BYLAW - Designate School Zone - 19831017 - 261283.I i \ BY-LAW 2612-8~ OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING a By-law to designate a School Zone on portions of Murray Drive and Glass Drive. WHEREAS Section 109 (4) of the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1980 Chapter 198, as amended, enables Council to designate certain portions of highways adjoining a school as being a School Zone; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora deems it expedient to designate portions of Murray Drive and Glass Drive as being a School Zone, and to prescribe a reduced speed limit therefor; NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1) 2) 3) 4) THAT the portion of Murray Drive lying in and between a point 150 metres north of Regency Acres Public School and a point 150 metres east of St. Josephs Separate School be and is hereby designated as a School Zone. THAT the portion of Glass Drive lying in and between the Murray Drive intersection and a point 150 metres west of St. Josephs Separate School be and is hereby designated as a School Zone. THAT pursuant to Section 198 (4) (b) of the Highway Traffic Act, the prescribed speed limit .. on such highways shall be 40 kilometres per hour, on the days in which school is regularly held, between the hours of 8.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. on such days. THAT this By-law shall come into force and be effective upon final passage thereof, and when proper signs have been erected and are on display. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS /71H DAY OF 0 C.. T c? 8 E TZ 1 I Y 8 3 · READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS /'7 T.f· DAY OF 0C.. /o 8t: 7<., 1 9 53 MAYO CLERK