BYLAW - Amend 2213 78 - 19830906 - 259783; . _:· ... -• .:~ • )< '" -· BY-LAW NUMBER 2597-83 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NUMBER 2213-78 BEING A ZONING BY-LAW WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to amend By-law Number 2213- 78. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: 1. Section 6.26 is hereby amended by adding the following clause as Section 6.26.2. "The lands at the corner of Murray Drive and Yonge Street designated #1 on Map 4 of Schedule 'A' may be used as developed as of March 1, 1982 plus the addition of 1,700 square metres of commercial floor area provided that not less than 620 parking spaces are maintained on the site. Any further development on the site will require provision of additional parking as follows: 5.5 parking spaces for each ninety five (95) square metres of commercial floor area." 2. Section 23 is hereby amended by adding the following as Section "Notwithstanding the minimum front yard requirement specified in Section 23.2.2., the minimum front yard requirement for the existing building, containing a junior department store, on the lands at the corner of Murray Drive and Yonge Street designated #1 on Map 4 of Schedule 'A' shall be zero." 3. Section 24.2 is hereby amended by adding the following clause as section 24.2.5(a): "The loading requirement for the building on the lands in part of Lot 77, Concession 1 EYS shown as parts 1 and 2 on a plan deposited in the Land Registry office for the Registry Division of York North as 65R-2420 shall be two spaces. FOR APPROVAL SEE ORDER ATTACHED TO BYLAW 2213-78 - 2 - 4. Section is hereby deleted and the following clause inserted. 5. Secondary Schools: four (4) parking spaces for each teaching classroom. Schedule 'A', Map 1 to By-law 2213-78 is amended by changing the land use category on that part of Lot 21, Concession II, EYS and Lot 21, Concession III, EYS shown in hatching on Schedule 'A' Map 1 hereto and forming part of this By-law from RU and R to C3-l. 6. Section 22.3.1 is hereby amended by adding the following clause: "One detached dwelling unit per lot in accordance with the provisions of Section 8.2." 7. Section 3.40 Dry Cleaning Establishment is hereby deleted and the following added in its place: "Dry Cleaning Establishment means a building where dry cleaning, dry dying, cleaning or pressing of articles or fabric is carried on on the ground floor by means of dry cleaning machines or units and incidental equipment (1) in which only non- inflammable solvents are or can be used and (2) which omit no odour or fumes, noise or vibration causing nuisance or inconvenience within or without the premises. 8. Section 21.1, Section 22.1, Section 23.1 are hereby amended by adding dry cleaning establishment to the "Uses Permitted". 9. Section 6.3.5 is hereby amended by deleting clause (b) and adding in its place the following: "(b) "maximum width of ramp shall be 10 metres, minimum width of the ramp shall be 7.5 metre." 10. Schedule 'A' Map No. 3, is hereby amended by moving the zone line between the M2 and the R5 zones north of the centre street to the lot boundary between lot 1 and lot 2 Plan 107 as shown on Schedule 'A' Map 3 attached hereto and forming part of this By-law. (,-, ... ..., __ - 4 - these cases the written approval of the South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority is required. However, where any undertaking has been authorized pursuant to the provisions of the Environmental Assessment Act, 1975, this approval will not be required." 17. Section 6.32.2 is hereby amended by adding the following after the first sentence: "Notwithstanding the generality of the foregoing, this approval by the Corporation shall not be required for any undertaking which has • been authorized pursuant to the provisions of the Environmental Assessment Act, 1975. 18. Schedule 'A' Map 1 is hereby amended by adding thereto the "Fill and Construction Area" to Lot 86, Concession 1, EYS and Lot 26, Concession 2, EYS as shown in hatching on Schedule 'A' Map 1. 19. Section 6.41 "Trailer or Boat Storage" is hereby deleted and the following added in its place: "In any Residential Zone, no lot shall be used for th.e storage of any boat, tourist trailer, mobile home, truck camper or other similar vehicle in any yard except that a total of two (2) such vehicles may be stored in either a rear or interior side yard provided that in the case of a boat, the overall length shall not exceed seven decimal five (7.5) metres and in the case of a tourist trailer, mobile home, truck camper, or similar vehicle, said vehicle shall not exceed seven point five (7.5) metres in length, and provided such vehicles is not used for human habitation." 20. The land use category applying to Lot 65, Registered Plan 246 as shown on Schedule 'A' Map 4, attached hereto and forming part of this By-law is hereby amended from "R5" to "C2". 21. Section 18, Third Density Apartment Residential (RA3) Zone is hereby amended by adding the following as Section 18.3. .. ~-. 18.3.1. .·· K-<M.~---~'*'''''''''''>;Ji<s::>;;W=.=--<~~~-~-~· ~· -~·~-~-~·..:.:-~··-- - 5 - "Exception Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 18.2,3 respecting minimum height there shall be no minimum height requirement applying to Lots 1-8 inclusive Registered Plan lB and Lots 166 and 167, Registered Plan 246." 9tl REn A FIRSJl T~MIE. THIS ........ DAY .... ~/~La~~··· OF ... k C! ... · .~!.(. $~T.. ,~19 8 3. . / l:/1,~ ... ( /~ ~/ . <:A---' .~?: _:~· 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~u-r -( CLERK Rry A SE~O~D. }}:E ~S. /.cit/ DAY OF "/'~~J?·{/·;:;-:_~1J83 ~ .l~~-~A¥br~~·v·~··· ~~~if{${fJ!l· bQ/AJ READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS ............. DAY OF ····~······ 1983. -~~' •• '~~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 MA~~ ,. RESIDENTIAL ZONES CJL:I Rural aKJ Estate CHIJ Single Family Detached Dwelling First Density ~ Single Family Detached Dwelling Second Density CBTI Semi-Detac:hed & Duple)( Dwelling Third Density lfi4"J Tr~plex & Double Duplex Dwelling Fourth Density CBD Specilll Mixed Density om::J Row E:'weUing DIAD Apartment First Density IJfiD Apartment Second Density DiAD Apartment Third Density COMMERCIAL ZONES CCI] Local INDUSTRIAL ZONES CMIJ Restricted D.!II::l General c:ML] Extractive INSTITUTIONAL ZONES O...=J Institutional RURAL ZO"!ES CJilO Rural OpEN'SPACE ZONES a:i:CJ Environmental Protection C:o=l Major Open Space HOLDING ZONES ~Holding Fill & Construction Area [2J aD Central CC:U Highway aD Shopping Centre NOTE: Th Boundarln of tile En~lronmental Protection lone a11d the FlU B"<l Constru~tlon A<oa were ~lolled l<om mapping of the Soulh Lake Simcoe Conseryalion Autlo<>tlty which was prepared using lhe c'rlterle In Ontario Regulallon 782./74. For more accur3\e IOca:lon reference should be made to lhe original mapping • TOWN OF AURORA SCHEDULE 'A' to BY-LAW 2213·78 MAP No. 1 PREPARED BY THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK Planning Department b~~N! ;•;•e:~~,~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~;. __________________________ _. -19 - I I i ' I ·' , r·- ~,;;~~;~~~k~'~i.W;~~~~~IIi·'·iffitw#Wtra~:Jk~~-~;i;;;,:~W~~;:;<t;.~~i:~.$.t\~~Wlitt.i£~t.\~~~.mf'.a:~.w...:~~~·~llfinrw:w$w~ ~_:.~. CONCE'~-. ... ~JON J ·.··-~ l RS-1 _ l r/ ST. JOHN'S SIDEROAD c2 l 11 11 ~ ~ r WELLINGTON STREET RESIDENTIAL ZONES c::::K:J Rural [Jill] Estate []IT] Single Family Detached DweWng First Density c::l!:O Single Family Detached Dwelling ·Second Density c:::i'iiJ Semi-Detached & Duplex Dwelling Third Density Cl:lTI Triplex & Double Duplex Dwelling Fourth Density ~ Special Mixed Density r::; ;] Row Dwelling d p Apartment First Density d. .i:J Apartment Second Density ~ Apartment Third Density COMMERCIAL ZONES CI::D Local INDUSTRIAL ZONES CMIJ Restricted ~General c::M:D Extractive INSTITUTIONAL ZONES CI:::J Institutional RURAL ZONES C!!:liJ Rural OPEN SPACE ZONES [J;:L] Environmental Protection CQ::J Major Open Space HOLDING ZONES CH:::J Holding Fill & Construction Area f!!': ii(if%.J EAST aD Central aTI Highway o:TI Shopping Centre NOTE: The Boundaries of the Environmental Protection Zone and the Fill aud C.)ns!rtJc!Jon Ar:Hl w~r~ plotted from mDpplng of the Sot.:t!l Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority which was prepared using the criteria In Ontario Regulation 782/74. For more accurate location reference should be made to the original mapping • 'AWN llr, CARL CARNER -21 - I I £ Y S. RU ; = I ' >. = ' " n:_ )r THIS IS SCHEDULE 'A' TO BY-LAW. No.,R-5',.J'c8:l'PASSED TI·IIS b;f/ DAY_OF~~/_ g'$. CLERK'. ~:rrf!!:--.--. .. __ _ __ _ MAYOR,--~~------"~---- TOWN OF AURORA SCHEDULE 'A' to BY-LAW 2213·78 MAP No. 3 SCALE i 1' j j' 'j 'j t "j •m Oi•.', l J. ;;c; ,). X>~am PREPARED BY THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORII Planning Department ,. =l_ c 0 J -~ - ' ·--c.c 1. ' ' l ·-' " ., ' ~ ' ~ w E~ I ~' I RESIDENTIAL ZONES Cl'Cl Rural Ciill:l Estate ' ' ' ' H CJfiJ Single Family Detached Dwelling First Density [Jl]:J Single Family Detached Dwelling H NCE:SSI 0 N DRIVE INDUSTRIAL ZONES Ci\ITJ Restricted ~General [J[:[] Extractive INSTITUTIONAL ZONES Second Density CJ:J Institutional c:liTI Semi-Detached & Duplex Dwelling Third Density RURAL ZONES t::::RU Triplex & Double Duplex Dwelling CIDIJ Rural Fourth Density IT Special Mixed Density OPEN SPACE ZONES 'I STREET 01. i Row Dwelling []ji \Apartment First Density f"llkci Apartment Second Density £:!liD Apartment Third Density cmc:l Environmental Protection CJLJ Major Open Space COMMERCIAL ZONES -~Local ·aD Central ~Highway o::J:J Shopping Centre ',V{I'I',EARL OARKER HOLDING ZONES c:a:::J Holding NOTE: The Boundaries of the Environmental Protoctlon Zone and ll1e Fill and Construction Area wenl plotled from mopping of the South Lake Slmcoo Conservation Authority which wns prepared using the cr!terla In Ontario Regu!nlfon 7B2/74. For more accurate location reference should be made to tho original mapping. 22 •. IL !JJ/1 r/1 'r M1 TOWN OF AURORA SCHEDULE to 'A' .. BY-lAW 2213·78 MAP No. 4 SCAld :;: 'j' i 'i 'l' ±: "j "ff • .~ l l X ,). X '"'m PREPARED BY THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF. YORK Planning Department ···,~ : <( J ~ r F RESIDENTIAL ZONES CJLJ Rural O'ill::J Estate c 0 N RU H CJIT:J Sin~e Family Detached Dwelling First Density r:::llD Single Family Detached Dwelling Second Density c c:aD Semi-Detached & Duplex Dwelling Third Density r::::il:LJ Triplex & Double Duplex Dwelling Fourth Density OlD Special Mixed Density c::H:2:J Row Dwelling CF''J Apartment First Density [' ] Apartment Second Density C ] Apartment Third Density COMMERCIAl ZONES CJIT:] local c s s I 0 N ST. JOHN'S INDUSTRIAL ZONES CMIJ Restricted Oi1D General c:::i\1Ll Extractive INSTITUTIONAL ZONES C:::O Institutional RURAl ZONES Ol10 Rural OPEN SPACE ZONES SIDEROAD RU aD Environmental Protection CD Major Open Space HOlDING ZONES r:H:J Holding Fill & Construction Area [\';ii,:f•?i@ cc:LI Central ai:J Highway CI::l:J Shopping Centre NOTE: The Boundaries of the Environmental Protection Zone and the Fill nnd Construction Aiea were plotted from mapping of the South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority which was prepared using the criteria in Ontorlo Regulation 782/74. For more accurate location refere~•t.:tt ~:;hauid be made to tlu3 original mappi11g. !AirN8"Y,£ARl DARKt:R -20 - .I I w. Y. s. TOWN OF AURORA SCHEDULE 'A' to BY-LAW 2213·78 MAP No. 2 PREPARED BY "THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK Planning Department