BYLAW - Aquisition of Lands - 19831219 - 262783. ' _,, BY-LAW NO. 2627-83 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA A by-law to approve the acquisition of certain lands from Old Park Holdings Limited to establish an Industrial park in the,Town. of Aurora. WHEREAS by virtue of paragraph 50 of section 210 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980, c.302, this Corporation is empowered to acquire land for the purposes of sites for the establishment and carrying on of industries and of industrial operations and uses incidental thereto; AND WHEREAS Old Park Holdings Limited has agreed to sell to this Corporation the lands mentioned in Schedule "A" appended hereto (hereinafter referred to as the "Lands") ; AND WHEREAS this Corporation requires the Lands for the aforementioned purposes and such other lawful purposes as may ·from time to time hereafter be appropriate; AND WHEREAS by Resolution date April 18, 1983, a true copy of which is appended hereto as SchedUle "B" (hereinafter referred to as the "Resolutionf'), the Municipal Council of this Corporation resolved that the lands mentioned in Schedule "A" be purchased by this Corporation fo:v the aforementioned purposes. AND WHEREAS pursuant to the Resolution, this Corporation, as purchaser, entered into an Agreement of Purchase and Sale dated April 21, 1983 with Old Park Holdings Limited, as vendor, to purchase the Lands. ' AND WHEREAS pursuant to the Resolution, the said Lands were purchased by this Corporation by Transfer dated May 12, 1983 and registered on the 12th day of May 1983 as Instrument No. LT122340. NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal council of the Town of Aurora, hereby enacts as By-Law No. 2627-83 of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora the following: (1) That the Resolution of the Municipal Council dated April 18, 1983 and appended hereto as Schedule "B" be ratified. (2) That the Municipal Corporation hereby approves the acquisition of the Lands in the manner aforementioned for the purposes of this Corporation. (3) That the Mayor and Clerk of this Munici:pal Corporation be authorized to sign and execute under the seal of the Corporation of The Town of Aurora the Agreement of Purchase and Sale dated the 21st day of April 1983 between the Corporation of The Town of Aurora, as purchaser, and Old Park Holdings Limited, as vendor, respecting the Lands. (4) That the Mayor and Clerk of this Municpal Corporation be au.thorized to sign and execute under the seal of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora all documents necessary to effect the purchase and works required for the acquisition and servicing, of the Lands for industrial sites when clear title to the lands is available. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS DAY~983. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS /fit.. DAY c;;=~·=~,Ji_, 1!983. Mayor Clerk SCHEDULE "A" TO BY LAW # 2627-83 \ ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of and and premises being in the Town of Aurora, in the Regional Municipality of York and Province of Ontario, being composed of part of Lot 80 in Concession I of the Geographic Township of Whitchurch in the County of York designated as Part 1 -on a plan of survey deposited in the Land Registry Office for -the Land Titles Division of York Region, at Newma< ket (No. 65) as Plan 65R-4704. TOGETHER WITH a right-of-way, described in Instrument 748B, over part of said Lot 80 designated as Part 4 on Plan 65R-4704. WHICH LANDS are more particularly described as the whole of Parcel 80-3, in the Register for Section W-1, Aurora. ' . TOWN OF AURORA ONTARIO SCHEDULE "B" TO BY-LAW # 2627-83 _________ A_P_R_I_L_l_S ___ 192 ''E.BUCK II "M. PAIVIO'' Moved By --------'==-=----------Seconded By --------------- AMENDMENT Resolved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to carry out Council's direction and sign all necessary papers for the purchase of lands owned by Old Park Holdings Limited, and known as Par l, Plan 65R 4704, for industrial purposes; Resolved that the cost of the land, $712,500.00 be included i.n the resolution. CARRIED. CARRIED "RICHARD ILLINGWORTH'' Mayor TOWN OF AlJH01l21:-LAW No.,16J/-~3 "'F ·~ ... I'V""" N .. ~ ~., '· i• j i t ~ -·· l" !_ ' t,., <·.; OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA "83 NOV 18 AlO :14 A by-law to approve the acquisition of certain lands from OLD PARK HOLDINGS LIMITED tc establish an Indus.triF~l park in The Town of Aurora. tiL~ · · COM. TRS. WI\$ !£N<.). SOL nLOG. El·l.AW (;(... ,tt;M WHEREAS by vif'to~ d':f~'[furatgtaph 50 of section 210 of The Municipal Act, R.S.O., 1980, c.302, thi' Corporation is empowered to acquire lands for municipa) purposes and specifically to acquire land · for the purposes of sites for the establishment and carrying on of industries and of industrial operations and uses incidental thereto; AND WHEREAS OLD PARK HOLDINGS LIMITED has agreed to sell to this Corporation the lands mentioned in Schedule "A" appended hereto (hereinafter referred to as the "Lands"); AND WHEREAS this Corporation requires the Lands for the aforementioned purposes and such .!:: other lawful purposes as may from time to time hereafter be appropriate; · cu •. P io,t7&s· AND WHEREAS by Resolution dated#'0·a true copy of which is appended hereto as Schedule "B" (hereinafter referred to as the "Resolution"), the Municipal Council of this Corporation resolved that the lands mentioned in Schedule "A" be purchased by this Corporation for the aforementioned purposes. AND WHEREAS pursuant to the Resolution, this Corporation, as purchaser, entered into an Agreement of Purchase and Sale dated April 21, 1983 with Old Park Holdings Limited, as vendor, to purchase the Lands. AND WHEREAS pursuant to the Resolution, the said Lands were purchased by this Corporation by Transfer dated May 12, 19~3 and registered on the 12th day of May, 1983 as Instrument No .. LT122340. . ·.. ,26:J.7 .... · NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of The Town of Aurora, hereby enacts as By-law No. -i)' of tl:.; Corporation of The Town of Aurora the following: · • ru . ....Q /6/B .. (1) That the Resolution of the Municipal Council dated .,-ana ;'(ppended hereto as Schedule "B" . be ratified. · (2) That this Municipal Corporation hereby approves the acquisition of the Lands in the manner aforementioned for the purposes of this Corporation. (3) That the Mayor and Clerk of this Municipal Corporation be authorized to sign and execute under the seal of The Corporation of The Town of Aurora the Agreement of Purchase and Sale dated the 21st day of April, 1983 between The Corporation of The Town of Aurora, as . purchaser, and Old Park Holdings Limited, as vendor, respecting the Lands. · (3) That the Mayor and Clerk of this Municipal Corporation be authorized to sign and execute . under the seal of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora all documents necessary to · effect the purchase and works required for the acquisition and servicing, of the Lands for industrial sites when clear title to the lands is available. STRATHY, ARCHIBALD & SEAGRAM BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS TOWN Of 1\tiBOF .. .. ; \1 i' ~. ·,i Ii F ~~ 1: ~,, l' r.. ~-: C. ROGER ARCHIBALD, Q.C. NORMAN O. SEAGRAM, O.C. MONTGOMERY atLNN~ 1~ ~--· 38TH FLOOR COMMERCE COURT WEST RICHARDS. THOMSON, Q.C. GEO~GE A. WILSON, Q.C. ft, DOUGLASS. HUNTER, Q.C. HARRY R. VANDERLUGT KEVIN R. AALTO JOHN M. WHYTE STEPHEN P. JOHNSTON JON VENUTTI KENNETH T. ROSENBERG PHILIP W. THOMPSON STEPHEN R. CLARKE WILLIAM J. BURDEN DOUGLAS D. LANGLEY KARON C. BALES DAVID B. LIGHT ANDREW D. IIRANDS PHILIP J. B. HEATH COUNSEL THOMAS F. C. COLE. Q.C. LESLIE A. WITTLIN GEORGE VUKELICH ,1 WILLIAM'· w.lgijj<• NOV 1 CJ ELIZABETH M. WAIGHT JOHN C. LONDON A10 :13 BOX 438 COMMERCE COURT POSTAL STATION TORONTO, CANADA M5L 1.J3 WILLIAMJ, H. OSTRANDER~-~~) W ROD~!:f fr.:"P ~DE __, • TELEPHONE (416) 862-7!525 . .....,..-ll.;; -"" .---' -· CABLE "SASCLA.W" L-' .... --: RS-'.lh.-... ;:_ .... •::..-TELEXO&!I-21776 :::0:·· ~i oG. B-;_:: .. \,, o:..:.:.. .• .-~.;.;,.,.ELECOPIER (416) 862·71561 PLG: f-IRE o.L.f. Tox Box 42 C-Q. -~"" . .._ AM-305 c-&fla~~ ~· ~F~O FILE NO . . November 15, 198r )" Town of Aurora 50 Wellington Street West Aurora, Ontario L4G 3L8 ATTENTION: K.B. Roger, Esq. Dear Sirs: Re: Town of Aurora purchase from Old Park Holdings Limited Part of Lot 80, Concession 1, E.Y.S., (formerly Township of Whitchurch) Further to our letter dated August 30, 1983, please find enclosed herewith a draft copy of a By-law authorizing the acquisition of the lands from Old Park Holdings Limited. If the form of this By-law is satisfactory, would you please have it placed before the Municipal Council for the Town of Aurora in order that it may be enacted as a By-law of the Town of Aurora. Please note, that before the draft By-law should be put before the Municipal Council that there are certain additions which must be made to the draft By-law that we have forwarded to you. We have highlited the additions in yellow. One of the additions refers to a Resolution of the Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora. If in fact there was no such Resolution, the following amendments should be made to the By-law: 1. 2. 3. 4. Recital No. 4 should be deleted; Recital No. 5 shouid be amended to read as follows, " AND WHEREAS this Corporation, as purchaser, entered into an Agreement of Purchase and Sale dated April 21, 1983 with Old Park Holdings Limited, as vendor, to purchase the Lands."; Recital No. 6 should be amended to read as follows, "AND WHEREAS the said Lands were purchased by this Corporation by Transfer dated May 12, 1983 and registered on the 12th day of May, 1983 as Instrument No. LT 122340."; and Paragraph 1 of the By-law should be deleted. Regarding the By-law authorizing the sale of these lands for the establishment of an Industrial Park, we will forward to your office draft by-laws authorizing the individual sales once the Town of Aurora has entered ... /2 Sl'RATHY, ARCHIBALD & S&AGRAM The Town of Aurora November 15, 1983 Page 2 into Agreements of Purchase and Sale for the individual lots. WRRP:rb Encl. Trusting the above is satisfactory. Yours truly, STRATHY, ARCHIBALD & SEAGRAM Per: \1. ~~?,J.sL W. Rodney R. Pryde SCHEDULE"A" \ ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of and and premises being in the Town of Aurora, in the Regional Municipality of York and Province of Ontario, being composed of part of Lot 80 in Concession 1 of the Geographic Township of Whitchurch in the County of York designated as Part 1 -on a plan of survey deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of York Region, at Newma ket (No. 65) as Plan 65R-4704. TOGETHER WITH a right-of-way, described in Instrument 748B, over part of said Lot 80 designated as Part 4 on Plan 65R-4704. WHICH LANDS are more particularly described as the whole of Parcel 80-3, in the Register for Section W-1, Aurora. -------~:..:.!: _ _:_ ____ ,, ____ ,~····--· _: TOWN OF AUP.U~f-LAWNO. RF.~'fP!f·r-, .,_~_,_,v ·"' OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA "83 NOV 18 A10 :14 A by-law to approve the acquisition of certain lands from OLD PARK HOLDINGS LIMITED tc! establish an Industrial park in The Town of Aurora. ~tLC . COM. TRS. V/i\S. £1~(;. SOL. &LOG. 6-LAW CL nct WHEREAS by vifto~ o"i~"par.lgi-aph 50 of section 210 of The Municipal Act, R.S.O., 1980, c.302, this. Corporation is empowered to acquire lands for municipa) purposes and specifically to acquire land for the purposes of sites for the establishment and carrying on of industries and of industrial operations and uses incidental thereto; AND WHEREAS OLD PARK HOLDINGS LIMITED has agreed to sell to this Corporation the land! mentioned in Schedule "A" appended hereto (hereinafter referred to as the "Lands"); AND WHEREAS this Corporation requires the Lands for the aforementioned purposes and sue!' other lawful purposes as may from time to time hereafter be appropriate; AND WHEREAS by Resolution dated *, a true copy of which is appended hereto as Schedule "Ell (hereinafter referred to as the "Resolution"), the Municipal Council of this Corporation resolvec that the lands mentioned in Schedule "A" be purchased by this Corporation for the aforementionec purposes. .. AND WHEREAS pursuant to the Resolution, this Corporation, as purchaser, entered into ar •' Agreement of Purchase and Sale dated April 21, 1983 with Old Park Holdings Limited, as vendor, to purchase the Lands. AND WHEREAS pursuant to the Resolution, the said Lands were purchased by this Corporation b> Transfer dated May 12, 198_3 and registered on the 12th day of May, 1983 as Instrument No LT122340. NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of The Town of Aurora, hereby enacts as By-law No. ~ of tl::e Corporation of The Town of Aurora the following: (1) That the Resolution of the Municipal Council dated * and appended hereto as Schedule "B' be ratified •. (2) That this Municipal Corporation hereby approves the acquisition of the Lands in th~ · manner aforementioned for the purposes of this Corporation. (3) That the Mayor and Clerk of this Municipal Corporation be authorized to sign and execute. under the seal of The Corporation of The Town of Aurora the Agreement of Purchase am·· Sale dated the 21st day of April, 1983 between The Corporation of The Tow!) of Aurora, a1 purchaser, and Old Park Holdings Limited, as vendor, respecting the Lands. (3) That the Mayor and Clerk of this Municipal Corporation be authorized to sign and execut1 · under the seal of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora all do.cuments necessary t~ effect the purchase and works required for the acquisition and servicing, of the Lands fo1 industrial sites when clear title to the lands is available.