BYLAW - Amend 2213 78 - 19830906 - 260183,' • I'' . ' [''" "=s-~··· BY-LAW NUMBER QfoOj-/?3, OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A ZONING BY-LAW WHEREAS certain amendments to Zoning By-laws 1863, 986 and 2142-77 have come into effect in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act. AND WHEREAS it is appropriate that corresponding changes be made to Zoning By-law 2213-78 which will come into force upon its approval by the Ontario Municipal Board effective the day of its passing being June 16, 1980. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: 1. Section 14.3. "Special Mixed Density Residential Exceptions" is hereby amended by adding the following as 14.3.4. 2. The existing building on Lot 16, Registered Plan 5, Town of Aurora designated R5-5 may be used for professional offices provided that a minimum of 7 parking spaces are provided to the rear of the building and provided that the required parking is screened in accordance with the provisions of Section 6.27.5. That Schedule 'A' Map 4 is hereby amended by changing the zoning category on Lot 16, Registered Plan 5 from R5 to R5-5. 3. That Section 29 is hereby amended by adding the following as Section 29.4 Exceptions. 4. 29.4.1. The lands at the northeast corner of Leslie Street and St. John's Sideroad, which are part of Lot 26, Concession 3, Town of Aurora may be used for the construction of 1 additional detached dwelling unit to be constructed in accordance with the provisions of Section 29.2. That Schedule 'A' map 4 is hereby amended by changing the zoning category on the lands shown in shading on Schedule 'A' attached hereto and forming part of this By-law is hereby amended from "I" to "I-1". FOR APPROVAL SEE ORDER ATTACHED TO BYLAW 2213-78 ... , .. .. . . ' '. .... ____ / •'' ' • I ~, • ' ' .. -2 - 5. The zoning category applying to the lands shown in hatching on Schedule 'A' attached hereto and forming part of this by-law is hereby amended from R2 to I-1. 6. That Section 28 is hereby amended by adding the following as Section 28.3 Exceptions. 2 8. 3. 1 The existing nursing home on the lands designated I-1 on Schedule 'A' Map 4, may be enlarged to the rear of the existing building to accommodate not more than 177 beds in total in accordance with the following specifications. Building Specifications Ground Floor (maximum) 1100 square metres Total Floor Area (maximum) 4750 square metres Building Heights (maximum) 11 square metres Number of Beds 177 Landscaping Specifications Open Space (including parking and driveways minimum 3625 square metres Parking Specifications Number of Spaces (minimum) Siting Specifications Front yard (minimum) 47 20 metres Side yard -one side (minimum) 2.5 metres the other side (minimum) Rear yard (minimum) 6 metres .7 metres 7. That Schedule 'A' Map 4 is hereby amended by changing the zoning category applying to the lands shown in dark outline on Schedule 'B' attached hereto and forming part of this By-law from "R2" to "RA3-l". 8. That Section 18 is hereby amended by adding the following as Section 18.3 Exceptions. 18.3.1 The lands designated "RA3-l" on Schedule 'A' Map 1, attached hereto and forming part of this By-law may be used for no other use than the following and in accordance with the following standards: ,, '·' '•,. - 3 - Density (i) Apartment Dwelling -68 units maximum. (ii) Apartment Dwelling Special containing 38 units maximum provided that all units are either bachelor dwelling units or 1 bedroom dwelling units. For the purposes of this property, an "Apartment Dwelling -Special" shall mean a separate building containing more than four dwelling units which shall be constructed under a programme administered through the Canada Mortgage and Housing Mandate. Yards: Front Yard Side Yards East West Rear Yard Building Height Floor area Bachelor 1 Bedroom 2 Bedroom 3 Bedroom 8 metres (min.) 7 metres (min.) 9 metres (min.) 9 metres (min.) 15 metres (max.) Minimum 37 square metres 55 square metres 65 square metres 75 square metres Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 6.26 the parking requirements for the subject lands shall be as follows: Apartment Dwelling -1.25 spaces for each unit Apartment Dwelling Special -.4 spaces for each unit. ,, ,•.' ' '' ,. -5 - (iii) Second Floor -Units 1-12, 15, 16, 17, 19-39 inclusive, dwelling unit for each unit. Units 13, 14, 18, 40 commercial uses as listed in (ii) above. Parking: Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 6.26 the parking requirement for the buildings on the subject lands shall be 240 spaces. Building Specifications: The arrangement of buildings, parking areas and landscaping shall be in general accordance with the layout indicated on Schedule 'C'. 13. That Schedule •c• is hereby added to By-law 2213-78. 14. That Section 11 is hereby amended by adding the following as Section 11.4 Detached Residential Second Density Residential (R2-2) Exception Zone. 11.4.1 Uses Permitted In accordance with Section 11.1 hereof. 11.4.2 Zone Requirements Lot Specifications Lot Area (minimum) 450 square metres Lot Frontage (minimum) 13.8 metres Siting Specifications In accordance with Section 11.2.2 hereof. Building Specifications In accordance with Section 11.2.3 hereof. 15. That Schedule 'A' Map 4 is hereby amended by changing the zoning category applying to the lands shown in dark outline on Schedule 'D' attached hereto and forming part of this By-law from "E.P." to "R2-2" and "0" as shown on Schedule 'D'. 16. That Section 31 is hereby amended by adding the following as Section 31.3 Exceptions. 31.3.1 Notwithstanding the above permitted uses the lands which are designated '0' on Schedule 'D' shall be used for no other purpose than landscaping. ~ 6 - 17. That Schedule 'D' is hereby added to By-law 2213-78. 18. That Schedule 'A' Map 4 is hereby amended by changing the zoning category applying to the lands shown in dark outline on Schedule 'E' attached hereto and forming part of this By-law from "I" to "R2-" and "0" as shown on Schedule 'E'. 19. That Schedule 'A' Map 2 is hereby amended by changing the zoning category applying to the lands shown in dark outline on Schedule 'F' attached hereto and forming part of this By-law from "H" to "R2" as shown on Schedule 'F I • 20. That Section 'A' Map 4 is hereby amended by changing the zoning category applying to the lands shown in dark outline on Schedule 'G' from "H" to "R2" and "0", as shown on Schedule "G". 21. That Schedule 'A' Map 4 is hereby amended by changing the zoning category applying to the lands shown in hatching on Schedule 'H' attached hereto and forming part of this By-law from "R3" to "R2-l" as shown on Schedule 'H'. 22. That Schedule 'A' Map 1 is hereby amended by changing the zoning category applying to the lands shown in dark outline on Schedule "I" attached hereto forming part of this By-law from "RU" to "E.R." and "E.P." as shown on Schedule 'I'. 23. That Schedule 'A' Map 2 is hereby amended by changing the zoning category applying to the lands shown in hatching on Schedule 'J' attached hereto and forming part of thi.s. By-law from "RS" to ''C2" as shown on Schedule 'J'. 24. That Section 6.26.1 is hereby amended by adding the following as Section Type of Building A supermarket located on part of Lot 6, Plan 36, Lot 7, Plan 36. Part of Lots 15 and 16, Plan 246, Lots 17, 18, 19 and 21, Plan 246. Minimum Parking Requiied S.S.parking spaces for each 90 square metres of commercial floor area. 25. That Section 9 is hereby amended by adding the following as Section 9.6 Exceptions. 9. 6. 1 Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 9.2.2 respecting rear yard the minimum rear yard required in Registered Plan M-42 shall be 15 m. 26. That Section 6.23 "Effect of Expropriation" is hereby deleted and the following added in its place. "6.23 Effect of Expropriation or Road Widening Where the dimensions of a lot are reduced by an expropriation or road widening, such reduction shall not prevent the use of the lot for a purpose or in such a manner; and a building or structure may be erected, altered or used thereon as would have been allowed for the lot as it existed prior to such expropriation or road widening." 27. That Section 21.2. 2 "Siting Specifications" is hereby amended by deleting clause two dealing with Exterior Sideyard provisions. 28. That Schedule 'A' Map 1 is hereby amended by changing the delineation of the Fill and Construction area boundaries applying to the area of part of Registered Plan 231 to those shown in hatching on Schedule 'K' attached hereto and forming part of this By-law. 29. Schedule 'A' Map 1 is hereby amended by changing the land use category of part of Part 1, on a plan deposited in the Land Registry office for North York as 65R590 which is located in Part of Lot 86, Concession 1, W.Y.S. from E.P. to RU as shown on Schedule 'K' attached hereto and forming part of this By-law. 30. That Schedule 'A' Map 3 is hereby amended by changing the zoning category applying to part of Registered Plan 231 from RU to E.P. as shown on Schedule L attached hereto and forming part of this By-law. -------------- -' REA!2 FIRS~ TI~THI .. ./0~ .. DAY OL.:Lq, /, '~:£, 1983. If (./"&~~~ ... ~MAY~R·...... .. . . ~--:--:--:-:-.-. :-:~~iJRi<·_~'ik_f;/·y R·E·~····A·.·S·E·C·O·'f!.·D··.-TF.~M.EE T T.AH.II.SS .... -j ... ~:..DAY OF .• .;:;?:"6: ./. ~~:/~83. M~<O~ ~c.-:~c,;;~~7 ofL) . READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS ..... t? ....... DAY OF ..... ~~ .... , 1983 • . . . eY~ ... ~,~ .d1 ... . MAYOR;~ r"·~---"' Ll ··-,.., .~ ' ' '' .. . ' ··PARr· oF LOT 1 a a_, 9 PLAN 30 TOWN OF AURORA THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK SCALE : 100 ·"' ~ ~ "'"' " I\• .... ... . I /l. I' , -·"' ·"' ,,.,o ,,.,o ~ ~q, ~~ 0 0 " q,· ""' . ........ .... ~ TYLER STREET ·"' ;:- ~ "0 " fo' ,..., THIS IS . SCHEDULE 'A' TO BY-LAW No. al' o I · 8; ~ • PASSED THIS b;ft{ DAY Of > ~-~ 19 b.J t<9'.~ ~JJ-~ A MAYOR . ·"' ' 0... "' ""' ~ .... ,:> it ,._ "' 0 m z SCHEDULE 1A1 TO BY-LAW ·No. al6o 1 ~ 8'.3 PREPARED FOR THE TOWN OF AURORA BY THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK - PLANNING DEPARTMENT DECEMBER 1 9 1 1982 THIS IS SCHEDULE 's' TO BY-LAW No. of/,'o /-1\.3 PASSED THIS kit:' DAY Of PART OF LOT 27, REGISTERED TOWN OF AURORA pLAN 2 4 6 . ;;o ""'?~,-l'""C I 9 Z1_ .{[/.+ Scale: I : 75 WELLINGTON STREET A I I rom 'R2 J . I I ··to RA3-l l.yA), »~ MAYOR · t:RiJM R2 1--- i /TO' .~ ftt2-IA' ~ LLJ "' . 0 g; "'_j 1!1-J ~·~ J J~•~NN~n~~~o~~~·£~.~4~2-~JB8~~-';I=/?~~-~.;I,==~N~n~0~4o~·s~o~·~~~47576J~~i · N7J 0 49'45'£ /6.70 SCHEDULE '8' TO BY-LAW No. __ _ I THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK -PLANNING DEPARTMENT " ' ~ .. ' . . .. DRAFT PLAN OF CONDOMINIUM OF . . . ··.PART OF LOT I, REGISTERED PLAN 246 . . . TOWN OF AURORA . - ' . ! ' . ) -~ NOT TO SCALE . CONVERT TO FEEl BY DIVIDING BY 0.3048. 4~ •• LOT 84. CCWC-cSSV/V I (KI/t/G TOW~'6li/P/ ·--------------·---------,----t-1---T i I . -FROM 'H 1 i. f ""o I'C4-I I ,.., , .... . R ,I , II N/8o.'J5't5"W N7Z 0 36'20'E 12.65 20.89 . + ' ' 1 t' / ,, ,·· • • CRCHARO HEIGHTS ·BOULEVARD SCHEDULE •c• TO BY-LAW· No. u.ar -a.J THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK -PLANNING DEPARTMENT . -:· ·PAfh of BLOCK A . ' ·REGtSTERED PLAN 550 ' TOWN OF. AURORA REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK SCA.LE I: 1000 0 ,5 10 20 :10 40 50 METRES DISTANCES SHOWN ON THIS P~AN ARE IN METRES AND CAN BE CONVERTED TO FEET BY DIVIDING BY 0.304B • PLA·N M-2034 I=' 'I=' p' . ron: - to 'R2 ·2 THIS IS SCHEDU~E ·~ TO BY-~AW No. J{;o!-b-.3 PASSED THIS 671tC QAY ·of . -·~~ 19&2._ 2:+ ~~G 4 . )A,~--. MAYOR · ,_ ltJ 0:: ,_ (/) SCHEDULE 'o' TO BY~LAW. No. __ _ THE' REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK -PLANNING DEPARTMENT BLOCK C 'REGISTERED PLAN 579 AND· PART OF LOT 78 I CONCESSION I, W. Y.S. TOWN OF AURORA THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK 'R2' "' "' 0: ~ 0 " ~ ~ ... '" GOLF COURSE .• 0 ~:: ~· 3.!!! 0 z THIS IS SCHEDULE 'E' TO BY-LAW No. V/, o/-~ 3 .PASS}}~ DAY OF ~19~ ,r=--=t7~~R~~+ ~ .. bJ/J.~~ MAYOR -- -- -- SCHEDULE 1E1 TO BY-LAW No. __ _ THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK -PLANNING DEPARTMENT '.' ., ' ' . PA.RT'~OF LOT .83 CONCESSION I WEST TOWN OF AURORA THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK SCALE I • 400. L u T "' =oiO --_con co..: --- ~··~ --il -- IN72032'oo'E --~et.oo LOT I I . \ : : / .. /'r--·- L--L.!....L.._..__..~.z / 1---- ---'\--- ' I --;----:--- --!---__ , -- . ...- ...... -\ ---_,. -,_- --'r----"',-:-- ---1-----+--. ~-~-- 1 --T-- -I_-- __ , __ _ ----j--- ' \ \. I I \ \ ~ : ..1. '-..l.-----1 .-------, ___ ,----,_ __ --... 1-----1 --1--- 1 82 I I From H. IR.21· !0 THIS IS SCHEDULE '~ TO BY-LAW No. db of-l 3 PASSED THIS b '/1( DAY OF ,·~ 19~1 ,(.(~ f.L.dJ. M. )L . . MAYOR \S 0 "' "' "' 0 "' z SCHEDULE 1Fr TO BY-LAW No. __ _ ....... " '-', ' . l,ot 1 ';' :"·.:PART OF LOT ' 78 THIS IS SCHEDULE 'G CONCESS I ON I w. Y. s. TO BY-LAW No~6 cJ 1-r 3 .. N F 0 ·A' PASSED THIS 67K DAY OF TOW 0 AUR R . . · ~ . 19~ THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF 'YORK -a~ ~;:IJ.~J MAYOR - SCHEDULE ;G1 TO BY-LAW No. __ THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK-PLANNING DEPARTMENT SEPT. 29, 1980 . ', ,' . PART OF LOT 77 I CbNCESSION I W.Y.S. '.. . ' TOWN OF AURORA THE REGIONAL .MUNICIPALITY OF YORK FORMERLY TOWN OF AURORA COUNTY OF YORK METRES 100 :;o 0 100 I > ··-I ' ..... , ·.·.·.·.··: _t I t. I t e. , to to T.4.26.41 200 DRIVE THIS IS SCHEDULE: 'H' TO BY-LAW No.d{, o 1-bJ PASSED TH~ DAY .. Jfj#. 19m _ ~ R+q4.~ MAYOR SCHEDULE 'H' TO BY-LAW No. ___ _ THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK -PLANNING DEPARTMENT OCT 31, 1979 :PART OF LOTS 74 a 75 CONCESSION I EAST OF YONGE TOWN OF AURORA THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK SCALE = 30 0 30 60 90m j ' SCHEDULE '1:' TO BY-LAW No. ____ _..;._ FEBRUARY. 10 I 19 8 2 .... . .;.·,, ,"'' .,.1 -!~ .. ,, .. - U) ,j -!! ROAD -----··--· ---··-----··------------. THIS IS SCHEDULE ·,· TO BY·LAW No. c/&o(-8 3 PASSED THIS b'f;t: DAY OF .,.e ~'b 19 $?3' 'j:~ .. hf~ .JJ~...- MAYOR · ' -~~l r ~ .. . ' ~~; ~~~~·:,ER ':·l :t ~i e <D "' "' L- .. ~ ·;\ ~.: ~. . .... i ,.. .· .. . . . . , PART OF LOT 6 , PLAN 36 . LOT 7 , PLAN 36 • , ... .PART OF LOTS 15 AND 16 , PLAN 246. LOTS 17, 18, 19 AND 21 , PLAN 246. CON. I , W. Y.S. TOWN OF .AURORA Scale: I• 1000 WELLINGTON. STREET SCHEDULE 1J 1 TO BY-LAW. No. __ _ THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY Of' YORK -PLANN/NrJ DEPARTMENT . ', ,:· 'TOWN . OF AURORA ,REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK THIS IS SCHEDULE 'R' TO BY-LAW No. e26 0 (-b3 PASSED THIS 6-K DAY OF ~?:&;;~:t:6 .· . I 9 . ?'J ~~ -t~6L~J · MAYOR SCHEDULE 'K' TO BY -LAW No. __ _ TH£ I?£GIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK -PLANNING O£PARTM£NT AUG. 29, 1983 ~~~~,,~, "''"-4-,, • i ''\<' ,: ·-·.11lWN OF AURORA REG,IONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK I 2 -, I I I RU ----r---- 1 ----1-----, WEL.L_If\JGTQN ______ ~IB~ET THIS IS SCHEDULE 'L' TO BY-LAW N a. c:J {, 0 I-2 0 PASSED THIS 6-K.. DAY OF A ;li:;lp.O.!., . I 9 .8.::1_ . ·f~/ ,, w ~ .. Juo~? MAYOR . EAST SCHEDULE 'L' TO BY -LAW No. __ _ THE REGIONAL MI.JNICIPALITY OF YORK -PLANNING DEPARTMENT AUG. 29, !983 DRAFT PLAN OF CONDOMINIUM OF . PART OF LOT I, REGISTERED PLAN 246. TOWN OF AURORA . NOT TO SCALE . CONVERT TO FEET BY DIVIDING BY 0.3048. LOT 84, e-"V!tlc,YS510N / (K,WG TOW/VS/i/P) THIS IS SCHEDULE 'c' TO BY-LAW No.dbo/ · '(,3 PASSED THIS kj'e; DAY Of ~ 19.8:.L. 7&@'+ ~-·LJ 4 ' :u,~~ - MAYOR ---'-.--------------------------,------H --- 1 I r-FROM 'H' to 'c4-!' aTCHARO HEIGHTS • · EKX.ILEVARO SCHEDULE 1C1 TO BY-LAW· No. 2-foO/-83 THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK ...,. PLANNING DEPARTMENT • ,I I , . ( ' f! I I ' ! : ·/