BYLAW - Amend 2213 78 - 19830906 - 260083'--' BY-LAW NUMBER 2600-83 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NUMBER 2213-78 BEING A RESTRICTED AREA (ZONING) BY-LAW WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to amend By-law Number 2213- 78 to amend various typographical errors and minor omissions. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: 1. Section 3.17(3) is hereby amended by changing the word "main" in the second line to "mean". 2. Section 4.1 is hereby amended by deleting the word "Highway" under the title Commercial Zones and replacing it with the word "Service", by deleting the symbols of 'RR' and replacing it with 'R' and by the deleting Triplex and Double Duplex First Density Multiple Resi- dential and replacing it with Triplex and Double Duplex Fourth Density Residential. 3. Section 6.17.1 is hereby amended by changing the section numbe~ referred to in the third line from 3.53 to 3.47 and the Section Number referred to in the 5th line from 6.39 to 6.35. 4. Section 7.5 is hereby amended by changing the reference in the second line from RM to R6. 5. Section 14.4.3 is hereby amended by deleting the words "have certified" and replacing them with the words "be satisfied". 6. Section 15.2.2 is hereby deleted and the following added in its place. Siting Specifications Front Yard (minimum) 7. 5 Rear Yard (minimum) 7; 5 Side Yard (minimum) Exterior (minimum) 6 Interior (minimum) 1.5 Unobstructed Distance Between Buildings on the same lot 3 FOR APPROVAL SEE ORDER ATTACHED TO BYLAW 2213-78 metres metres metres metres metres ' - 2 - 7. Section 22.2.2 is hereby amended by adding the words "main building" after Front Yard and by adding the following clause below the Front Yard provision. Canopy over gasoline pumps 4.5 metres 8. Section is hereby amended by deleting the words "except that a canopy". 9. Section 24.2.4 is hereby amended by substituting the word "metres" for the word "feet". 10. Section 24.3.2 is hereby amended by changing the Section Number referred to in the last line from 6.35 to 6.31. 11. 12. Section 31.2.1 is hereby amended by deleting the word "square" in the third line. The title block on maps 1 through 5 inclusive is hereby amended by deleting the words "Single Family" and by changing the reference under "Commercial Zone" from "Highway" to "Service". ---------------------, . 13. Section 22.3.1 is hereby amended by changing the reference in the last clause from 19.4 to 19.3. 14. Section 21.2.1 is hereby amended by changing the Lot Frontage requirement from 10 square metres to 10 metres. 15. Section 3. 37 is hereby amended by removing the "a" before joining in the 6th line. 16. Section 3.33 is hereby amended by deleting the word 'stationary' in the 6th line and replacing it with 'stationery'. 17. Section 3.104 is hereby amended by deleting the word 'conducts' in the second line and replacing it with 'conduits'. 18. Section 3.117 is hereby amended by deleting the word 'comprising' and replacing it with 'comprised'. 19. Section is hereby amended by deleting the clause one (1.5) parking space for each teaching classroom and adding in its place 1.5 parking spaces for each teaching classroom. 20. Section 8 is hereby amended by deleting the second "R" after 'Rural Residential'. 21. Section is hereby amended by changing the reference from Section 11.2.2 to 10.2.2. 22. Section 12.2.3 is hereby amended by changing the require- ment for a one storey building from 900 square metres to 90 square metres. 23. Section 4 is hereby amended by changing the 'and' in line 4 to 'or'. 24. Section 25.1 is hereby amended by changing the reference in the last line from '24.4' to '25.4'. 25. Schedule 'A' Map 3 is hereby amended by changing the zone line between the R2 and R3 zones as shown on Schedule 'A' Map 3 attached hereto and forming part of this By-law. ~~ REt A FIRSTJZME THIS .. ~ .... DAY ... ·' ~ ~.: .... :-. A:4 .... MAYOR·~~, .· OF. 1._,~~ .• 01'~·~:; ~'l ~ "-C!-="'-"""--"-c,_,L"'E-""~~r ~'1J f)Y. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED ...... d.~ .... , 1983. R.~ J\. ~h-Al ··········~¥a;~··· b~ THIS ............. DAY OF CLERK ~~ ~oo~~,.~~---------------------.., IE.YS. CONC!: ... ~ .. ~JON t 1/ ST. JOHN'S '\ SIDEROAO --~ >\~ EP J \ r-0 I) ' RU l '>I r EP h ' EP ·~ H r---l r---l n ~ r WECUNGTON STREET RESIDENTIAL ZONES c::J[J Rural UlLJ Estate []IT] Single Family Detached Dwelling First Density O!J[J Single Family Detached Dwelling ·Secmid Density c::fiLJ Semi-Detached & Duplex Dwelling Third Density I:JlTI Triplex & Double Duplex Dwelling Fourth Density ~ Special Mixed Density C .J Row Dwelling [' J ft.partment First Density cL~,J Apartment Second Density r::IiAD Apartment Third Density COMMERCIAL ZONES c::liTJ Local INDUSTRIAL ZONES CMIJ Restricted c::M::Ll General Di!TI Extractive INSTITUTIONAL ZONES o:::J Institutional RURAL ZONES OU:O Rural OPEN SPACE ZONES ~ Environmental Protection CJLJ Major Open Space HOLDING ZONES CR::J Holding Fill & Construction Area ~ EAST ITD Central o:.:D Highway CWCl Shopping Centre NOTE: The Boundaries of the Environmental Proteclfon Zone and the Fill and Co:;s:~;.H:ti::m fl.:~3 ware p!cttcd from mapping of ths So~th Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority which was prepared using the criteria In Ontario Regulation 782/74. For more accurate location reference should be made to the original mapping • fAWN BY, ~ANL OlfNirE/f -21 - RU ,, I= I ,, '---++--------/111-1 b. ' J II TOWN OF AURORA SCHEDULE 'A' to BY-LAW 2213·78 MAP No. 3 PREPARED BY THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YOHK Planning Department