BYLAW - Amend 2142 77 (Hirkopoulos) - 19830620 - 258283-~-~-------~-,~•-r:"-"0'""~..:.'--'---·-------------'__..__._:·:..-~-·r,-""-~~~-M~"'~'""~~· ~-~=,=-"""'..t.""'="~"-""'""'"""""'=~=1.-"""'"";,..,.,,~-~~~•-·-~~--'-'--·-----:-----'--------·---------------~"'-----------·---------·~ CH f l?.kOPO/)i_OS) I l I >./ BY-LAW NUMBER ,;25'S ;;ll.-'13'~ I OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ' BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NUMBER 2142-77 WHEREAS 77. it is deemed ,,,,,,ble ,, •meod ,,_l•r Numb'" '1''- the Council of the Corporation of the Town of NOW THEREFORE Aurora enacts as follows: ! 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of By"law 2142-77 Section 5.1.3(1) one detached residentiai replacement dwelling may be erected and maintained oh the lands I 2. 3. shown in hatching on Schedule 'A' attachkd hereto and forming part of this By-law provided thaf: (i) the existing dwelling is demolished upon occupancy of the replacement dwelling, (ii) both dwellings shall not be occupiea at the same time. I All other provisions of By-law 2142-77 sball apply to the subject lands. No part of this By-law will come into fo~ce until the ! prov1s1ons of the Planning Act have beeni complied with but subject to such provisions the By-la& will take effect from the day of passing thereof. I lJ /. (, tl REAr~ A FIR~T ~If,E THIS ...... '.DAY .... ~.~~¥~~··· . R·E·A·D·~· .-.l.a.C.~~-D.·.~.I.~ ·'E T T)iHISS .... /.~. ic-.. ~.DAY OF .... ~r:~. -~ ... , 1983. MAYO~~~ .... ··~~ READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS .... ~ R ... DAY OF ............... , 1983. Q.~. 0 0 0 • 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • • • • 0 0 0 0 0 MAYOR . ' ' THIS IS SCH,EDULE 'A' > .PART OF LOT 10, REGISTERED PLAN 166 and PART OF LOT 71 , CONCESSION I TO BY-LAW No. ~l53,;;l_-8 3 . PASSED THIS 'zofd DAY OF J!Jj;4 TOWN OF . A\JRORA Regional· Municipality of York SCALE : .. I: 2500 ('': l.,.~ '!2..01411' .... (107.00' l " . I ,o,.,.s 70 .o.. 7 I N7Z036'30£ EN '-II 01 . O"'ANCE BEiWE . ROAD ALU "' SCHEDULE 'A' TO BY-LAW THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK -PLANNING No. -< ~'if z. ~ 8'.! DEPARTMEtT Schedule 2 By-law d58:::L-83 has the following purpose and effect: To amend By-law Number 2142-77 the By-lao/ in effect in the part of the Town of Aurora formerly in Whitchurch Township to allow the owners of the subject PfOperty to live in the existing residence on the property during the construction of a new home. I r Ontario Municipal Board IN THE MATTER OF section 39 of The Planning Act, (a.s.o. 1980, c. 379), . -and- ~::: ~~~a~io:no~P~;c;:;tn of Aurora for approval of ital Restricted Area By-law 2582-83 I ·-·· . . -------~------·~-·--~--- It 831587 lt.D. BINDRARM' Member J J J J J J Friday 1 th. 16th day I -and- J.E. HENDY Member of March, 1984 ) THIS APPLICATION having come on for public hearing and after the hearing of the application the council of lthe applicant 3 I -5) corporation having an opportunity .to consider !certain amend-:::> ', menta to the said by-law and the said council 1 having on the 5th day of March, 1984 passed B.Y-law 2658-84 Jm.nding B,y-law ~~ 2582-83 and incorporating certain recoiiiiiiBJldations of the Board I and having cauaed a certified copy thereof to be filed and I the Board having diapenaad with notice and he~in9 in respect ! of B,y-law 2658-841 I '1'BE BOA1tD OltDUS that B.Y-law 2582-83 as amenJ by B.Y-law ' I 2658-84 is hereby approved for a temporaey per~od expiring on the 30th day of June, U85. I I:· I i;' SECltftARY It~ 'I j ~ I