BYLAW - Appoint Members of Ad Hoc Committee - 19830606 - 258183' ' . ' . :~· -~·~~·~~·-·~'~·~-~~~--·--~-·. _ .. ··:_-----·~· ·,:__-•. -· -· ~-~-~-· ~,_;.=~•-"'~· . ~-~__,_·=~~"-'-""'...,'·"·'==-";•'="'-'<~~-~=-~-:u:.; ..... ._____.~,-; __ ·------~·-------·-"-'---"""',.,._~~-•-·~-~-·"--•·"--'-·--~ ·("··-: .• ..._ ! \ : i ! I ~ BY-LAW 2581-83 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN A by-law to establish an Ad Hoc Committee of appoint the members thereof. OF AURORA bouncil and to WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora are desirous of establishing an Advisory Committeb of Council, the duties of this Committee will be to advisb and recommend for Council's consideration the implementatioh of the Downtown Planning Study. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: 1. 2. 3 . 4. The name of the Ad Hoc Committee shall be: Commercial Development Advisory Committee. I The Committee shall consist of the following seven (7) members: I (i) Chairman of the Planning Commitfee of Council, (ii) Chairman of the Economic Development Committee (iii) ( iv) (v) (vi) of Council, I A representative of the Public at large, i A representative of the Aurora Chamber of Commerce, I A representative of the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Commi tteel, A representative of the Business~' Improvement Area (vii) A representative of all Merchanfs in Aurora. Appointments to the Committee will be for a term to I expire on November 30th, 1985. This by-law shall come into force. and upon final passing thereof. Read a First and Second Time on this 16th day of May, 1983. finally passed this day of Clerk