, was adopted by the Council of the Town of Auro~a by By-law No. 25 in accordap.g__e with Section J7 of_ Thb Pla~ning Act on the ..... .fb. ( fi ... day of. . . . Y.A! F. . . . 19. 15.-) . . . . . . . ¥fl.:!a:-~/ CLE{Kw.~.r This Amendment to the Official Plan of the Aurora Plan- ning Area which has been adopted by the Council of the Town of Aurora is hereby approved in accorciance with Section 17 of The Planning Act, as Amendmeft No. 25 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area.