BYLAW - Amend 2213 78 (Greystones) - 19830711 - 259183. -' f J BY-LAW NUMBER c2 S' f' /-8$ OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A RESTRICTED AREA (ZONING) BY-LAW WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to amend By-law Number 2213- 78. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: 1. That the following is hereby added as Section 22.2.4 Exceptions: "Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 22.2.2 respecting front yard (minimum) and side yard (minimum) and Section 22.2.3 respecting lot coverage the minimum front yard setback for lots 3 and 4 Registered Plan 340 shall be 4.7 metres, the minimum side yard setback shall be nil and the maximum lot coverage shall be 45%.11 2. No part of this By-law will come into force until the provisions of the Planning Act have been complied with but subject to such provisions the By-law will take effect from the day of passing thereof. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS .... j/ H ... DAY OF --:--;-~,.4;!-. .:<.;-:.:7:'. • • • • • • • ' 1 9 8 3 • . . ~:t-J, fl .. ,li;\1,-JL ... MAYOR \1 ~ CLERK ....... -------~··· -~------.------·-·-- / l· I. / ... ·' / Schedule 2 By-law 2591-83 has the following purpose and effect: To amend By-law 2213, the By-law in force in the urban part of the Town of Aurora to permit a small addi t·ion to be constructed on the existing building the present use of which is the "Graystone 'I'avern". The coverage of the building on t:::1e lot is currently about 42% ofthe lot. The proposed addition which is about 3m (lu feet) by 5m (17 feet) twuld be used to streamline the existing kitchen facilities. The maximum permitted lot coverage is 35%. amendment would increase the"permitted coverage property to 45% • The subject of this ' I I I ' I ! ~ ! I J ' I I "1 ' . I . I I l ,, . I .I . I \ rtJWN DF NEWIIARK£7 J i" !f~hAltJ[//)'liJ'):LLI, L;;;,., )?;\ l ~ n ~ ~ I ~ CON. I W. Y. S. \~, TOWN OF 11/CHMONIJ HILL \"" ........ o "' .,. ... m ... ... .... ... ... ... TOWN OF '';;. ...'1"' 0 .. !!!! 11!!!!! ""' 11!!!!! ""' AURORA \ 11 -PROVINCIAl HIGHWAYS -~·--_,""""" ~-~r.HEDULE - \ .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;= - '' <.-) ~ ( . ,. ' ' :t: ···'P .·•. a uuta ~ .. 4' i Ontario Municipal Board IN THE MAftER OJ' Section 39 of Tha Planning Act (a.s.o. 1u!i. o. n!.i> , -ancl - Ill TUB MAHER OF an application by ~e CozporaUon of the Town of Aurora for approval of its Restricted A~a sy-law ~591-83 . D.a. MGRO&B Vice~cbahman ) ) ) Moneiay, ~e 23rd day of January, 1984 THIS APPLICATION coming on for public hearing this day and after the hearing of the application; THE BOAiW Oru>ERS that. By-law 2591-83 b hereby approved. SEC.RB'l'ARY